A City Built On Wisdom #Hoodwinked2018

A City Built On Wisdom #Hoodwinked2018 #LinkUp #CreativeMondaysBlogHop #CreativeMondaysLinkUp

Happy Monday lovelies. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend?

Over the last few days, I have kept nipping into Nottingham to find some more of the robins on the #Hoodwinked2018 trails.

I stopped for a while as I got stuck looking for no.5!

On the map, the picture looks like it is on Collin Street outside the Broadmarsh centre but it is actually inside. I saw a photo on Instagram and I clicked on where it was.

Eek time is running out too, as they are only in Nottingham for a few more weeks.

5.) A City Built On Wisdom #Hoodwinked2018 #LinkUp

A City Built On Wisdom
A City Built On Wisdom
A City Built On Wisdom

Hoodwinked 2018 Robin Trails in Nottingham:

1.) Royal Robin Redbreast, Carrington Street, Nottingham:

Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018.

2.) Judge Robin, Station Street, Nottingham:

Judge Robin #hoodwinked2018.

3.) ‘Robo Robin’Station Street, Nottingham:

Robo Robin #hoodwinked2018.

4.) ‘The City Ground Robin’ Nottingham.

The City Ground Robin #hoodwinked2018.

5.) A City Built On Wisdom, Broadmarsh, Nottingham.

I am so pleased you have stopped by to join us for this week’s Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Grab a drink and link up you’re creative/crafty/stylish posts and have fun finding amazing, inspiring and creative posts at this week’s party.

This week’s featured blogs:

1.) Floral Kimono & Slip Dress: Weekly Randomness:

I love Debbie’s outfit, especially her dress from Fashion Fairy Dust. Pop over to Debbie’s blog and take a look at her outfit and read about the random shoe lying in the road.

Floral Kimono & Slip Dress: Weekly Randomness.

2.) Victory Garden Soup and a Review of Food Fight by Tanya Steel:

No Autumn is nearly here I keep thinking of lots of new soup recipes to try out. This Victory Garden Soup by Judee over at Gluten-Free Judee looks so tasty.

Fancy trying Judee’s recipe out too?

Victory Garden Soup and a Review of Food Fight by Tanya Steel.

3.) Repurposed Can Caddy – 3 Options:

Fancy making your own Can Caddy?

I love these 3 ideas from Chas Chas Crazy Creations.

Fancy making some too? Hop over and take a look:

Repurposed Can Caddy – 3 Options.

4.) My Thanksgiving “at Heart” Table for my Family:

Fabby over at Fabby’s living is all ready for fall and has some beautiful dinner, serving and table settings.

You can find her beautiful post here:

My Thanksgiving “at Heart” Table for my Family.

What has got you creative this week?

A City Built On Wisdom #Hoodwinked2018 #LinkUp:

Creative Mondays Blog Hop Party Guidelines:

Please only link up family-friendly posts!

Add as many new posts as you would like too. Add straight to a specific creative post. You can link up anything creative. Home, style, recipes, crafts, diy, tutorials etc. Please link up to a post and not your main home page.

Please link back to the Creative Mondays party in your posts to spread the word. You can either link back or grab a Creative Monday widget from my blog hop page.

Sharing is caring. Please visit a few of the posts that have linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone.

It would be great if you would follow along in some way. Let me know if you do, so I can follow you back too.

Please tweet me any links you have add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the  #Creativemonday hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

Watercress, Blue Cheese And Butternut Squash Pizza.

Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate.

Vegan Apple Slices With Peanut Butter, Celery, Raisins.

Lyle’s Beany Goulash: Autumn Comfort Foods.

See you again soon 🙂

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Marilyn Lesniak
    18 September 2018 / 03:48

    Thank you for hosting this opportunity to bring bloggers together and share their posts. I look forward to your party each week. #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings.

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:57

      Thanks for joining us Marilyn 🙂

  2. Cheryl Shops
    17 September 2018 / 22:39

    Sounds like such a fun game with the trails, kind of like Pokemon Go a few years ago!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:55

      Thanks Cheryl, who yes it is, isn’t it 🙂

  3. Debbie-Dabble
    17 September 2018 / 22:28

    Thanks so much for hosting each week!!

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:54

      Thanks for joining us Debbie 🙂

  4. 17 September 2018 / 21:50

    Another adorable statue! Sounds like a fun little scavenger hunt.

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:52

      Thanks lovely. Me and my Daughter enjoy finding them, although I looked for this on my own as we could not find it last time, ha!

  5. 17 September 2018 / 21:27

    I’m glad you finally found #5! That looked like a fun activity!

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:47

      Thanks Heather. Time is running out to get them all 🙂

  6. legalleeblondeblog
    17 September 2018 / 16:28

    Ah this hoodwinked thing seems so fun!! What a cool idea. And I love your blog picks for this week – i need to try that soup!

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:45

      Thanks Lee 🙂

  7. 17 September 2018 / 16:25

    Ooh I saw one of those in Nottingham on Wednesday when I went to see Cirque Du Soleil backstage. Thanks for shedding light on what it is! 😉
    Thanks for hosting. x

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:44

      Whoo, that sounds like fun Morgan 🙂

  8. 17 September 2018 / 16:19

    Looks like fun looking for the robins, how cute! and I am going to comment on how I love your red lipstick 🙂 I love Fall and winter comfort food and that pizza sounds delish, love butternut squash and plan on making some soups this winter.
    Have a great week!
    jess xx

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:43

      Aww, thanks Jess. I actually smudged my lipstick a bit here but I had no one with me to tell me. Then again, they never tell me anyway, ha!!

  9. mummabstylish
    17 September 2018 / 16:17

    Great times Claire, super photos too. Thanks for sharing and hosting. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:41

      Aww, thanks lovely 🙂

  10. passion fruit, paws and peonies
    17 September 2018 / 15:53

    I’m pleased you had fun hunting them down! Hope you are having a great start to the week! xx Maria

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:40

      Thanks Maria 🙂

  11. 17 September 2018 / 15:25

    That is so cool that you have found all five. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Monday.

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:37

      Thanks Patrick. Still a long way to go 🙂

  12. 17 September 2018 / 13:33

    Thank you so much for the feature and for hosting a wonderful place for all of us to share what we’ve been up to.

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:37

      Thanks for joining us. Great idea. I would love to make something like this for my cutlery 🙂

  13. 17 September 2018 / 11:04

    So fun, Claire! I am glad you found #5 before they go away! Have a fantastic week!


    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:34

      Thanks for joining us Shelbee. I never thought to go inside the shopping centre, ha!

  14. stinedurfdl
    17 September 2018 / 10:54

    Tricky that #5 was hidden inside! Thank you so much for the feature Claire…I truly appreciate it! Have a great week…xo

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:18

      Thanks for joining us Debbie. Always love to stop by yours 🙂

  15. Maureen
    17 September 2018 / 10:51

    Cute photo! You found all five – that is awesome! As I was scrolling through I want to say you make some delicious foodies! I am always at awe with your recipes and photos. Weekend was low key. After a week long of dragging and feeling off my computer crashed just before the weekend. My hubby was nice enough to help me look into it but the entire ordeal was painful. It wasn’t the first time this happened with this particular computer either. Wishing you a happy Monday! Maureen

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:15

      Thanks for stopping by Maureen. I have another 28 to go 🙂

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:14

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  16. 17 September 2018 / 08:55

    I enjoy these trails Claire I’ve done a couple in London. Have a great week xx

    • Claire
      18 September 2018 / 21:10

      Thanks Laurie. They are fun 🙂

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