Back To School And Some Fun Back To School

Back to school recipes c/o Watercress. 

Back To School #WednesdayLinkUp. Back To School And Some Fun Back To School Recipes. Happy Wednesday Friends. Thanks so much for joining us today for The Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday Link Up!

What photos have you been taking this week? Would you like to share them here with us? I am up nice and early today making lunchboxes up again as today is back to school for the youngest two children.

The photo that I am sharing today is at the seaside. A paddle in the sea. How quickly do your feet sink!!

Back To School And Some Fun Back To School Recipes:

Back To School And Some Fun Back To School Recipes:

Time Flies. Can’t believe how quickly the six weeks holidays have gone by. We have had a holiday and lots of fun days out but the last few weeks have flown by.

Miss You Already. It may sound silly but I am going to miss the children when they go back to school. The house is so quiet when they are at school. I have plenty of work to catch up on though, so I think the day will pass quickly!! Maybe a trip to the gym to move some of these extra pounds I’ve gained over Summer is called for!! I am going also going to miss random days out and visits to the seaside too.

Back To School #WednesdayLinkUp:

The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop Guidelines:

  • Please link up any posts with photos in them. These posts can be wordless or not so wordless.
  • Please only link up family-friendly posts with photos in them here today!
  • Please link back to The Wednesday blog Hop party in your posts to spread the word of this party.
  • Share some midweek blog fun and please try to stop by a few of the blogs that have linked up here today.
  • Please tweet me any links you have added to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the  #Wednesdaybloghop hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.
  • It would be great if you would follow along on any social media channels in some way? Let me know if you decided to,  so I can follow you back.
  • Now over to you, what have you been snapping away at this week?

This Linky Has Now Finished. Hope you can join us again soon 🙂

Back To School And Some Fun Back To School Recipes
Recipes c/o Watercress. 

You Might Also Like These Recipes:

Firstly, Fun and Simple Mini Quiches: Back to School with Watercress. How sweet are these small quiches? Great for anyone’s lunch box!! Fun and Simple Mini Quiches: Back to School with Watercress.

Secondly, 6-a-Day Smoothie: Back to School with Watercress. Bin the soggy sandwiches and get creative with these wonderful watercress recipes for kids’ lunchboxes. Not only are they simple and speedy to prepare, but they are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals which will give your little ones a much-needed boost throughout the school day. 6-a-Day Smoothie: Back to School with Watercress.

Thirdly, Healthy Kids’ Bento Box: Back to School with Watercress. It can be a challenge thinking of new and exciting fillings for packed lunches, especially when your children’s favourite foods might not always be the healthiest of options. but wait, I have an idea for you, fun to look at and most importantly, healthy. Healthy Kids’ Bento Box: Back to School with Watercress.

Kids’ Layered Lunch Pots:

Fourthly, Kids’ Layered Lunch Pots: Back to School with Watercress. Fancy making some of these Kids’ Layered Lunch Pots? Kids’ Layered Lunch Pots: Back to School with Watercress.

So what do you think about these easy back to school recipes?

Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked todays post.

One for the mum’s!! Belvoir Fruit Farms Cranberry Cupcakes And Raspberry Blush.

You Might Also Like: The First Week With A Goldendoodle Called Murphy. They say dogs have a way of finding people who need them. On Thursday, the 1st anniversary of my dad’s death, this beautiful boy came into our lives. The First Week With A Goldendoodle Called Murphy.

Back To School And Some Fun Back To School Recipes
Recipes c/o Watercress. 
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. mummabstylish
    6 September 2018 / 08:21

    Back to normality Claire! Hope you don’t miss them too much. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • Claire
      7 September 2018 / 10:26

      Thanks Jacqui, back to rushing around now trying to catch up on jobs 🙂

  2. Mother of 3
    5 September 2018 / 23:58

    I feel like you were just saying that the kids had ended school for the year; so hard to believe it’s already time to head back…

  3. FABBY
    5 September 2018 / 23:17

    Hope your children have a very productive new year in school.
    I’m glad I got no more kids in school, or am I not teaching anymore !
    Thank you for hosting yet again this week Clairejustine.

    • Claire
      7 September 2018 / 10:25

      Hi Fabby, thank you. Lovely to hear for you 🙂

  4. 5 September 2018 / 15:41

    This my third week teaching. I hope that they have a wonderful and productive school year. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.

    • Claire
      5 September 2018 / 21:28

      Thanks Patrick. Have a great term 🙂

  5. 5 September 2018 / 14:22

    we went back to school yesterday! And I am back to working on my blog and linking up! <3

    • Claire
      5 September 2018 / 21:26

      Great to have you back blogging 🙂 I will hop over now to see what you have been up too.

  6. 5 September 2018 / 13:42

    Happy Wednesday and Back to School day!

    • Claire
      5 September 2018 / 21:26

      Thanks Heather 🙂

  7. 5 September 2018 / 12:08

    It really has passed so quickly! I think my daughter was getting a bit bored at home though – it’s hard to entertain them for six weeks!

    Emma xxx

    • Claire
      5 September 2018 / 21:24

      Thanks Emma. Yes I think my two have over the last week or two. It is nice to get back into a good routine 🙂

    • Claire
      5 September 2018 / 21:21

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  8. 5 September 2018 / 08:32

    Hasn’t it flown by! I don’t feel like I’ve seen the grandchildren enough! #feelingguilty

    • Claire
      5 September 2018 / 21:20

      Thanks for joining us Laurie, yes it went by so quickly 🙁

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