Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some

Recipe c/o Lyle’s Golden Syrup.

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself. Happy Thursday. So how are you today? Love pancakes? I could eat some for breakfast everyday and never get bored. I love them that much!

Fancy making some Golden Syrup Pancakes?

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself

How To Make Golden Syrup Pancakes:

Basic Pancakes:

Makes 8

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes

You Will Need:

300ml full-fat milk

2 medium eggs

125g plain flour

25g butter, melted

Extra melted butter or vegetable oil for frying

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself

How To Make:

1.) Put the milk and eggs into a jug and whisk together.

2.) Put the flour into a large bowl, and make a hallow in the centre. Gradually pour the milk mixture into the centre, whisking as you pour continue whisking until you have a smooth batter, then whisk in the melted butter.

3.) Alternatively, put all the ingredients into a food processor or blender and whizz until smooth.

4.) To cook the pancakes, use a non-stick 18cm pan for best results. Heat the pan over medium heat until there is a slight haze coming from it.

5.) Brush the pan with butter or oil then pour in abut 70ml of batter, use a small ladle if available. Tilt the pan so the batter evenly covers the bottom of the pan.

6.) Cook for about 1 minute or until the liquid batter has set and the pancake is golden. Loosen the edges of the pancake with a spatula and give a little shake – it should come loose and move in the pan.

7.) Either flip the pancake or turn it over using a fish slice, then cook for a further minute. Continue to cook more pancakes in the same way.

Classic Pancake Topping:

Lyle’s Golden Syrup

Lemon wedges

My favourite is freshly squeezed orange juice and syrup!! Fold the pancakes loosely and drizzle over the Golden Syrup. Squeeze the fresh lemon juice and serve.

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself. Recipe c/o Lyle’s Golden Syrup. This recipe is made using Lyle’s Golden Syrup, for more delicious recipes visit Lyles Golden Syrup

So what do you think of these Golden Syrup Pancakes? Do you also fancy making some? Pancakes are not just for Pancake Day 🙂

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself:

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Thank you so much for stopping by.

Golden Syrup Pancakes & How To Make Some For Yourself
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them. Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

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