Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features In This Week’s Creative Mondays!! Hello friends, and how are you today? Happy Monday.

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features. 09/09 Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Weeks Featured Post. Hello lovelies. Welcome to my favourite blog hop of the week: Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Discover Hidden Treasures at Chanel Charity Shop & More – Explore today’s blog for exclusive insights into exquisite fashion finds, charity shop gems, and more from the world of Chanel. Uncover the allure of sustainable luxury with our latest feature. Also be inspired by stripes, home made dresses and cupcakes!

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features:

Hosted every Monday by Claire and Judy. (Claire Justine Oxox and Judy-H-JS Thought). A creative linky party where you can link up all your crafty post to style posts each and every week.

Don’t forget you can also tweet your links to me and I will RT the links to my follower and favourite them. I will also re tweet link you post to Twitter that you post from linky tools too. @ clairejustineo # Creative Mondays. By linking up you are giving me permission to maybe feature your post next week.

0nto this weeks featured posts:

09/09 Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Weeks Featured Post:

This weeks pinned posts and featured blogs are-

1.) Firstly, Sharon Over At Thrift My Style. Sharon always finds the most amazing bargains. Sharon from Thrift My Style always finds the most amazing bargain!! I love all her finds. How amazing would it be to find a Chanel bargain in a charity shop!! I must look harder!!

2.) Secondly, Catherine From Not Dressed As Lamb. I love Catherine from Not Dressed As Lambs outfit that she linked up last week. Beautiful photo too. Stripes always look so classic, don’t they?

3.) Thirdly, Peaches And Bees. Anne from Peaches And Bees hand makes the most beautiful dresses for her daughter. How beautiful is this dress!

4.) Fourthly, The Tip Toe Fairy. How yummy do these cupcakes look!? Yes please. Great for afternoon tea!

Grab the button if you have been featured!! So do you want to join us?

Linky Now Closed. Pop back on Monday for a new list as this one has now finished.

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features:

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features. So did you get inspired by my featured blogs this week? I know I did! Off to go look in some chairty shops, and make afternoon tea πŸ™‚

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Gluten Free Coffee Cupcakes: Dairy Free Too:

Firstly, Gluten Free Coffee Cupcakes. Dairy Free Too. Anyone for coffee cupcakes? Yes, please. So are you looking for a Gluten-free Cupcake recipe today? Are you a coffee fan at the same time too? Do you fancy making these: Gluten Free Coffee Cupcakes (Dairy + Gluten Free).

Light, moist and fluffy coffee cupcakes topped with a swirl of coffee buttercream. Also a double coffee hit for true coffee lovers. This recipe is also made using a gluten free sponge mix. Gluten Free Coffee Cupcakes: Dairy Free Too.

Secondly, Carrot And Hazelnut Cupcakes: Seriously, how cute are these Carrot Orange And Hazelnut Cupcakes? Also with the edible hearts and glitter, they make the lovelies cupcakes. Carrot, Orange And Hazelnut Cupcakes. These are so adorable. Almost too good to eat, I did say almost!! Ha-ha! So yummy.

Tips & Technologies To Improve Vehicle Safety:

Thirdly, Tips & Technologies To Improve Vehicle Safety. So if we do not follow safety steps and proper procedures, our car will definitely act up and lead to unexpected breakdowns. In a nutshell, for achieving a safe and sound driving experience you need to monitor regular inspection of your vehicle.

Modern technology has boomed and thankfully now we have proper tools to ensure road safety. Tips & Technologies To Improve Vehicle Safety.

Fourthly, Growing Old Gorgeously: Tips From Tristan Lee, The Gorgeousness Coach. It is inevitable that we all have to grow old. but some people don’t realise they are ageing until one day they look in the mirror and realise that they should have taken better care of themselves.Β Growing Old Gorgeously: Tips From Tristan Lee, The Gorgeousness Coach.

7 Easy Ways To Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable:

Fifth, 7 Easy Ways To Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable. The charity shops have updated their stock to all things summer and so many beautiful items in. They are selling fast because I spotted lots of dresses last week, which have now sold through.

So you really do have to buy it as soon as you see it. Especially at these prices. So today I picked 3 beautiful summer dresses up. One long white one with flowers on it. One long black one with cherries on it and a long brown polka dot dress. All to the ankles. 7 Easy Ways To Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable. 

Last But Not Least, No More Boring Salads. So step up your salad game with No More Boring Salads! Discover delicious and creative salad recipes that will make you fall in love with greens all over again. From vibrant flavours to innovative combinations, get ready to savour salads like never before. No More Boring Salads.

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features

Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features:

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. Chanel Charity Shop Finds And More Features.  Also, hit the home page to find my latest posts. I also hope you liked this post.  Also, follow Along On Facebook And Instagram for more food posts.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Renae of Simple Sequins
    10 September 2013 / 01:24

    Sorry I am so slow joining in on your meme! I decided to look around and then I have known about your hop for ages. Pardon me for not joining sooner. At this rate it is almost time for WW Linky, LOL.

  2. Jill Shepherd
    9 September 2013 / 23:15

    Thanks for hosting. Hope you have a fabulous week!

  3. Annie
    9 September 2013 / 14:54

    Thank you so much for featuring my ruffle top! What a wonderful way to start a new week for me :)Have a great week!

  4. Sharon S
    9 September 2013 / 09:57

    Hi Claire! Thank you so much for featuring me on Creative Monday with these other talented and stylish ladies! Wishing you a lovely week and will love to see the rescued coat styled up this coming season!! xxx

  5. amy mayen
    9 September 2013 / 02:38

    Thanks CJ!!

  6. Ellya Brill
    9 September 2013 / 02:15

    Thank you so much Claire!Hope you had a fantastic week end.Ellya

  7. Laura Lee
    9 September 2013 / 01:57

    Hi Claire, thanks for featuring my dress! Love your link up, so many great post in one spot! x

  8. Karren Haller
    9 September 2013 / 02:31

    What fun you have provided, thank you. Please stop y when you canOh My Heartsie GirlKarren

  9. Ana Lopes
    9 September 2013 / 01:38

    Thank you so much for hosting, Claire!Have a wonderful week!Hugs and love from Portugal, Ana Love Craft

  10. Amila Wickramarachchi
    9 September 2013 / 00:14

    the featured posts are so great!Thanks for hosting!Have a Great day!

  11. Navy Wifey Peters
    8 September 2013 / 23:57

    Thanks for featuring my scarf! Woohoo!!! πŸ™‚

  12. Chris
    8 September 2013 / 22:49

    Claire~Thanks for hosting!Awesome features…they all look amazing. So creative!Take care and God bless!

  13. Catherine Summers
    8 September 2013 / 21:38

    Thanks so much for featuring my Beatnik look, Claire! And oh my… HOW cute is the gorgeous little girl in the Peaches & Bee picture??!!! She's just adorable!!Thanks for hosting, hope you're well :)Catherine x

    • 9 September 2013 / 05:09

      Hi Catherine, thanks so much for joining us at the hop. Arr yes she is so adorable πŸ™‚

  14. Winnie
    8 September 2013 / 20:36

    Thanks for the party Claire!

  15. Judy Haughton-James
    8 September 2013 / 20:27

    Hello there Claire! It is good to be able to co-host again. The features look wonderful.

    • 9 September 2013 / 05:05

      Great to have you back Judy, thanks for co hosting πŸ™‚

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