August So Far: The Summer Is Magic

How quickly are the Summer weeks going by!?

So quickly I completely forgot to put on The Wednesday blog hop this week!! Eek, sorry!!

Today I am sharing some photos from August So Far.

We have been so busy just lately. I bet you have too!?

Visits to the seaside, nature walks weekends away and so much more.

My phone is full of pretty memories.

No time to stop and look at pictures yet as we do not get a minute!! Every minute is booked up. Going out, walking Mollie, making food, eating. Eat, sleep, days out repeat!!

I love taking pictures of flowers. You may already know that!? I adore daisies.

How sweet are these big daisies? Beautiful.

How big is this fish!? A fun day out in Loughborough to visit my oldest sons.

A walk in the park. How pretty? I love water fountains.

A bed of pretty flowers. How pretty?Beautiful and so lovely to see.

How pretty!? I love red, it is my favourite colour.

Love to see red and yellow flowers together. Simply stunning.

More pretty flowers!! Violet, how lovely?

Beautiful sunny days. They are just the best, aren’t they?

Fun with Mollie. Still can not get her though the tunnel! ComeonMollie, agility training at it’s best!

Spotting reflections. How pretty is this reflexion?

Nature walks. Blackberry anyone?

Days out. Making special memories. The best kind.

Even more pretty flowers. Love these colours together.

Bakewell church having a make over? Cool.

Make a wish!? I wish for..

Pretty nights sky.Beautiful views.

Love this rose! How pretty is this?

I use to love making these flowers look like they could talk when I was younger.

Fun in the woods!! We love walking through the woods. We have to watch out for falling pine cones, acorns and branches though! 

Here is my August so far. 

How is your August going?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Morgan Prince
    10 September 2016 / 09:39

    Gorgeous photos! It sounds like you had a fab summer! Thanks for linking to #pocolo (sorry for the late comment).

  2. Stephanie Robinson
    27 August 2016 / 22:21

    Lovely photos – and fab daisies – and yes way too fast! But summer is about spending time outside and with our families and not necessarily on our blogs! Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo x

  3. Ella Ivoire
    25 August 2016 / 12:49

    Your pictures are STUNNING!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      27 August 2016 / 20:15

      Thank you Ella 🙂

  4. Little Pickles Mom
    23 August 2016 / 08:50

    Oh such lovely pictures! You've certainly managed to go lots of places with gorgeous flowers – and Bakewell Church looks glorious! My August has been filled with lots of walks in the sunshine too and the most wonderful of weddings as well!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      25 August 2016 / 07:20

      Whoo it sounds so lovely 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by ..

  5. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    22 August 2016 / 12:54

    Your photos are gorgeous; great post!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      23 August 2016 / 08:38

      Aww, thank you 🙂

  6. Winnie
    20 August 2016 / 18:02

    These photos are amazing! Especially the first 2 – BEAUTIFUL !

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 20:37

      Aww, thank you Winnie 🙂

  7. Kim Carberry
    20 August 2016 / 17:06

    It looks like you have been making a lot of memories. Gorgeous photos x#PoCoLo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 20:37

      Thanks Kim 🙂

  8. chickenruby
    20 August 2016 / 02:58

    the daisies are stunning and beautifully white. love the colour combinations of the flower beds

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 13:53

      Thank you 🙂

  9. mumjd
    19 August 2016 / 20:33

    What gorgeous photos. Love how you captured the building refection and the fountain ones best #weekendbloghop

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 13:49

      Thank you 🙂

  10. Chilling With Lucas
    19 August 2016 / 16:43

    Stunning photos, you look like your having a lovely month. Mine is going far too fast x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 13:48

      Thanks lovely, it is going so quickly 🙁

  11. Evelina
    19 August 2016 / 15:01

    Your photos are so peaceful and calming. Gorgeous flowers.

  12. Stella Olojola
    19 August 2016 / 12:11

    Wow lovely photos. The flowers are so beautiful. Summer is going by so fast.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 07:26

      Thanks Stella 🙂

  13. pixiedusk
    19 August 2016 / 11:31

    Awww what a busy August! And a lot of trips together too! Ours is just spend at the beach mostly =) #pocolo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 07:21

      Thanks lovely. I wished we lived near a beach !!

  14. ana de jesus
    19 August 2016 / 08:51

    It sounds like the perfect summer to me! I was wondering what camera do you use? The photos are brilliant!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 07:01

      Aww thank you Ana 🙂 These are all off my Samsung Galaxy 5 phone 🙂

  15. Nikki Thomas
    18 August 2016 / 21:02

    That sounds and looks like the perfect summer to me. So many beautiful photos.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 06:58

      Aww, thanks Nikki 🙂

  16. George@CulinaryTravels
    18 August 2016 / 18:25

    August is flying by isn't it? Your photos are absolutely stunning.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      20 August 2016 / 06:57

      It so is!! Thanks for stopping by..

  17. Grant R
    18 August 2016 / 18:10

    The whole year is flying by fast! August is an odd one in Scotland because the kids go back to school. We've had some not bad weather and even managed a BBQ on Monday! There's some lovely pics there 🙂

  18. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    18 August 2016 / 17:32

    That's good you were having so much fun and were so busy that you forgot to put your link up! Loving all the photos of your family fun. Your daughter is your "mini me"!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      19 August 2016 / 07:18

      Thanks Heather 🙂

  19. Francesca - From Pennies to Pounds
    18 August 2016 / 16:41

    Your photos are stunning! It's going way too fast, my daughter starts school this year and I am starting to panic, lol

    • Clairejustine oxox
      19 August 2016 / 07:15

      Thanks Francesca 🙂 I know I need to buy everything for my children back to school uniform.. awwwww..

  20. Mellissa Williams
    18 August 2016 / 14:37

    Excellent photos, you have been out and about a lot this month. We have been busy too, off to Greece at the beginning of the month and more travels yet to come

    • Clairejustine oxox
      19 August 2016 / 07:10

      Of wow Mellissa, that sounds amazing! Have a great time 🙂

  21. Dean B
    18 August 2016 / 13:48

    What lovely photos! I love taking photos of flowers too, especially pretty ones. Also loving the reflection one 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      19 August 2016 / 06:44

      Thanks Dean 🙂

  22. Clare Elise
    18 August 2016 / 10:33

    Such beautiful pictures. I do love the Summer Sunshine and all the colours :)Clare Elise

    • Clairejustine oxox
      19 August 2016 / 06:41

      Thanks Clare 🙂

  23. Kezzie
    18 August 2016 / 09:13

    These are utterly beautiful!!!! Your park looks so well maintained. You captured that reflection beautifully. It is SO funny that you posted the picture of the Snapdragons as I was weeding my front garden paving last night and some pink Snapdragons had self-seeded. It was only as I pulled them up that I realised and stood there making them talk for a full 5minutes. If my neighbours looked out of their window, goodness knows what they thought!!!!x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      19 August 2016 / 06:40

      hehe Kezzie, what a coincidence!! I can just imagine you doing this too 🙂

  24. Chavonne Harvey
    18 August 2016 / 02:12

    Breath taking photos!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 August 2016 / 06:06

      Aww, thank you 🙂

  25. vanity andme
    17 August 2016 / 21:58

    Some beautiful photo's here Claire. I have the miniature purple geraniums in my garden. They are one of my favourites. I agree, August has been so busy, but we can't complain about our gorgeous weather

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 August 2016 / 06:03

      Thanks Laurie, ut has been beautiful weather hasn't it 🙂

  26. Tamar SB
    17 August 2016 / 21:16

    Such a fun summer!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 August 2016 / 06:01

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  27. Sheela Goh
    17 August 2016 / 21:07

    Going much too fast!! The new school year begins next Monday and I doubt I'm prepared for it, let alone my daughter 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 August 2016 / 06:01

      Oh wow back to school already. I am no where near ready yet..