Bakewell Church And What I Wore In Bakewell

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style. Hello friends. Happy Tuesday. So how are you today?

We are all up early to plan our day but it is chucking it down with rain today so we are having to change plans around a little. What to do, what to do!?

My husbands has just taken Mollie a walk early so I can catch up here a little. Yeah, I am not too fond of walking the dog in the rain but it has to be done. I really need to treat myself to some new wellies!!

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style:

Last week, we had a lovely drive out to Bakewell For The Day. We love visiting Bakewell and always enjoy a lovely relaxing walk in the town centre, around the river and cricket pitch and walk up the short steep hill to the have a walk around the Church.

As always, we finished off our day with fish & chips, as you do! So we always make it worth the visit!!

Also a nice ice cream to finish.

No wonder all my clothes are shrinking! Because I am sure they are!!

flowers in Derbyshire

When we go out walking like to wear my comfy shoes and converse are perfect for walking a long distance.

I should have saved my old Converse for walks in Bakewell as we have come back all covered in mud before on our walks. Another reason I need to buy new wellies!!

Thankfully it was dry a few days before so my new Birthday Converse stayed nice and clean for a while longer.

selfie in Derbyshire

A Riverbank Selfie:

Also, a selfie in front of the pretty flowers near the river banks. Perfect for selfies here, also perfect for catching Pokemon, or so I am told!

So how long did it take the husband to battle a gym here!?

Bakewell bridge

After a nice walk around the river, it was time to make our way up the short steep hill to the church.

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

It is so lovely when you get to the top of the hill and look around.

You can see for miles here.

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style
Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style
Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style
Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

My Converse still nice and bright white.

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

How many miles can you see out for?

Such a lovely view of the rooftops, fields and hills in the distance.

We did not get to climb the peaks today as we would have needed a few more hours.

Right over there in the distance is perfect for walking. We love to walk up those hills.

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style:

What I Wore:

Dress: Charity shop | Cardigan: Peacocks | Leggings: Primark | Shoes: Converse | Bag: c/o Matalan

Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style

Have you ever visited Bakewell Church before?

Such stunning views for miles up here.

Over 40 Style
Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style
Converse shoes
Bakewell Church And What I Wore In Bakewell

Such a beautiful day.

Have you ever visited Bakewell in the Derbyshire Dales district of Derbyshire before? Because it is worth a visit if you can.

Now I am off to plan today’s adventure.

So have you got any fun plans for today?

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Nistha Saraf
    12 August 2017 / 16:56

    Such a beautiful place and you look lovely! Nistha

  2. Jogger Pete
    10 August 2017 / 07:19

    Next time would like plenty of pictures of the Fish & Chips. Otherwise nice pics and article

  3. nancy baten
    9 August 2017 / 11:08

    I have never been to Derbyshire. We always go to the South. In a few weeks finally again! And also eating fish&chips! yeah!

  4. vanity andme
    9 August 2017 / 05:56

    Tis looks really lovely and peaceful. Was it? I have never been there before. I like how you have styled the dress to Claire. You need to be comfortable on days like this x

    • 9 August 2017 / 20:15

      Thanks Laurie, so peaceful and quite here. That is why we love it here 🙂

  5. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    8 August 2017 / 13:18

    Love these photos and your dress. I've never been there but I'd love to visit!

  6. Tamar SB
    8 August 2017 / 10:57

    How lovely! Your dress was perfect for the summer's day.

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