Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day. Happy Friday, friends.

Today I am sharing lots of beautiful green things Mollie and I have seen on our walks this week.

I love taking photos on our walks and there is so many beautiful colours around when you look for them.

What time is it MR Wolf? Did you blow the seeds off the dandelions when you were little?

One puff of wind would set the seeds flying for miles. Just like little parachutes.

Photos To Brighten Your Day

1.) Raspberries Bushes:

Firstly, how beautiful are these raspberry bushes? The pops of colour certainly brightened up my day!!

I love a raspberry smoothie to start my day too.

Mollie The Collie

Mollie The Collie:

Secondly, Mollie The Collie always brightens up my day.

But today we are talking greens and how pretty are the green bushes with red berries on behind her?

Also the nice and health green grass?

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day:

Snail on leaf

The Snail On The Leaf:

Thirdly, how colourful is the leave that the snail is resting on?

Red and green and all ready for Autumn.

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

Mollie Going About Her Day:

Fourthly, how sweet is the green tunnel Mollie is running through? Carefree Mollie is enjoying her walk.

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

The Beautiful Colours Of Autumn:

Fifthly and green is out and orange is in! The beautiful autumn colour is taking over. Such a stunning sight. Especially with the blue sky’s.

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

More Mollie!!

More photos of Mollie? Aww, bless her. She would go out walking all day.

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

A Random Fly:

Last but not least a random fly on a pretty yellow flower. With lots of green in the background!

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day:

So what do you think of my all thing’s green? Do you have any green photos to share today?

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day:

Friday Greens: Nature Photos To Brighten Your Day

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Please leave a comment because they brighten up my day too.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Veronica Lee
    26 November 2020 / 07:36

    Beautiful greens and a gorgeous dog!

    Happy Thursday, Claire!

  2. Bethan Sian
    16 October 2015 / 21:10

    Such beautiful photos! Thank you for linking up with #justanotherlinky

  3. Petra-Pippa Koenig
    16 October 2015 / 11:57

    we will meet at friday green!herzlich Pippa

  4. Nick V.
    16 October 2015 / 05:49

    Lovely greens and a beautiful dog! :-)Many thanks for taking part in the Friday Greens meme.

  5. Kezzie
    11 October 2015 / 16:38

    Isn't she getting BIG!!! Pretty girl. Such beautiful, bright photos too!x

  6. rhymingwithwine
    11 October 2015 / 13:12

    Beautiful pictures, such vivid colours. #justanotherlinky

  7. Something Crunchy Mummy
    10 October 2015 / 19:47

    Beautiful photos. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  8. Mud Cakes and Wine
    10 October 2015 / 07:05

    What beautiful pictures capturing our new season #notjustanotherlinky xxxx

  9. Tom
    9 October 2015 / 17:14

    Happy Fall!

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