A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family. Hello friends. Happy Saturday.

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family:

We love to take the children out for a walk in the Peak District. It take some planning though. 

Whenever we have a free day off with no school, work or jobs to be done and the weather is fine, a day out exploring is great. 

One of our favourite places we visit time and time again is Bakewell. And it is only around a hour drive away.

At the weekend there is often some fun things happening on the show-ground and we always get distracted. This time we made plans not to shop for long!! (even though there was a cool vintage market on) and head for the hills.

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family
family days out

No moaning about all the walking from the children. 

Just me!! Wow I felt so unfit.

flowers days out

Lots of fun climbing the hill and seeing the amazing views. So what’s not to love?

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family
A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family

My son took his bag but we forgot to take supplies of water and sweets, for energy!!

This little lamb was soooooo sweet..

running down that hill

Everyone found extra energy when we was near the bottom as a visit to the chip shop was promised.

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family:

After some energy drink, battered sausage and chips me and my daughter was ready for a another walk up the hill selfie.

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This twist on a classic recipe makes a delightful seasonal change. BerryWorld Red Gooseberry Bakewell Tarts.

How To Make Elderflower Bakewell Mug Cakes:

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As they burst into flower with the frothy, lace-like blossoms of the elderflower offering a beautifully fragrant, pollen laden sanctuary for the humble bumble! How To Make Elderflower Bakewell Mug Cakes.

Mollie In Bakewell: Mollie The Border Collie Diaries:

Thirdly, , today I am sharing some photos of Mollie in Bakewell.

I was trying to take a photo of Mollie near the water but then I heard something hissing! Mollie In Bakewell: Mollie The Border Collie Diaries.

Love Locks In Bakewell: Love Locked In:

Fourthly, we all love to visit Bakewell in the Derbyshire Dales district of Derbyshire, England. it is such a lovely town.

We like to walk around the shops then take off into the peaks for a spot of climbing.

Have you heard of Bakewell or visited here before? Love Locks In Bakewell: Love Locked In.

My Sunday Photo In Bakewell:

Last but not least, It has been such a lovely mild week this week.Perfect weather for getting out and about.

Beats sticking indoors any day of the week!! I hate having to stay in all weekend. So boring!! My Sunday Photo In Bakewell.

A Walk In The Peak District: Bakewell With My Family:

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. pixiedusk
    7 July 2014 / 11:55


  2. pixiedusk
    7 July 2014 / 11:55

    I always love your photos! Always vitagey and unique to your blog! This looks like a fun hike. I miss doing this all we did this week is stay at home and do chores =) #countrykids

  3. Glenda Gee
    6 July 2014 / 08:42

    It is a lovely area isn't it.

  4. Joanna Pabel
    5 July 2014 / 21:49

    lovely family photos . my favourite you with your daughter

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:47

      Thanks Joanna 🙂 I love this one ..

  5. Coombe Mill
    5 July 2014 / 16:51

    No wonder you like to visit there – it's lovely, and perfect for a walk and exploring! Thanks for linking up and sharing your family fun with Country Kids.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:46

      Thanks for stopping by and hosting a great blog hop 🙂

  6. foodfashfit.com
    5 July 2014 / 16:01

    Country walks with the family – that's what summer's about! Looks like you all had an awesome time!www.foodfashfit.com

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:46

      Lovely, thanks for stopping by 🙂

  7. Tas D
    5 July 2014 / 15:31

    I really love Bakewall but have only been a handful of times when I'm visiting nearby with work. Looks like it's a really beautiful walk.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:45

      Thanks, lovely walks and cycle paths too 🙂

  8. Debbie Stinedurf
    5 July 2014 / 14:06

    Beautiful shots…looks like a great day!Debbie

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:36

      Thanks Debbie 🙂

  9. Jaime Oliver
    5 July 2014 / 11:31

    this is on our to do list! we said it last year we would go for a trek in Bakewell and never got there x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:35

      Thanks Jamie, you will love it 🙂

  10. Cheryl
    5 July 2014 / 09:09

    Nice to get out. Looks a lovely route to take. I always have an end of walk treat planned. Probably undoes all the good the walk does, but it never stops me. #CountryKids

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:33

      Haha, yes with all the treats we eat, I bet it undoes all our good too 🙂

  11. ilovemummymost
    5 July 2014 / 08:15

    Sounds like a great day. Although I don't think I could do all that uphill walking either as very unfit! We used to go to Bakewell when I was a child, love the peak district. 🙂 #countrykids.x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:30

      Thanks for stopping by :)I am trying to get a little fitter for the next walk …

  12. Preston Precious
    5 July 2014 / 06:56

    Sounds like a good day! The idea of chips would make me walk quicker!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:29

      Thanks, hehe chips always make me walk quicker 🙂

  13. Kezzie
    5 July 2014 / 05:30

    Sounds fun! I really enjoyed Bakewell when I visited x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 July 2014 / 06:25

      Thanks Kezzie 🙂

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