Bee Kind, Bee Honest, Bee Positive, Bee Happy, Bee Grateful, Bee You.
Hello friends. Happy Tuesday. So how are you today? I have just got back from the hairdressers.
The first time this year and I have gone for a change!! Check out my Instagram (Claire Justine Oxox) later tonight for pictures, when I have got around to taking some!
I am loving getting out in the sunshine and finally starting to wear some pretty dresses again.
I found this dress out from last summer which I brought with my birthday money and never got a chance to wear as I was saving it for my holidays.

So now eventually gave up on holiday mode and saving things for the best and starting to wear them every day! You can read more here:
Don’t save something for a special occasion. Every day of your life is a special occasion.
Every Day Of Your Life Is A Special Occasion.

Bee Kind, Bee Honest, Bee Positive, Bee Happy, Bee Grateful, Bee You:
I love these photos that I have taken over the weekend of some new street art in Chesterfield.
We stumbled upon these, without even knowing and it was funny how my outfit matched the bee!!
How beautiful is the bee!?

Bee Kind, Bee Honest, Bee Positive, Bee Happy, Bee Grateful, Bee You.
Picture this: a bold adventurer decided to step out into the world wearing a sunshine-yellow maxi dress, ready to turn the streets into her own personal runway.
Little did she know that her fashion escapade would take an unexpected turn as she stumbled upon a colossal bee street art.

This bee, painted with such detail that it looked ready to buzz off the wall, seemed to give her outfit a nod of approval.
Our fearless fashionista couldn’t help but strike a pose next to the bee, creating an unintentional collaboration between haute couture and street art.

Bee Kind, Bee Honest, Bee Positive, Bee Happy, Bee Grateful, Bee You:
The bee, impressed by the vibrant yellow hue, tried to engage in a conversation about the latest buzz in the fashion world, but alas, the language barrier between humans and giant insect art proved insurmountable.
Undeterred, our yellow-dressed wearer continued to sashay down the street, leaving the bee in her stylish wake, probably wondering why it wasn’t invited to the fashion hive.

And so, the streets became a runway, the bee became an accidental art critic, and our intrepid fashionista turned a random stroll into a bee-utifully funny fashion moment.
The city had never seen such a buzz-worthy display of style!

Bee Kind, Bee Honest, Bee Positive, Bee Happy, Bee Grateful, Bee You.
What I Wore: Dress: Tu Clothing | Shoes Converse.
Absolutely love this dress and street art too. So what do you think? Do you love both too?

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Last But Not Least, A Lob Haircut Or You Might Call It A Long Bob!?
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Bee Kind, Bee Honest, Bee Positive, Bee Happy, Bee Grateful, Bee You.
Finally, lovelies; I hope you like this post? Also hit the tags for more outfits. So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.
Also, Read More About Me Here: Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my page above. Over 50s Lifestyle Blog.

The bee mural on the wall is beautiful. I like how your bright and cheerful maxi dress echoes the colors in the bee art. I totally agree with you about NOT saving new things for later. But I’m guilty of that way of thinking on so many occasions. I think it prevents me from really enjoying some of my best purchases.
Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 16.
Thanks Carol. I have so many thing’s I have saved for best over the years. Not saving them anymore.
Fun photos! I love the mural! That dress is really pretty on you!
Aww, thanks Laura.
What a BIG bee. Cute dress. Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 25. Pinned!
Thanks so much for the comments.
Yes, wear all the things! I love how you find such cool street murals!
Thanks lovely. I love finding new ones.
You wouldn’t find a better background for this pretty dress, Claire. I like it a lot and I like your Converse shoes too, I also wear them a lot.
Thank you, Anna. I stumbled upon this art wearing just the right dress.
That dress is perfect to go with that wall! It looks so good on you too.
THAT BEE IS SUPERB!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful piece of art and how serendipitous you were wearing such a complimentary dress to stand in front of it! That dress is beautiful and looks sooooooooooooooo comfortable!
Thanks Kezzie. I was so happy to find it.
Indeed, the dress is perfect with that wall! Love the dress without the wall too!
Thanks Nancy.