Cath Kidson Haul Because I Adore Polka Dots & Flowers

Cath Kidson Haul Because I Adore Polka Dots & Flowers

I adore Red, Polka dots, Cath Kidston, London and London buses. So this is what I brought in the sales. I got some money off my husband and son for Christmas. I wanted to buy something special this time instead of lots of silly little things I would never wear, just because they were cheap.

First choice to spend my money was on some new Irregular Choice shoes I had seen on the Internet and I was sure I would not see anything else in Meadowhall on a shopping trip out. Then you know when you want to just buy everything in the shop?

Well that happened. I was good though I put down things I did not really need and just spent my money on 3 things I really loved.

The best thing was, everything was in the sale and I picked these all up for £56.00. That is £9.00 cheaper than the dress was before Christmas… Bargains eh!?! Can not wait to go to London again now, just might wear my new red dress and polka dot bag…Or some jeans and my London bus bag..

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Nadine Hill
    27 January 2015 / 19:15

    Great haul Claire! I got a Cath Kidston oven glove for Christmas!! Rock N roll eh?! But it was what I wanted! x

  2. pixiedusk
    17 January 2015 / 17:24

    There is this bag with wheels from Cath K that I really really want cuz you can put your laptop in it. I want that one for Christmas but =PThese are all so nice! Cath Kidston's stuff are all pretty! #pocolo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 January 2015 / 21:24

      Whoo not seen this one, will have to check it out 🙂

  3. Victoria Welton
    17 January 2015 / 17:08

    Great bargains! I love the Cath Kidson range, there really is something about it. Thank you for linking to #PoCoLo 🙂 x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 January 2015 / 21:23

      Thanks Victoria 🙂

  4. mamamim blog
    16 January 2015 / 18:56

    Oh what fantastic buys! And for such a good price too 🙂 I am also a polka dot lover and I adore Cath Kidston stuff. Mim 🙂 #weekendbloghop

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 January 2015 / 21:23

      Aww thank you . >I am a bit to polka dot mad<

  5. 16 January 2015 / 11:20

    The dress is absolutely gorgeous – can't wait to see you wearing it on the blog.#PoCoLo

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 January 2015 / 21:22

      Thanks Emma, I am waiting for a nice day out ( and not too cold ) to wear it 🙂

  6. gabby oates
    16 January 2015 / 07:15

    I love Cath Kidston…I have a voucher which I got for my birthday in November that's just begging to be used so think I will pop in for a look at the weekend. Nothing better than knowing you got stuff for a great price…you can check out my favourite sale bargains here x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      17 January 2015 / 21:21

      Thanks Gabby, aww I would have had to spend it straight away…Hoping over now…

  7. Paula Rockwell
    16 January 2015 / 02:54

    I love Cath Kidston's things! If I were to see her entire collection I don't know what I'd do lol.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 January 2015 / 04:13

      Aww Paula, you would love everything 🙂

  8. Kezzie
    15 January 2015 / 22:10

    The NUMBER of times I have put items into the online basket in the Cath kidston sale- I am STILL uming and ahing over the claret clock dress and the star trousers!!! LOVE your choices (and I almost bought that bag too!) x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 January 2015 / 04:12

      Kezzie, I picked the claret clock dress up to, then put it down for the bags, arrr I want everything lol x

  9. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    15 January 2015 / 16:19

    I got some Cath Kidson stuff at the airport store in Heathrow and I could have bought up the whole store! I bought some pj pants and socks. You can see them on my latest post (the pants).

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 January 2015 / 04:11

      Hi heather, whoo I will hop over now to take a look!! thanks for stopping by 🙂

  10. Tamar SB
    15 January 2015 / 10:18

    What a fun pattern!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 January 2015 / 04:10

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

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