Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose

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Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose. Hi guys, happy Hump Day. Hope you had a good start to the week?

Well I had a bit of a rocky start. Our bed did not arrive!! So now we are sleeping on the floor for a week as I took the base from our old bed out to get ready for a new one.

How can they just change the day without telling you. Mad was not the word. I was fuming!! It is so hard getting up off the floor!! ha!! Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose.

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose

“I’m king of the world!” – Jack Dawson (played by Leonardo DiCaprio)!

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose:

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose. Looking for a stylish and comfortable outfit for your next holiday?

Look no further than a classic checked shirt! I loved wearing this Gap one on holiday. Perfect for both casual and dressier occasions.

This versatile wardrobe staple is sure to keep you looking and feeling great all holiday long. So why wait? Pack your bags and hit the road in style with a trusty checked shirt by your side.

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose

“This ship can’t sink!” – Bruce Ismay (played by Jonathan Hyde).

It’s In Your Head!!

My dentist told me there is nothing wrong with my tooth and I know there is but what can you do? He did find a chip in a filling he did 3 months ago when I was there so not a wasted journey!

Although I do have to go again tomorrow to have it refilled. I am really not a fan of going to the dentist, but then again I am sure no one is!!

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose:

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose. Today I am sharing some fun photos when we first got to see the beach this Summer!!

We got off the train in Bognor Regis, dumped our bags in our room and headed straight for to see the sea.

Something exciting about seeing the sea when you do not get to visit often. I still had my trainers on from all that travelling, then again you need them on for a stony each! Ouch, ouch.

A sun in my eyes selfie!!

Pebbles on the beach

The pebbled beach is lovely to see.

Beach selfie

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose. My Daughter taking a selfie.

Love the seaside. Beautiful views. Having a little fun with my Daughter. Do you have any photos to share with us today?

Beach fun

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose. So what do you think about my beach photos? Do you like to wear a checked shirt.

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Firstly, Summer How Come You’re Not Here?

Today I am sharing some photos from Butlins over the years because we have not sunshine and I would love to spread some sunshine here today!

Summer How Come You’re Not Here

Secondly, What I Really Wore: All The Fun Of The Fair.

So today I thought I would share a few photos I found in my blog draft from last year on holiday at Butlin’s in Skegness that have never been shared.

We are now planning this years holidays so I thought it was about time I got these photos published before it was too late.

I have had this top years and years and it always keeps going out and coming back into fashion. It has one long sleeve and no sleeve the other side. What I Really Wore: All The Fun Of The Fair.

Thirdly, A Selfie Of A Selfie!

My Daughter and I having a little selfie fun on holiday last week. We both wanted to take a selfie first, so we both did and this is A Selfie Of A Selfie. Haha.

A Selfie Of A Selfie! A selfie of another person taking a selfie. I’m not sure if this is a thing as I have just made it up. A Selfie Of A Selfie.

Butlins At Minehead:

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose.

Fourthly, Butlins At Minehead: What I Wore: Over 40 Style.

The Summer holidays may be long gone but today I am sharing a few of our Summer memories from the school holidays. Butlins At Minehead: What I Wore: Over 40 Style.

Fifth, Still Making Magic After 21 Years: Wordless Or Not So.

After a bit of a serious few weeks with one thing or another, I thought it was time to share some fun here again today.

Here are a few photos of me, my Husband and two youngest children a few weeks ago on holiday. It was our wedding Anniversary, whilst we were away. So an extra reason to have fun. Still Making Magic After 21 Years.

Sixth, Where Has The Sunshine Gone? Summer Where Are U.

I can feel an Autumn chill in the air and notice the nights are getting darker earlier and colder. Brrr.. Talk about rain too, it has been awful.

The wind nearly broke my umbrella yesterday too as it kept blowing it inside out. Where Has The Sunshine Gone?

Polka Dots And Holiday Snaps:

Seventh, Polka Dots And Holiday Snaps: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

When you get on holiday and remember your nail varnish is all chipped and you had forgotten to replace it with all the rushing around. Polka Dots And Holiday Snaps.

Eighth, Horrible History Break At Butlins: Fun Themed Breaks.

We have just come back from a fun filled week at Butlins Skegness. All as part of my Butlins Ambassador role. We got the chance to try out a Horrible History themed break. Horrible History Break At Butlins: Fun Themed Breaks.

Last But Not Least, The Deck Restaurant: Butlins Bognor Regis Review.

Whenever we go away, there is nothing I like more than having food included. As a stay at home mum making food all the time, it’s nice to let someone else do the cooking for a change.

Even if it is only a short break. We visit Butlins a few times a year, we always like to have our food included. The Deck Restaurant: Butlins Bognor Regis Review

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose. Thank you so much for stopping by, I also hope you liked this post. Have you seen my other blog, Claire’s World?

Checked Shirt, Holiday Fun And A Titanic Pose

You Might Also Like: Styling A Hot Pink Gingham Dress In Summer.

Love this dress, it is my favourite go-to dress for any red hot day.

So far this year, it has been on both my summer holiday visits to Grand Canaria! I’m not planning any more holidays abroad this year, but if I do go, this dress will defiantly be coming with me again!!

This striking dress is a great addition to any wardrobe in addition to making a statement. It’s ideal for warm evenings and sunny days, and it looks great for many different situations.

Styling A Hot Pink Gingham Dress In Summer.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. FoodDoz
    28 March 2023 / 05:55

    Thanks for the blog.

  2. Debbie-Dabble
    23 August 2019 / 01:37

    Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment, Claire!!

  3. Grace Liang
    22 August 2019 / 15:07

    I love that checked skirt! Looks like you had a great day! 🙂

  4. Cheryl Shops
    22 August 2019 / 04:43

    Titanic poses are always so much fun!
    Cheryl Shops

  5. Mother of 3
    21 August 2019 / 21:06

    Such fun photos! I sure hope that bed arrives soon!!

    • 22 August 2019 / 20:19

      Thanks lovely. I am hopping it arrives Monday or I might cry 🙁

  6. 21 August 2019 / 18:21

    The beach is always so much fun! One of the beach we went to in Spain was just tiny pebbles with no sand and it was wonderful: the boys could play in it and not get all sandy. And the water was just beautiful!

    • 22 August 2019 / 20:18

      Thanks for joining us. I like it for a change but you need your sandals on 🙂

  7. 21 August 2019 / 18:06

    What a cool and beautiful pic. Thanks for sharing it with us. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  8. 21 August 2019 / 15:59

    Perfect blue sky day! I love going to the seaside, don’t seem to do it often enough.

    • 22 August 2019 / 20:17

      No, me neither Gail. So many plans too this year but either I am working or my Husband 🙁

  9. Kimberly Malkiewicz
    21 August 2019 / 14:34

    I’m so sorry you didn’t get your bed yet! For awhile my husband and I slept on an air mattress (not so fun when you’re on the far side of middle age!), before we finally mail ordered a foam one.

  10. 21 August 2019 / 14:08

    I love the seaside and these photos are gorgeous!

  11. 21 August 2019 / 12:28

    Super cute photos! I love to see the momma-daughter love shining through!


  12. 21 August 2019 / 08:54

    I hope the bed arrives Claire. I’ve done that sleeping on the floor and it’s no fun! I hope you get the tooth sorted too xx

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