Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar. Hands up who loves cheese?

We love a nice cheese board and a glass of red wine sometimes at the weekend. How about you?

So today I am sharing a tasty looking cheeseboard idea that is perfect for sharing at Christmas. Bramley, Cranberry and Rosewater Jelly with Davidstow® cheddar.

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar

This winter themed jelly pairs perfectly with Davidstow® 3 Year Special Reserve Vintage and Davidstow® 18 Month Extra Mature cheddar and can be made and stored well in advance for the busy Christmas period.

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar:


550g Bramley apples 

500g cranberries 

1.5ml water 

2 capfuls of rosewater

1 lemon 

500g caster sugar

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar


1. Firstly, boil the above ingredients, apart from the caster sugar, rose water and lemon, until they have broken down. 

2. Use a cheesecloth to strain the liquid and leave this to drain for a few hours to ensure you extract the maximum amount of juice. 

3. Place 600ml of drained liquid and caster sugar into a saucepan. Bring this up to a rapid boil, then using a sugar thermometer, bring the mixture up to 105˚c, skimming any scum which may rise to the surface frequently. 

4. Now add the rosewater and a squeeze of lemon juice. Pour this mixture into your sterilised Kilner jar and allow to cool in the refrigerator. 

5. Once cool, seal the lid airtight. This will keep well for up to 1 month.

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar:

Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar. Recipe c/o: Created by Lee Westcott for Davidstow®.

No payment was received.

So do you fancy making this Bramley, Cranberry And Rosewater Jelly With Davidstow® Cheddar recipe? A perfect sharing recipe to try out now. Plan for Christmas.

Try on the weekend as a nice treat. Or any occasion really. 

Let me know in the comments below if you get to try this recipe out. Make now or pin for another day 🙂

So what would be on your cheese board? 

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So what do you think? Also, thank you so much for stopping by here today.

Davidstow® Cheddar
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Margarett Murphy
    20 December 2016 / 18:41

    Looks delicious. Yes please,

  2. Kara Guppy
    17 December 2016 / 08:31

    My husband doesn't like cheese so I never buy a cheeseboard…….I really should though

    • 18 December 2016 / 08:47

      Aww no 🙁 We love Cheeseboards here. We love a range of different cheeses at Christmas time 🙂

  3. Tamar SB
    16 December 2016 / 23:58

    That looks so delicious and festive!

  4. Zena's Suitcase
    16 December 2016 / 21:19

    I love a cheeseboard at this time of year, and that does look rather good. The jelly sounds delicious

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