Eat Sleep Run Repeat …


This week it has been all about taking my time with running, not getting stressed about finding time to get out. Also leaving my watch behind and not bothering about time and distance. Running when I have a spare minute to myself and the children are busy, puppy fed and walked. Not easy then!?!

With the children on school holidays and my husband off work, finding me time has been difficult.

Days out here, a few nights away there. Chip and cake shops on days out. Chinese take outs, ice cream and fried breakfasts on a few days away. Pizza when home after a long drive home and tired!

I will be glad to have a break over the next few days. Exercises a plenty to burn off the calories. Healthier eating a must!!

I did get a lovely run on the beach at Mablethorpe. Just me and the sunshine and the sand. Perfect first thing in the morning. I took this picture the night before as I was planning a route and did not want to take my phone with me! I hate to carry things on my run!

I need to get into a proper running routine again now but not sure if I can do it over the summer. Come September it will be:

  • Eat 
  • Sleep 
  • Run 
  • Repeat


  • Do you find it easy to have me time over the summer holidays and fit exercise in?
  • Do you get up early and run before everyone get up or do you like to rest like me and catch up with all the sleep you can get? Getting up with  puppy in the middle of the night makes me  so tired all day!
  • What is you favourite way to keep fit and healthy when the children are off school?
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Alison
    3 August 2015 / 16:22

    Very inspiring post. I've been meaning to take up running (I started on and off but recently haven't been doing any structured exercise at all,just walking everywhere), but just don't seem to have the time. Maybe when both the kids are at school…

  2. Tiffany Maytum
    2 August 2015 / 13:55

    I am headed out for a walk with my dog now! Just catching up with my blogs! I find it easier when the kids are home for the summer to get up earlier and head out due to their school schedules. During the school year, my me time is my lunch hour and after dinner walk. Have a great day!

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