A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London

Sharing some photos from an event I went to earlier this week. I was not asked to write this post. I am simply sharing somewhere I loved.
A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London. Happy Friday Friends. Welcome To The Weekend Link Up. Thanks for stopping by today and I also hope you have fun at this week’s blog hop. 

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London:

So today I am sharing ‘A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge’ Restaurant in London, on this week’s Welcome To The Weekend Link Up #WeekendLinkUp.

The Ivy Tower Bridge
Drinks At The Ivy Tower Bridge

Nothing I love more than talking about food or eating it! That is one reason I will never be really slim! That is OK though. Well, it is for now 😉

Grab a chair and join us for this weekend’s Blog Hop.

Smoothie anyone? So yummy!!

Which one to choose?

I only had one. *Cough’s*, well two then!

Just what I needed after a 3-hour train ride to London.

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London:
A Smoothie At The Ivy Tower Bridge

The strawberry one was my favourite.

It was delicious! So yummy!

Earlier in the week, I was invited down to London for the Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign #TakingBackControl that took place at The Ivy, Tower Bridge Restaurant.

I loved it here and wanted to share some photos with you today.

The Ivy Tower Bridge

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London:

This is where the event took place in The Tower View Private Room on the first floor.

It was beautiful inside here. A very posh place to visit. Honestly, I have never been anyone this nice before!!

What A View From The First Floor Of The Ivy Tower Bridge

What A View From The First Floor Of The Ivy Tower Bridge:

Inside the room, it has this stunning views across the river Thames and faces the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London:

Now, this cake stand full of pastries is my idea of heaven.

I love croissants, especially chocolate ones.

You would not believe me if I told you that I only had one, would you?

Truth is I did one have one.

I was very nervous at first and a little out my comfort zone so it would have been very rude of me to grab a cake stand and run off into the corner to eat them all, wound it!?

Maybe next time!? Ha!

I am now wishing I had tried more!

The Ivy Tower Bridge

Also, how do you like your eggs in a morning?

Eggs Benedict anyone?

This tasted amazing.

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge, London:

Green juice anyone?

The Ivy Tower Bridge

Once the event had finished. I had a look downstairs and it is such a beautiful place to dine.

The Ivy Tower Bridge

I would love to go back again now with my Husband and show him how lovely it s here.

Now over to you. Do you want to share your posts with us today?

A Sneak Peek Into The Ivy Tower Bridge #WeekendLinkUp:

The Ivy Tower Bridge
Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop

Welcome To The Weekend Link Up Guidelines:

Please only link up family-friendly posts!

Link up any posts or straight to your homepage.

You can link any posts up on Friday’s. No need for a theme.

Add as many posts as you like. Old or new.

Please tweet me any links you have to add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the  #Weekendbloghop hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

Try to stop by over the weekend when you have a spare five minutes and comment on a few of the blogs that have linked up.

Link back to the Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop party in your posts to spread the word.  You can either link back or grab a Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop widget from my blog hop page.

It would be great if you would like to follow me in some way? Let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can follow you back.

Some Posts You Might Have Missed:

Firstly, Enjoy Nature’s Best This Spring With Arla Organic Free Range Milk.

Secondly, Strawberry Parfait Day: #CreativeMondaysLinkUp #StrawberryParfaitDay.

Thirdly, BerryWorld Strawberry, Fig and Rosewater Salad.

Fourthly, Outfit Of The Day: What I Wore: Nottingham Castle.

Last but not least, Griddled Lemony Chicken Fillets With A Tomato Salad

See you at a blog hop again soon.

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Styling A Pink Strawberry Dress In London Near Tower Bridge.

So are you looking for strawberry tea dress fashion for women in their 50s? Like I was last week? I found this beautiful pink afternoon dress, on Amazon. and it felt lovely a floaty to wear.

I just forgot to iron it and it was only when people were noticing it, I wish I had made more of an effort!!

Styling A Pink Strawberry Dress In London Near Tower Bridge.

Visit My Tower Bridge Fashion Shoot Pinterest Board:

Tower Bridge Fashion Shoot Pinterest Board.

A fashion photoshoot around Tower Bridge offers a dynamic backdrop that effortlessly blends historical grandeur with contemporary style.

The bridge’s striking architecture and iconic towers provide a dramatic setting for showcasing cutting-edge fashion.

As models pose against the scenic river views and intricate details of the bridge, each shot captures the essence of London’s vibrant fashion scene.

The play of light and shadows, especially during the golden hours of sunrise or sunset, enhances the textures and colours of the outfits, creating visually stunning images.

From chic streetwear to elegant couture, every fashion statement is amplified by the timeless beauty and bustling energy of the Tower Bridge surroundings, making the photoshoot not just a display of fashion but a captivating story told through the lens.

Visit My Tower Bridge Fashion Shoot Pinterest Board.

A New Blog Hop EveryMonday, Wednesday And Friday.
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook

Sharing some photos from an event I went to earlier this week. I was not asked to write this post. I am simply sharing somewhere I loved.


  1. rawsonjl
    29 June 2018 / 21:24

    Wow! That looks amazing!! Look at those views and all that yummmmmy food!

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:51

      Thanks lovely 🙂

  2. 29 June 2018 / 19:33

    Thanks for hosting! Enjoy a very hot weekend!

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:47

      Thanks Nancy 🙂 I love it warm but have to hide in the shade alot.

  3. 29 June 2018 / 18:17

    Claire, those smoothies look amazing! We have a massive heat wave coming our way starting tomorrow and I sure could use some frozen drink action around here! Have a wonderful weekend.


    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:46

      Thanks for the comment Shelbee, whoo I love frozen juice drinks in the hot weather. Keep cool 🙂

  4. Cheryl Shops
    29 June 2018 / 17:47

    What a chic-looking restaurant! I will tell my London friends to stop by! Have a greet weekend!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:44

      Thanks for the comment Cheryl 🙂

  5. passion fruit, paws and peonies
    29 June 2018 / 16:03

    I was invited too but couldn’t make it. What a beautiful venue it is Claire. So pleased you had a nice time there xx Maria

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 14:53

      Oh wow, it would have been lovely to meet you too Maria. Hopefully next time 🙂

  6. Maureen
    29 June 2018 / 15:06

    That view from the Ivy Tower is beautiful! Of course, as someone appreciates food I can understand what you mean. I do my best to eat as healthy as possible but what’s life if you can’t enjoy what you love! That strawberry smoothie looks delicious and while I am not a fan of croissants that egg benedict meal is right up my alley! So good I bet! Happy Friday Claire and wishing you a great weekend ahead! No plans for us this weekend as its predicted to be as high as 105 in my neck of the woods and we all know how much I don’t like hot!


    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:43

      I hope your keeping nice and cool Maureen, that is so hot.

  7. csuhpat1
    29 June 2018 / 14:06

    What a super cool place. Very nice. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:38

      Thanks Patrick 🙂

  8. Heather
    29 June 2018 / 13:56

    That looked like a fabulous event! Oh that food! You looked great too. How fun!

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:20

      Aww, thank you for the lovely comment Heather 🙂

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:11

      Thanks Tamar, it was beautiful here 🙂

  9. Gluten Free A-Z
    29 June 2018 / 11:22

    Beautiful photos and looks like you had a wonderful time.

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 10:18

      Thank you Judee, yes I did 🙂

  10. awayfromtheblue
    29 June 2018 / 09:51

    Looks like it was such a fun event 🙂

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you’ve been having a good week and have a nice weekend ahead of you!

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:12

      Thanks Mica. It was a great day.

  11. 29 June 2018 / 08:44

    Hi Claire! I was interested to read about your day out and the products you learned about. I’ve tried to link up in both Safari and Chrome and I think linky tools are having issues as I can’t get beyond the point where you upload the photo. Will check back later!

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:11

      Hi April, sorry to hear you are having problems linking up. I have just tried to link up and it it is working OK now 🙂

      • 29 June 2018 / 15:49

        Hi Claire, It’s so weird, I tried again and still can’t do it. It won’t even let me upload a photo from my computer, even thought it’s well below their size limit…I’ve added the same link to other parties today, although not via linky tools, only via inlinkz. I’m so sorry it’s not working! Happy Friday anyway!

        • Claire
          30 June 2018 / 15:16

          Aww no, sorry to hear this April. It is so weird. I tried again and it works OK for me. Hope you can join us next week.

  12. 29 June 2018 / 06:57

    It looks like a fabulous day! Gutted I couldn’t make it. xx

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:09

      Aww, I would have loved you to have been there Laurie xx

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