National Wine Day: 23/05 Link Up Your Favourite Posts

National Wine Day: 23/05 Link Up Your Favourite Posts. Also happy National Wine Day!

Hello, Happy Friday!! Welcome to the weekend linky party. If you want to share this blog hop on your page, it would be great? Did you know that today is also national wine day? Do you love a glass of wine? If so which is your favourite? Red, whites, sparking, sweet or dry. So many combinations.

National Wine Day: 23/05 Link Up Your Favourite Posts

Images by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay.

National Wine Day: 23/05 Link Up Your Favourite Posts: Welcome To The Weekend Hop:

Simply grab the blog hop button from the right hand side bar or link back to this page in you posts.Thanks for stopping by the weekend blog hop. We hope you have fun linking up here today.

The Blog Hop Rules: Firstly, follow this weeks hosts : Clairejustineoxox and Nekky from Reflexions. Secondly, it would be great if you would follow us in in some way? GFC, Blog Lovin, Google+, Twitter, Facebook, and let us know your a new follower and we will follow back. (don’t forget to remember to let us know you are a new follower here in the comments below or on social media so we see it :)) Thirdly, grab a coffee, link us as many of your favourite posts this week and top by  few of the blogs that have linked up today.

Fourthly, please add the welcome to the weekend code into your post if you want to share the blog hop. Fifthly, please also link back to this post somehow in your posts. Last but not least, also have lots of fun blog hoping around all the new blogs posts that have linked up. The weekend blog party has now closed.


You Might Also like These Wine Posts:

Firstly, Wine Advent Calendar Review. Since I was a kid, advent calendars have come a long way. I recall pulling the little picture off of my advent calendar’s window and placing it on my wall with glee. However, there was never anything within them. Laithwaite’s Wine sent me one of their Wine Advent Calendars to evaluate a few weeks ago.

Wine is one of my favourite beverages, so I was quite interested to discover what was inside. (Hopefully there will be a lot of wine!!) It’s astonishing what you can find inside an advent calendar nowadays. I had no idea until a few years ago that you could get interesting stuff like makeup and toys inside, but when I was looking for some ideas, I discovered it. Wine Advent Calendar Review.

Secondly, Rack Of Lamb With Hasselback Potatoes, Winter Brassicas And Red Wine Sauce. Watercress has developed some mouth-watering recipes to help love birds everywhere this Valentine’s Day to get all a flutter over each other by combining peppery watercress with other aphrodisiacs.

Over the next few days I will be sharing the recipes with you, starting with the Rack of lamb with Hasselback potatoes, winter brassicas and red wine sauce. Now all you have to do is dim the lights, turn on the music and let the evening take its course! Rack Of Lamb With Hasselback Potatoes, Winter Brassicas And Red Wine Sauce.

National Wine Day: 23/05 Link Up Your Favourite Posts:

Did You Also See;

Firstly, Waterfall At Newstead Abbey: Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. Waterfall At Newstead Abbey : Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Secondly, What I Wore: Creative Mondays Blog Hop. Hello, friends!! Have you had a good weekend? What I Wore: Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Thanks so much for stopping by here today. I hope to see you again soon.

23/05 Link Up Your Favourite Posts: National Wine Day
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Leovi
    25 May 2013 / 23:19

    Thank you very much for this beautiful space to share!

  2. Ofelia
    25 May 2013 / 21:58

    Claire, thank you for given all of us the opportunity to link up and to discover new blogs.

  3. Mystery Case
    25 May 2013 / 21:36

    Claire I've added the blog hop code to my Sunday post but it's only showing on chrome not on explorer. Just wondering if it's a problem just my end and if you knew how I could fix this? Thanks

  4. List Addict
    25 May 2013 / 18:43

    Thanks so much for being the hostess with the mostess once again! Have a great weekend. Thinking a lot of the UK this horrible week. 🙁

  5. M.S.
    25 May 2013 / 16:26

    Have a lovely weekend:)

  6. Funny Postpartum Lady
    24 May 2013 / 22:57

    Thanks for hosting! I pinned your Blog Hop on my Blog Hop Pinterest Board. Feel free to post your blog hop at my Linky Party

  7. Lizbeth McGow
    24 May 2013 / 19:20

    Hello Claire! Thank You so much for hosting the party! Have a great weekend!!!

  8. this little house
    24 May 2013 / 18:37

    hi claire! thanks for hosting this bloghop! i found you through g+ love all blogs, i am now a new follower via bloglovin 🙂

  9. Mystery Case
    24 May 2013 / 18:19

    Thanks for hosting. Looks like I'm rather late to the party as well. Have a great weekend.

  10. Jaime Oliver
    24 May 2013 / 19:17

    Thanks for hosting, i spotted your linky over on Facebook so its the first time i have joined. Hope you dont mind i am crap with badge codes but i have linked it to a linkys i love page. xx

    • 25 May 2013 / 20:37

      Hi thanks so much for hopping with us, I hope you have had fun 🙂

  11. amy mayen
    24 May 2013 / 17:30

    Hi Claire! I'm here late! More links for me to see though:) thanks for hosting.

  12. MamaMummyMum
    24 May 2013 / 13:15

    Thanks for this blog hop. I'm new here 🙂

  13. CousCousandCorkWedges
    24 May 2013 / 11:03

    Hi Claire! I hope you've had a good week?! Thanx for hosting again! <3 Andrea x

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