Christmas Chocolate Trees : Creative Mondays Blog Hop …

Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy-H-JS Thought.

A linky party where you can link up and share all your creative post each and every week….

Looking for a small handmade gift to make?

I made this recipe up yesterday and was very pleased with them – they look sweet, taste great and don’t cost much to make…. with no baking involved!!

Makes 6

Serves 6-12 (half is just enough at a time)


  • 200g White cooking chocolate
  • 50g Cranberries dried and sweetened
  • 50g Toasted flaked almonds

You will need:

  • Christmas muffin silicone tray


  • Place some cranberries at the top and bottom of the Christmas silicon tray, sharing evenly between the 6 holes.
  • In the middle of each place the almonds.
  • Melt 100g of white chocolate in a microwave according to packet instructions and place a few spoonfuls on top of the almonds and cranberries until shared out.
  • With a fork gently mix the chocolate with the almond and cranberries, not to much so the cranberries and almonds show through ( once turned out) but enough to hold them all together.
  • Melt the remaining white chocolate and drip spoonfuls into the moulds so all the corners of the moulds are filled with chocolate, spoon any remaining chocolate in the moulds.
  • Leave to cool.
  • Once cooled place in a refrigerator to set for a few hours. 
  • When set place in a airtight container until needed…


Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. Sacramento Amate
    11 December 2012 / 15:05

    I am honoured to be in such a good company.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDelicious recipe.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 20:46

      Thanks for linking up 🙂

  2. WhatJeanLikes
    11 December 2012 / 08:18

    The recipe looks delicious! I wish I had something creative to share to link up! 🙂 Thank you so much for participating in our Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I am following you, of course!! Wishing you and yours a lovely week!! Aloha,Jean {What Jean Likes}

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 20:44

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  3. Crystelle Boutique
    10 December 2012 / 23:09

    Thank you for having us over for a fun party! have a terrific week!hugs xCrystelle

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 20:42

      Thanks for linking up 🙂

  4. Sarah Hulbert Style
    10 December 2012 / 19:09

    Those treats are beautiful! I've been looking for a candy recipe and these sound delish -I adore white chocolate!!! ~Sarah

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 12:57

      Thanks Sarah 🙂

  5. Joanna Haughton
    10 December 2012 / 16:43

    Thanks for following ModaMama! I appreciate it. Following you back ;)Sincerely, Joanna

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 12:56

      Thanks for following back Joanne 🙂

  6. Evelyn
    10 December 2012 / 11:31

    Thanks for hosting:) Hope your week is awesome!

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 12:53

      Thanks for linking up 🙂

  7. My Meddling Mind
    10 December 2012 / 01:44

    Thanks for the recipe, looks fun to make and delich too!

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 11:31

      Thank you 🙂

  8. Pam @ over50feeling40
    10 December 2012 / 00:09

    Yummy…you just can't beat white chocolate!

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 11:22

      Thanks Pam 🙂

  9. Winnie
    9 December 2012 / 23:25

    Very cute Claire, and I'm sure very tasty! I loooooooove white chocolateThanks for the party!

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 11:10

      Thanks for the comment and linking up with us Winnie 🙂

  10. Judy Haughton-James
    9 December 2012 / 22:48

    This is so cool and beautiful Clairejustine. It is great to be co-hosting again. Have a wonderful Monday.

    • Claire Justine
      11 December 2012 / 11:06

      Thanks Judy 🙂

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