Day Out In Leicester: What I Wore: Train Curtains?

Day Out In Leicester: What I Wore: Train Curtains?

Then there were 4 again…

My Son has been home for around 10 weeks after he finished this year at Uni and today our 2nd eldest has flown the nest again…

This time he will be hundreds of miles away and we will not see him again until Christmas unless we somehow get chance to see him around his Birthday in November.

On to pastures new as he has a work placement for a year with a top and amazing company.

He even has to update his passport as he may be flying all around the world once he has settled in. How cool. We are so proud of him.

I can not wait to hear more about his work and progress. If he does well he may even go back down there to work for them after his last year of Uni.

What I love most was, he wanted this job and he went full of confident at his interview and got it. Now if this was me, I would crack and get shy. I really suck at interviews. Not sure why but I do. Something I need to work on, methinks!!

Day Out In Leicester

Over the Summer holidays, we kept ourselves very busy.

Lots of days out here and the occasional holidays there.

All good fun.

train selfie

We really enjoy getting out on the train.

So much less stress than driving.

One day we hopped on the train for a day out in Leicester.

It made a lovely change as we had never been here before.

Day Out In Leicester

Me, my youngest Son and Daughter made a fun plan to meet my eldest son and go out for the day.

I had not seen him for a few weeks at the time, so it was lovely catching up with him.

Day Out In Leicester

So many things to talk about.

He has moved house and did a bike ride from London to Paris raising money for Breast Cancer Now.

We also went to visit his new house in Loughborough on the way home.

It is really nice.

Day Out In Leicester

On this day two Sons when around catching Pokemon and me and my Daughter enjoyed a spot of shopping.

My Daughter enjoyed it more than me as she came home with two new dress and a pair of shoes.

Day Out In Leicester

We watched some street music that seemed like hours waiting for the boy’s playing Pokemon.

The music sounded great.

They were playing the theme music to Kevin and Perry, such a catchy tune and we loved watching some random man dancing to the music.

He was really enjoying dancing and the crowds were all enjoying it too.

Day Out In Leicester

For some reason, my youngest two kept laughing at my skirt. Not sure why they thought it looked funny as I love it!! Like an old lady skirt or something?

Then my youngest Son said;

‘Why did the train we came on have no curtains?’

‘Because Mum is wearing them!!’

Great, they thought my skirt looked like train curtains!!

They were laughing all day with that joke.

Kids eh!?

Day Out In Leicester

Not going to stop me from wearing it again though, as I really liked it.

Day Out In Leicester

Day Out In Leicester: What I Wore: Train Curtains?

What I Wore:

  • Top: Primark
  • Vest: Primark
  • Skirt: Primark
  • Bag: c/o George at Asda
  • Shoes: Converse
silver skirt

Day Out In Leicester.

What do you think of my skirt?

Looks like train curtains to you?



I can not wait to wear it again.

I really do not mind their Banta!!

Perhaps a good job, eh!?

Day Out In Leicester

I think this skirt will be great to wear in Autumn too.

All layered up over cosy tights.

Teamed up with a nice chunky knit jumper and boots.

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How To Make Fruity Rocky Road.

West Somerset Railway: What I Wore.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Jessica Jannenga
    15 September 2017 / 15:28

    Lovely outfit and it looks like a pretty day out. pleated midi skirts are some of my favs!thanks for linking!jess

  2. Rachel
    14 September 2017 / 11:08

    That skirt looks great on you! Beautiful photos!

  3. Amy Johnson
    13 September 2017 / 13:38

    I love that skirt! Gorgeous!

  4. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    11 September 2017 / 14:00

    I don't think the skirt looks like train curtains! It's lovely and flattering. Sounds like a fun day and a lot of good laughs with the family! How great for your oldest son! Well done!

  5. mummabstylish
    10 September 2017 / 10:53

    Love that skirt, I'm heading to Primark! What a cool day out you had, wishing your son lots of luck Claire. x

  6. Tamar SB
    10 September 2017 / 10:50

    Love that skirt!

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