August Bank Holiday: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

August Bank Holiday Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Happy August Bank Holiday Monday.

Any fun plans for today?

Welcome back to this week’s 28/08/2017 Creative Mondays blog hop.

August Bank Holiday Creative Mondays Blog Hop

August Bank Holiday Creative Mondays Blog Hop:

I appreciate you being here with us all today and sharing your creative, stylish, craft and yummy posts with us.

This week we will be celebrating our 21st wedding Anniversary! 21 years oh my gosh. Where does the time go?

Thanks so much for linking up last week and here are a few of my favourite blog posts:

A great post from Shelbee where her and Amy dressed up as the vintage housewife.

See how they got on here:ย We Failed As Vintage Housewives.

I love how Shelbee styled her dress too.

How yummy do these ginger pumpkin bars look from Playdates To Parties?

I could just eat one or two right now!!ย Ginger Pumpkin Bars.

Love Andrea’s outfit from Living On Cloud Nine: ย LACY TO A “T”

Such a great dress and Andrea has styled it great with a denim jacket.

How yummy do these Caramel Shortbread Slices look!? I love making these as my Grandma use to make them for me all th3 t8me when she was here. Good memories…

August Bank Holiday Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

August Bank Holiday Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Creative Mondays Link Up Requests:

  1. Please link up all your blog posts that you would like to share with us today, straight to a post and not just your main blog. Add any of your creative, recipes, crafty, diyย and stylish posts with us today. You can share tutorials. Anything creative. Up-cycled post projects. Stylish and fashion posts. Home makeovers, house restyle and home tours. Or anything else that has got you creative over the last few weeks.
  2. Add your blog posts to the linky below and share your blog posts with us at Creative Mondays.
  3. Please try to visit some of the other blogs on this list and share the linky love. Have fun hopping around the blog hop.
  4. It would be great if you could add a Creative Mondays blog hop button somewhere on your blog post or sidebar. or a link back to this blog hop to help others find it and join in the fun too.
  5. Please spread the #CreativeMondays word around your social media channels and on Twitter so your blogging friends can join in with us. Do not forget to tweet me your links that you have added today and I will re-tweet them. @clairejustineo
  6. It would be great if you would like to follow me somewhere? let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can stop by and follow back.

Do not forget to stop by our other blog hops too. On Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday you can share your photo’s at our photo blog hop. Every Friday you can link up any family friendly post that you would like to share.

By linking up you are giving me permission to maybe feature your blog next week.

This list has now closed. Please stop by every Wednesday, Friday and Monday for a new list. 

Did You Read These Posts:

A Day Out At South East Air Show Herne Bay : What I Wore.

How To Make Some Strawberry Vanilla And Apricot Amaretto Layered Jam.

Selfie Fun At Herne Bay Air Show: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. csuhpat1
    28 August 2017 / 15:06

    Enjoy the Bank Holiday. Congrats on being married for 21 years. Yay.Thanks for hosting.

  2. Jennie L.
    28 August 2017 / 14:29

    Claire, enjoy your holiday and 21st anniversary! Those pumpkin bars look yum. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Ruth Maldonado
    28 August 2017 / 14:40

    Looks like a good week! Enjoy your anniversary!

  4. Jessica Jannenga
    28 August 2017 / 12:44

    Have a wonderful Anniversary! I love Andrea's outfit and Shelbees post was so funny! I am all about pumpkin for the Fall. Have a great week! jess xx

  5. Andrea Nine
    28 August 2017 / 10:20

    Thank you so much for including my post. Wishing you a beautiful anniversary!!

  6. mummabstylish
    28 August 2017 / 09:48

    Oh a special time for you – hope you enjoy your day and go somewhere special. x

  7. Shelbee On The Edge
    28 August 2017 / 09:18

    Claire, thank you so much for featuring us! I am so flattered and honored! Enjoy your sunny holiday and Happy Anniversary! Shelbee

    • 3 September 2017 / 16:30

      You are so welcome Shelbee, love popping by to see your outfits ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Gail Hanlon
    28 August 2017 / 07:40

    A sunny Bank Holiday – unheard of! We're heading off on a walk. Have a lovely anniversary!

  9. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    27 August 2017 / 23:38

    Thanks so much for hosting this week!!Hugs,Debbie

  10. vanity andme
    27 August 2017 / 21:43

    Happy Anniversary Claire. I hope you get spoilt! xx

  11. Julie's Creative Lifestyle
    27 August 2017 / 20:31

    Thanks for hosting the fun Claire and enjoy your week!

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