Anyone For Tennis? : Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Anyone For Tennis? : Creative Mondays Blog Hop

 Anyone For Tennis? : Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Happy Monday everyone. Creative Mondays is favourite blog hop of the week as I get to see all your amazing creative ideas 🙂

Link up, have fun blog hopping and please be kind enough to link back to the hop in your post and leave a comment if you like the blog hop.

Anyone For Tennis? : Creative Mondays Blog Hop

This week over the holidays me and the youngest two children have been getting out and playing lots of tennis. They love playing it.

We are having so much fun.

This is what I wore to play in!! Something fun and comfortable to wear.

What I Wore: Polka dot shirt: F&F at Tesco || Jeggings: Sports World || Converse Style Boots: Nike || Bag: Cath Kidston

Anyone For Tennis? : Creative Mondays Blog Hop

To join in the fun~ Link up your creative, recipe, crafty, outfit or anything creative posts on the blog hop below. Please try to visit a few blogs on the list to make the hop fun.

Include the Creative Monday button or a text link back to my blog in the post you are linking up. Be great if you would like to follow? let me know if you do, so I can stop by and follow back. Don’t forget to tweet me your links so I can re-tweet them.

This linky has now closed. Thank you so much for stopping by.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Margarett Murphy
    16 April 2015 / 17:16

    Love the polka dot shirt.

  2. Berlin Clothing
    14 April 2015 / 12:14

    Love the red Nikes – it's a cool outfit for being out and about with the kids 🙂 Berlin Clothing

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 April 2015 / 07:39

      Aww thanks 🙂

  3. Camille Griffiths
    13 April 2015 / 16:55

    That is awesome that you have been getting out there and playing tennis. Such a fun way to get some exercise. We used to play it as kids, now I want to try it again!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 April 2015 / 21:54

      Thanks Camille :):)

  4. Jessica Jannenga
    13 April 2015 / 16:32

    Happy Monday! Love your polka dots and sneakers! I need some days where I dress more casually. Sounds like fun , playing tennis! I never tried but have been in sports much of my life. Thank you for hosting, and see you tomorrow at TH Tuesday link up, jess

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 April 2015 / 21:54

      Hi Jessica, thanks for stopping by and linking up. Whoo yes I will be at your hop tomorrow 🙂

  5. Mary
    13 April 2015 / 16:05

    Hi Claire! How was your weekend? I hope it was filled with lots of spring flowers! Have a great week!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 April 2015 / 21:53

      Hi Mary, lovely thank you.. We are still busy busy here as the children still have another week off school 🙂

  6. Renae of Simple Sequins
    13 April 2015 / 15:22

    hi Claire! I'm still a bit confused regarding your two blogs. I'm probably confusing you, too. I am just responding to "renae's repertoire". Since your drop down box here at the comments doesn't have "Name / URL" as an option, I have to sign in as "Renae of Simple Sequins". I don't dare sign out because I'm not sure how I would sign in again. {anybody reading this: If you know what to do, please enlighten me, k?} Thanks for your commitment to your blog hop(s)! I had the one I had and it drove me nuts. lol I love hopping but not hosting. silly me, huh? ♥

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 April 2015 / 21:52

      Hi Renae, if you get to my other blog I have a link to this one on the top bar, and one here to there, lol. I had lots of spam comments everyday when I opened up the anyone can comment bar and use to delete wrong comments by mistake, this way it get most of them. Aww thanks so much for joining us :):)

  7. Julie's Lifestyle
    13 April 2015 / 13:16

    I love your outfit and perfect for spring. Thanks for the party and have a great day.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 April 2015 / 21:38

      Thanks Julie, have a lovely week 🙂

  8. Rebecca
    13 April 2015 / 13:14

    Love your Nikes – have a lovely week ahead!Best!

  9. My Rose Colored Shades
    13 April 2015 / 11:58

    I love tennis! The hubby and I used to play all the time and then we stopped when we had our first child. Maybe we'll start again when they get a little older. ~Cynthia

    • 13 April 2015 / 19:15

      Thanks Cynthia, it is so additive, just wish I was a little better 🙂

  10. caseperlatesta
    13 April 2015 / 11:45

    Hi Claire! Miss your lovely party for some weeks! Back again! Have a great week! Cute shoes! 😉

  11. cherie at
    13 April 2015 / 12:34

    Hi Claire, Loving your polka dots and your great Nike shoes! Thank you for hosting Creative Mondays. Be sure to stop by Style Nudge to join the SHOE AND TELL Fashion Link Up.Cherie

  12. Tamar SB
    13 April 2015 / 09:11

    What a fun spring outfit!

  13. Annie
    13 April 2015 / 07:20

    Cute dot top! Thank you for the party!

    13 April 2015 / 00:17

    Cute outfit! I love the polka dots! 🙂

  15. Debbie@Debbie-Dabble and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    12 April 2015 / 21:58

    Thanks so much for the party, Claire and for your visits!!Hugs,Debbie

  16. Chris
    12 April 2015 / 20:20

    Thank you my friend for hosting!!! Great links—Happy Monday!!xoxoxo

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