23/01/2017 Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Weeks Features. Happy Creative Mondays. Hope you have had a lovely weekend!? Anything fun happened this weekend?
Nothing much happened around here. Love of running and eating, that’s about it.
What has got you creative this week? This week’s Creative Mondays featured blogs:
23/01/2017 Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Weeks Features:
Firstly, Love Penny’s Vintage Home: Duck Duck Goose. How beautiful is Penny’s home?
Secondly, Fabby’s table looks pretty: A Blue And White Winter Setting.
Thirdly, Pamela’s outfit looks stylish and warm: Stripes Beanie Thrift Score Finds.
Fourthly, I love Tif’s Hunter Boots For Winter. I am on the lookout for a pair of these!!
Fifth, I also love Debbie’s shoes and scarf: Studded Pumps Waffle Knit Top
Last but not least, Kristina looks lovely and warm: Wild Animals Zara Leo Coat And Converse Chucks.
Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Weeks Features
Creative Mondays Blog Hop Requests:
Please link straight up to a specific blog post with some kind of Creative theme. Link up anything up creative, crafty, stylish or food post. Only link up your main blog if you have nothing particular to share this week.
Feel free to link up between 1- 5 different creative blog posts this and every week.
Please follower me your blog hop host on any of the following of your choice: Twitter, Google, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest. Any social media channel you like and use most would be great and let me know in the comments how you have followed so I can stop by and follow you back.
Stop by, visit, comment on a few posts in the creative Mondays blog hop. Please visit back if someone also stops by your blog.
Link back to this post in your blog posts. Or add the Creative Mondays blog button.
Have lots of fun hopping around the list.
You can also share your links with me over on Twitter #CreativeMondays @ clairejustineo
This list is no longer available due to old or broken links.
See you on- Creative Mondays – on a Monday. The Wednesday Blog Hop – on a Wednesday. Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop – on a Friday.
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How To Make A Tony Baker’s Kalettes® Blueberry Smoothie:
“Kalettes®, the superfood to watch out for in 2017”
Although small, Kalettes® florets with their attractive green leaves tinged with purple, pack high doses of beneficial nutrients into their mini format such as: fibre, iron, vitamins A, B6, C and K, as well as being rich in antioxidants.
What is not to love about this recipe? How To Make A Tony Baker’s Kalettes® Blueberry Smoothie.

This party is full of great ideas! We love to link up here. Hugs, Journa
Aww thank you. Always lovely to have you here too!!
Great features, Claire. Hope your week is fantastic!
Thanks Carol 🙂
Happy Monday, Claire!!! Love all of the features this week! Thanks so much for hosting :)Sarah BellTrendy & Tidy
Thanks for stopping by Sarah 🙂
Thank you for hosting 🙂
Thanks for joining us 🙂
I love your Creative Mondays posts, so much inspiration, always. Love the outfits you have featured this week, especially the one with all the turquoise! =)Have a great week Claire and don't forget to linkup with me on Thursdays! <3 Ada.
Thank you Ada. I've not posted any outfits for a few weeks but hoping to have one up by Thursday Ada 🙂
Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week
Thanks for stopping by Patrick 🙂
Love all of the wintery looks. Have a great week! jess xx
Thanks for joining us Jess 🙂
Great features and thanks for hosting!
Thanks Heather 🙂
Thanks for the feature Claire! Have a fabulous week!Debbie
You welcome Debbie, love your outfit 🙂
Thanks so much for featuring my Diva Clutch, Claire. Have a great week.
Thanks for linking up Pam 🙂
Wow thanks for featuring me, this is amazing!!♡KristinaTheKontemporary
Aww, your so welcome lovely. Great look!
Loving the interior inspo this week. Popping over for a read of those! Have a great week Claire xxwww.vanityandmestyle.com
Thanks Laurie 🙂
I so want those Hunter wellies!
Hehe, me to Tamar!!
Thank you so much for including my post in this weeks features Claire! Have a great week!
Love your home Penny 🙂
Thanks so much for hosting!!Hugs,Deb
Thanks for joining us Debbie 🙂
Thanks for hosting Claire, have a great week.
Thanks for stopping by Julia 🙂