A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie The Collie And My Husband. Hello friends. Happy Thursday. So how are you keeping?

The weather has been amazing just lately so yesterday morning when it was nice again, we got out for a run somewhere different for a change.

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie:

Making Myself Leave The House. Lock-down and sticking indoors when it is lovely outside really does play with your mental health.

You get to the point where you do not want to leave the house, ever but you know you have too because if you don’t you never will.

I have to talk myself into going to work and if I did not work, I don’t think I would have left the house at all over the last few months if I’m honest.

The worry of catching Covid-19 off someone is very stressful. When I’m at work and I hear someone cough or sneeze, I turn around and walk the other way if I can and as fast as I can.

I am also forever stressing and cleaning my hands with hand wash.

Let Us Dance In The Sun, Wearing Wild Flowers

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie The Collie And My Husband. Yesterday morning it was nice to get out for a run and forget about our troubles for an hour or 2!!

It was lovely to go for a run somewhere different and I have missed visiting Gedling Country Park. It wasn’t too busy but the car park was starting to fill up when we were leaving.

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie

Breath-taking Views And You Can Even See Nottingham:

This lookout point brick wall is all new since we last visited. Lots of things are changing and I love spotting new things. What an amazing view!! Breathtaking!! You can see for miles and miles here.

It is just amazing looking out, seeing for miles and spotting places we know of or have visited.

If you look over to the right you can see Nottingham from here. We enjoyed looking out and spotting where there looked like new houses being built.

Husband and dog

What’s Mollie Looking At!? I wonder what Mollie is looking at!? She was so focused on something!!

I just stopped to take some photos of some big daisies, as you do. I miss taking photos of flowers. So I jumped over the step to take some photos.

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie:

We had a nice run around Gedling Country Park them put Mollie’s lead back on so she could just chill and as it was getting hotter and she was starting to get tired.

A few more breathtaking views around the park, a few steep hills that my husband make me run up and it was back to the car for cold drinks of water all around then back home.

It really cheered me up going for a run somewhere we have not visited for a while and I can not wait to visit again soon.

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie

A Run Around Gedling Country Park To Restart My Fitness Journey:

This week I have started to go running again and I am trying to get fit. Going for a run somewhere you don’t get too very often blow the cobwebs away and I am starting to love running again. So what do you think of today’s photos? Do they make you want to go out for a walk?

What Is Gedling Country Park: Gedling Country Park is 580 acres of open space, footpaths and wildlife for you to enjoy with stunning views over the surrounding area,. Space to enjoy the outdoors with your family and friends, opportunities for exercise and activities and nature and wildness on your doorstep!

Is Gedling Country Park Open: Yes the park is open and you can park in the car park but the cafe, children’s play area and Parkrun are not open just yet to Covid-19. I am sure things will not be too long until they are starting to open though.

Gedling Country Park Parkrun: Gedling country park is one of my favourite Parkrun courses to run as it is a very tough course. Lots of up-hills and I mean up-hill. Some are really steep!! and lots of downhills. Definitely a course to try and tick off your Parkrun list!! Keep an eye out on the Parkrun website if you live nearby for when it will be starting up again after the pandemic.

How much Is It To Park At Gedling Country Park? Entry to Gedling Country Park is free of charge although there is a voluntary car park donation charge of £1 if visitors so wish to donate.

You Might Also Like These Posts From Gedling:

OOTD And A Trip To Gedling Country Park. Firstly, did any of my fellow bloggers from the UK watched Car Share and have this song stuck in their head!?

Happy Friday, friends. Pinch punch, it’s the first of the month! On Wednesday we had none-stop rain and yesterday it was overcast and grey, all day. OOTD And A Trip To Gedling Country Park.

Parkrun Parkfun Gedling: Saturday Morning Exercise. Another post about Parkrun because we all of us love to run Parkrun On A Saturday Morning when my husband is off work. We sometimes like to travel around to different ones in our area too.

We are lucky to live close to quite a few different ones and we are planning to travel to some further afield in the Summer. Parkrun Parkfun Gedling: Saturday Morning Exercise.

Parkrun Fun And A Run Around Gedling:

Lastly, on Saturday mornings we like to travel around different parts of Nottinghamshire and beyond. Finding somewhere fun for our morning family runs. When my husband has a morning off work that is!

We love to try out different Parkrun courses. We are really lucky to have a variety of Parkrun’s that we can go to. This way we never get fed up just going to the same one. Some are flat and fast, some hilly, all challenging!! Parkrun Fun In Gedling.

Thank you so much for stopping by here today. I also hope you can stop by again soon.

A Run Around Gedling Country Park With Mollie
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Verna Bloom
    22 August 2021 / 08:38

    You pet is really looks so cute. You really enjoy your running activity with it. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    • 24 August 2021 / 17:43

      I miss her so much. She was always up for running in the park

  2. mireille
    3 June 2020 / 15:49

    I started running with a neighbor and I am loving it! It is great to go outdoors.

    • 19 November 2020 / 12:09

      Aww, lovely. Hope your still enjoying running 🙂

  3. 2 June 2020 / 13:44

    That looks like a beautiful day and run!

    I’m so sorry you’re so anxious about the virus. Being holed up in your house can definitely mess with your mental health – I totally get it. Hopefully things start feeling a little easier soon.

    • 19 November 2020 / 12:09

      Thanks Jenn. I had stopped running for a while with stress but I am back out again 🙂

  4. Lisa @ TechChick Adventures
    1 June 2020 / 18:16

    Looks beautiful there!!

  5. 1 June 2020 / 04:03

    Gedling Country Park looks beautiful and interesting! Gotta love those hills 😉

  6. 1 June 2020 / 01:40

    It is always nice to get out and run in new places. Looks like a great park to explore in. Thanks for linking up

    • 2 June 2020 / 07:59

      Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy new places and finding new things to see motivates me to run further 🙂

  7. What a lovely place for a run! And you look fab Claire!
    I really need to make an effort with my fitness again. I’ve lost all motivation since the lockdown. I think it’s just the stress of it all. x

    • 2 June 2020 / 07:51

      Aww thanks Jayne. I have lost my fitness motivation for a few years now so lock down has inspired me to start again 🙂

  8. 28 May 2020 / 22:12

    I wish my dog was young enough to come run with me! She’s always asleep on the sofa! Thanks for sharing Claire. Jacqui x

    • 2 June 2020 / 07:50

      Aww bless. Mollie looks at me as if to say, hurry up mum lol 🙂

  9. 28 May 2020 / 16:32

    What a cool place to run. Thanks for sharing it with us. Very nice.

    • 2 June 2020 / 07:48

      Thanks Patrick. Hope you are well? Thanks for visiting.

  10. 28 May 2020 / 14:12

    That looks like a lovely place to go for a run.

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