Flowers On A Friday #WelcomeToTheWeekendLinkUp

Flowers On A Friday. Happy Wednesday Friends. Thanks so much for joining us today for The Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday Link Up!

Happy Friday Friends. Thanks so much for joining us today for The Welcome To The Weekend Link Up!

Two weeks into the Summer holidays and I am all out of routine. On Wednesday I woke up thinking it was Friday and today I woke up thinking it was Wednesday!

Please tell me it is not just me who is getting the days mixed up over Summer? Thanks to the blog hops, keeping me on track!

Flowers On A Friday
Flowers On A Friday

Today I am sharing a few pretty flower photos that I took earlier in the week. I love snapping away at flowers.

These flowers are so pretty, I just love the colour.

Flowers On A Friday
Flowers On A Friday

Talking of flowers, we are off out on a day out to Bakewell today and I can not wait to see Bakewell in Bloom.

Thanks for stopping by today and I hope you have fun at this week’s blog hop.

What have you been writing about this week?

Would you like to share your blog posts with us today?

Flowers On A Friday #WelcomeToTheWeekendLinkUp:

Welcome To This week’s The Weekend Link Up Guidelines:

Please only add family-friendly posts to the linky below!

You can link up any posts or straight to your homepage. You can link any posts up on Friday’s. No need for a blog theme.

Please tweet me any links you have added to the link up to me @clairejustineo using any of the #WeekendBlogHop #WeekendLinkUp or #WelcomeToTheWeekendLinkUp hashtags and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

Please try to stop back here over the weekend when you have a spare five minutes and comment on a few of the blogs that have linked up.

Please link back to the Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop party in your posts to spread the word. 

It would be great if you would like to follow me in some way?

Let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can follow you back.

Talking of Bakewell, You Might Also Like:

BerryWorld Red Gooseberry Bakewell Tarts.

How To Make Elderflower Bakewell Mug Cakes.

How To Make Bakewell Meringues.

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you again on Monday For our next link up.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook


  1. eyeloveknots
    7 August 2018 / 16:50

    Back before I sold my home, we had one of the most elaborate, and beautiful garden surrounding the house. My favorite was the azalea bushes, but I really enjoyed seeing all of the flowers blooming. I miss it. Thanks for the reminder of good memories πŸ™‚


    • Claire
      13 August 2018 / 07:33

      Thanks for stopping by Alexandra πŸ™‚ I would love a beautiful garden but my dog eats the flowers πŸ™

  2. 4 August 2018 / 17:31

    Beautiful and lovely flowers. Love them. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 20:09

      Thanks for joining us Patrick πŸ™‚

  3. shelbeeontheedge1
    4 August 2018 / 14:40

    Beautiful flowers, Claire! I never know what day it is anymore! So you are definitely not alone!


    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 20:07

      Aww, thanks Shelbee πŸ™‚

  4. 3 August 2018 / 22:04

    So glad I’m not the only one.. I kept thinking yesterday was Friday all day long.

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 20:03

      Thanks. I am glad it is not just me πŸ™‚

  5. Cheryl Shops
    3 August 2018 / 19:12

    Those are gorgeous flowers! Hope you have a fantastic weekend, Claire!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 20:02

      Aww, thanks Cheryl. You too lovely πŸ™‚

  6. 3 August 2018 / 17:53

    Beautiful flowers! I do have days like that in the summer!

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:59

      Thanks for stopping by Heather πŸ™‚

  7. 3 August 2018 / 16:01

    I am totally confused with what day it is too! The blooms you captures are beautiful x

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:13

      Thanks Louisa πŸ™‚

  8. stinedurfdl
    3 August 2018 / 14:48

    Beautiful flowers Claire! Have a fabulous weekend!

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:13

      Thanks Debbie. You too πŸ™‚

  9. awayfromtheblue
    3 August 2018 / 13:48

    They are beautiful flowers! I find the same, when I’m on holiday it’s easy to forget which day is which, haha!

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope that you are having a great week so far πŸ™‚

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:10

      Thanks for joining us πŸ™‚

  10. 3 August 2018 / 13:10

    pretty flowers and I too get mixed up on vacation. Its the worst when you wake up and panic that it’s Monday but realize its wednesday and you are on vacation not going to work lol

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:07

      Hehe, thanks Linda. I hate getting my days mixed up πŸ™‚

    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:05

      Thanks Tamar. I am getting so bad!

  11. Maureen
    3 August 2018 / 11:45

    Happy Flower and Fri – DAY Claire! Don’t worry, my days are all screwed up! Last week was similar to your week this week in which I thought Wednesday was Friday! I was all excited until of course my dad burst my bubble and told me the truth! Ha! Wishing you a lovely weekend!


    • Claire
      4 August 2018 / 19:02

      Hehe, thanks Maureen. Not just me then πŸ™‚

  12. passion fruit, paws and peonies
    3 August 2018 / 07:56

    Hi Claire – have a great weekend lovely – it’s going to be another hot one! xx

    • Claire
      3 August 2018 / 21:20

      Hi Marie, thank you. You too lovely πŸ™‚