Creative Mondays Blog Hop..



Happy Monday everyone.

Creative Mondays is favourite blog hop of the week as I get to see all your amazing creative ideas 🙂 Link up, have fun blog hopping and please be kind enough to link back to the hop in your post and leave a comment if you like the blog hop.

Today I am sharing my outfit from a 15 miles walk around London last week. It was such a lovely day…

What I Wore:

  • Dress : Primark
  • Knitted waistcoat : Car boot sale
  • Tights : Primark
  • Converse : c/o JD Sports
  • Bag :  Cath Kidston 

To join in the fun~

  • Link up your creative, recipe, crafty, outfit or anything creative posts on the blog hop below.
  • Please try to visit a few blogs on the list to make the hop fun.
  • Include the Creative Monday button or a text link back to my blog in the post you are linking up.
  • Be great if you would like to follow? let me know if you do, so I can stop by and follow back.
  • Don’t forget to tweet me your links so I can re-tweet them.




Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. Margarett Murphy
    30 April 2015 / 17:12

    These look fun. Not been to London in years.

  2. Kezzie
    28 April 2015 / 20:09

    You are so dedicated to London, I love it! I also love the sheep! xx

  3. Renae of Simple Sequins
    27 April 2015 / 23:22

    Loving your cute chambray dress, Claire Justine! ♥

  4. Jill Shepherd
    27 April 2015 / 23:10

    Great outfit Claire! and what are all those cools statues for? A special occasion or are they always there? Looks like a fun walk.Thanks for hosting once again, hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Leovi - La Fotografía Efectista Abstracta
    27 April 2015 / 13:52

    Yes I love these funny pictures !! Very nice!

  6. Rebecca
    27 April 2015 / 12:55

    Love that cute fringe vest!Best!

  7. My Rose Colored Shades
    27 April 2015 / 12:01

    I couldn't help but notice the Converse sneakers. I'm obsessed with them lately. ~Cynthia

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 21:12

      Thanks Cynthia 🙂 I love wearing Converse..

  8. Elegance and Mommyhood
    27 April 2015 / 09:26

    Love that denim dress, Claire. Thanks for the awesome link party!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 21:11

      Aww thanks Ada 🙂

  9. Lisa from @intotheglade
    27 April 2015 / 09:18

    I live those tights and converse, you can't go wrong with converse on an epic walk like that. I can't believe your dress is from Primark, it looks lovely, I have not been to Primark for ages, I will have to go soon x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 21:11

      Thanks Lisa, Love my converse for walking miles 🙂

  10. Debbie Stinedurf
    27 April 2015 / 09:36

    Fabulous tights Claire! What a great pop of color. :)Debbie

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 21:11

      Thanks Debbie 🙂

  11. Annie
    27 April 2015 / 06:39

    You rock those mustard yellow tights! What fun photos…what are going on with those cute sheeps? Long time ago there was a cow parade in Houston, and there were many decorated cows placed all over the city. Is something similar going on in London?Thank you for the party!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 21:09

      Hi Annie, thanks for stopping by and linking up :)They have placed lots of Shaun the Sheep sculpture around London to raise money for the children's charity..

  12. Salma Saquaf
    27 April 2015 / 04:49

    Love the outfit. Have a great week Claire. New follower, was sure I was following before.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 21:02

      Aww thanks, I will check I am following you too 🙂

  13. Mary
    26 April 2015 / 23:53

    Cute outfit!! And we LOOOOOOOOOOVE Shaun/Shawn the sheep!!!!!!! Have a great week!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 April 2015 / 20:58

      Thanks Mary 🙂

  14. Debbie@Debbie-Dabble and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    26 April 2015 / 21:40

    Claire, thanks for the party!!Hugs,Deb

    • Clairejustine oxox
      27 April 2015 / 08:52

      Thanks Debbie 🙂

  15. Tamar SB
    26 April 2015 / 21:40

    Those sheep are too funny! Bet the walk was great!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      27 April 2015 / 08:51

      Thanks Tamar, it always makes a great walk when the sun shines 🙂

  16. Alexandra B.
    26 April 2015 / 20:37

    15 miles? That was some hike! Love the colored tights and the fun bag. Thanks for hosting & have a nice week!Alex – Funky Jungle

    • Clairejustine oxox
      27 April 2015 / 08:48

      Thanks Alex, it sure did tire us all out 🙂

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