Forty-Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop

Forty-Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

Happy Friday and welcome to the weekend linky party, forty-four.

Forty Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop

Forty-Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Not the number of blog hops I have hosted.
Not my house number, street name or amount lamp posts on our road.
Not the number of holidays I’ve ever been on or will be going on this year.
Not the number of pretty dresses I have or nights out planned to wear them booked.
Not the number of shoes I own or worn this month.
Not the amount of cakes I’ve made or eaten this week.
Not the amount of races I’ve raced or dreamt of entering.
Not the number of friends I’ve had or ever wish to have.
Not the number of coins I have in my purse…

But forty-four years I have been on this planet!!

Forty-four years.

I honestly do not feel forty-four.

Forty-four years young 😉

Why do the year’s go by so quickly!?

If I was to put 44 candles on a cake how big would the cake have to be!?

Forty-four is just another number.

Birthdays are not as much fun as when you are younger, are they!?

Happy Birthday to me!! 

Forty-Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Sending out virtual pieces birthday cakes to all.

I am off to plan a fun meal for later, a fun shopping trip and days out for the weekend.

Grab a drink to go with it and join us for this weeks:

Forty-Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Forty-Four: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

The weekend blog hop requests:

Simply link up 44 posts, leave 44 comments and send 44 pieces of birthday cake. Haha, not really.

To join us at this all week long fun blog hop simply-

1. Link up as many of your favourite posts from the last few weeks as you would like too.

2. Please kindly follow me here if you would like to? but not essential. Let me know if you are new followers so I can hop over and follow you back.

3. Please add the welcome to the weekend blog widget to your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts or on your blog hop page or sidebar. This way other can find the hop and join in the fun too.

4. Have fun blog hopping around all new blogs that have linked up today and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.

5. Try to stop by a few blogs and leave a comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun 🙂

6.) Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on twitter and I will share your posts.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays blog hop.

This linky list has now closed. 

Some posts you might have missed:

Juicy Chicken And Pepper Kebabs.

How To Make Madeleine Hot Air Balloons.

How To Make Elderflower Bakewell Mug Cakes.

Chesterfield Crooked Spire Spring Bloom: Wednesday Blog Hop.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Majalena
    7 May 2017 / 21:55

    Happy Birthday to you!

  2. jules
    7 May 2017 / 19:59

    Happy Birthday Claire!!xo Jules

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 May 2017 / 19:38

      Thank you Jules 🙂

  3. Mother of 3
    6 May 2017 / 11:05

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Shelbee On The Edge
    6 May 2017 / 10:34

    Enjoy your birthday weekend, Claire! Happy, Happy Birthday! Be sure to celebrate all month long!Shelbee

  5. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    5 May 2017 / 21:15

    Have a great weekend Claire.

  6. Nina
    5 May 2017 / 19:24

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for hosting this link up each week!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 May 2017 / 19:26

      Thanks for joining us Nina 🙂

  7. Valerei hansen
    5 May 2017 / 17:18

    Happy Birthday!1 I only wish I was still 44 ha. I turned 52 a few months all good tho..lif is just a number! Thanks for the first time here, thank you and lovely blog.

  8. harmskills
    5 May 2017 / 17:16

    Happy happy birthday!!!!! My hubs turns 44 in two weeks… totally young! Enjoy your day!

  9. csuhpat1
    5 May 2017 / 15:06

    Happy Birthday. Hope have a blessed one. I am 48 and as long as you feel youthful and young at heart. You are good.

    • 14 May 2017 / 19:17

      That is great advice Patrick 🙂 Thank you.

  10. Elegance and Mommyhood
    5 May 2017 / 15:49

    Happy Birthday Claire!! I know we share the same birthdate so I always remember yours.

  11. Chris
    5 May 2017 / 13:59

    If I could bring 44 pieces of cake over to your house tonight, I would!! LOLHave a wonderful bday weekend Claire!! I turned 44 EIGHT years ago! Sometimes I catch myself in the mirror and think yikes, who is that "old" person? YOU look amazing! The time does fly, but you're still youthful and young at heart!God bless! and thank you

    • 6 May 2017 / 21:07

      Aww, thank you Chris :):) I would eat them all too, hehe !!

  12. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    5 May 2017 / 12:39

    Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your weekend and your special day. Thanks for the virtual cake, I won't regret it later. 🙂

  13. Tamar SB
    5 May 2017 / 11:01

    Happiest of birthday to you!

  14. Andrea Nine
    5 May 2017 / 10:44

    Happy Birthday beautiful babe!!! I hope it is as lovely as your are!!

  15. Fashion Fairy Dust
    5 May 2017 / 09:58

    Happy Happy Birthday Claire! Have a fun-filled and fabulous birthday weekend my friend!Debbie

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