3 In 30 And Fitness Friday Post: July Challenges. Hello friends, so how are you today?
This month I am joining in with the 3 in 30 challenge. How fun! Have you heard of the 3 in 30 challenge before?
What does the 30-day challenge do? It encourages you to pick 3 goals for the month and stick to them. A motivational challenge. 30 days of motivation.
How was the start of July for you? Did you take part in the 3 In 30 Challenge?

3 In 30 And Fitness Friday Post: July Challenges:
Here are a few of my challenges.
Want to know they are going so far!?
3 In 30 And Fitness Friday Post: July Challenges
Firstly, Run At Least A Mile Every Day:
- Friday 4 miles
- Saturday 5 miles
- Sunday 2 miles
- Monday 10 miles
- Tuesday 2 miles
- Tues p.m. 4 miles
- Wednesday 3 miles
- Thursday 4 miles
- Friday 2 miles
I am very pleased with the way this challenge is going. I’ve had a tough year with my running by being poorly, injured and no motivation this week I’ve got out every day and done my longest run since February.
I have just not got to build up to quickly I have enjoyed going out on my own to as if I have no one to run with just lately I’ve not been out. Hopefully this is my turning point.
Secondly, Exercise DVDs:
These have been hard to fit in! With all this running and a large family to look after. This week as gone so fast and I would have loved to say I did 4 but I have not!
So I managed to get up at 5 am this morning which is not good for me, wake myself up and fit in one exercise DVDs. Yeap!!
Wow what a way to wake up this DVD made me work hard and I know I have done this. It proved to me I have no core strength and I need to work on this.
Hopefully from today I will catch up on this challenge as I have Zumba fitness DVD to review, this is going to be a whole new challenge in itself. I hope you pop back to see my review.
Thirdly, Lose Some Weight:
Another hard challenge as the more I run the more I eat so not to disappointed myself I am going to weigh myself at the end of the month.
I have cut down on cakes which is one good thing and tried to run every morning without breakfast leaving me ready to burn the calories off.
So how has your week been?

3 In 30 And Fitness Friday Post: July Challenges:
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Thanks so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

Massively impressed. I am in awe of anyone that can run – I get a stitch just running for the bus! I have tried the running thing but it just isn't for me. You sound really motivated and I'm sure you will see results quickly!
Thank you all so much :)The Rambling pages i hope you fine time soon,i would say start of setting yourself small goals and a goal for in a few months time and build your mileage up slowly and try to find time for yourself where you haven't got to be worried about getting back or anything,best wishes i would love hear how you get on 🙂
Wow I feel tired just reading all of that (and to be honest very jealous). My goals are to tone up and lose a littel weight and to start running but the week I got the running into my head I landed a huge pile of work which has left me very little time to even sleep let along contemplate running. I havent lost sight of it though and still intend to start up. Any tips on starting out as a novice runner would be welcomed! Also on how you even have time to do half of the above with 4 kids!!
WTG you have so much energy well done xx
you are awesome xx
Wow! you are a running machine! You go Girl! Thanks so much for linking up with my "Fitness Friday," I hope you'll continue, I really enjoy your blog.
My 3 in 30 comment didn't show up. Weird.While I'm here again, after browsing your blog a bit more I noticed we have a lot in common…running, taking on challenges, shoes and photography :)Have a great day!
Thanks for all the lovely comments,i will pop over to follow you all back 🙂
Thanks for participating in “Stalk Hop Friday”! I'm Following you on GFC as Mrs. Marine!www.mrs-marine.comDon’t forget to stop by next week and link up again on "Stalk Hop Friday"!
Hey there new friend!! A mile a day?? That is doable challenge. I love it! I'm with you on the eating. The more I run the more I eat. I need to keep checking in with myself every once in a while to make sure I am not over indulging just for the fun of it. HA!
Claire you have such clear and organize fitness goals! It's always so nice to read what are the new challenges that you are working on.
Great running and great goals!! Visiting from fitness fridays.
Wow, I'm impressed with how much you ran! That's wonderful. 🙂
WTG on the running! My goal for this month is to be consistent and to follow my workout schedule. Half training starts at the very end of July and I want to start that strong.
Claire, great job on the running!! On everything, really. You're doing so well this month!
🙁 TOO uncoordinated. *blush*
Hi Claire Justine! I'll look forward to hearing how Zumba worked out for you. I LOVED it. However, I am far to uncoordinated and never got past the "this is how you do it" section of the DVD. 🙁 Went to a class nearby and enjoyed it a lot, but all the twisting as the leg plants left me with sore knees. I just pretend I'm dancing when I run. I found your blog first through DM – and now through the Fitness Friday hop- as you know.
Thanks for all the comments 🙂
Hey following back from MeasuringFlower! Thanks for linking up to MondayMingle! I hop you have a great weekend! 😀
i like your goal of at least 1 mile a day. i have thought about doing that but have yet to start it. maybe in august i'll make that a goal for a month.
My goals for July include building up for the 8 mile Labor Day race I'm doing and also for the half I have in OCtober. I'm hoping cross training goes better for me as well.I'm impressed that you can do the DVDs. I always do much better when someone is there in real life with me! I guess I lack motivation!
Claire, I'm so impressed with your daily running! I don't think I could do that… plus you're doing Exercise DVDs on top of it.. You go, Girl!I'm a new follower :-)Sarah
I wish you all the best in your fitness journey program. Thanks for stopping by my blog, following back and i look forward being part of your blog.
love all the challenges! Doing the Hal Higdon training schedule for a marathon in the fall. My daughter does a lot of the DVD's, something I might need to change things up a bit! Following from the blog hop…
Hi, Hopping by from the blog hop. I need to join you in your challenges!