Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before? Hello!

Yeah, my Children’s school have eventually broken up for their half-term school holidays. It feels like forever since they were last off school.

I’m sure most of the UK have already had at least a week off school already!? How does that work?

Thankfully they are both off at the same time as they are both at different schools and some schools around us broke up a few weeks ago. We would not have been able to go far if one was at school and one was home!

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

Fun Geocaching: We have plenty of outdoor fun planned for the school holidays and can not wait to get out and explore new places. A few weeks ago we discovered Geocaching too.

How much fun!?

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

Have you heard of this or tried it before?

It is an app where you can find secret things hidden near your home and wherever you travel too.

So far we have only found 3 hidden things though!

A box and 2 magnetic screws and we have thousand’s more hidden things to find.

Everything we have found has a little note inside so you can sign that you have found it.

Genius idea.

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

It is so addictive and we all rush around when we are near something as we all want to be the one to find it first.

Have You Heard Of This Before?

Writing our names in the book.

Such a clever idea.

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

Left: A magnetic screw with a piece of paper wrapped up small to write your name inside.

Right: Me and my Daughter found this one a few days earlier and my Son was so close to finding this one!

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

My Daughter hiding the box again.

So it is well hidden for the next people who come along to find it. 

Fun Geocaching: Have You Heard Of This Before?

A photo alongside the first Geocache we found.

Shh, we are not saying where it was hidden though.

You have to find it for yourself.

Mollie The collie

Mollie not interested in the Geocaching fun, just hoping someone will throw her frisbee once in a while. Cheers, Mum!!

Have you tried Geocaching before?

It is great fun and gets all of the family out and about doing exercise, so double bonus!!

Linking up our outdoors fun Coombe Mill.

Why not stop by our other days out here: Day’s Out.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Jenny Eaves
    11 April 2016 / 22:43

    Love geocaching here too, but been a long time since we managed it, hoping that Mr O will enjoy it too, now that he's 4. I've never seen the magnetic screw ones, that must have been hard to find? All the ones around here have been boxes. Must check out the ones around our town. Thanks so much for linking up your geocaching fun with #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x

  2. Chloe Ciliberto
    10 April 2016 / 08:32

    We LOVE geocaching. It's such a great family activity isn't it? You can do it anytime, anywhere, whatever the weather. It's definitely one of those 'i'm bored' activities and is great at involving kids and entertaining them on walks. Thank you so much for sharing with #whatevertheweather xx

  3. Kezzie
    2 April 2016 / 22:55

    I really want to go geocaching again soon! We SO should have done it last week as my Brother-in-law was with us in Northumberland and he's the one who introduced it to us and he has the app!!! We found one of those micro-screw ones too!x

  4. Tamar SB
    2 April 2016 / 22:03

    What a fun activity!

  5. Helena Ashworth
    2 April 2016 / 17:21

    It's lovely to see others enjoying geocaching too. Our family are geocaching crazy and my daughter's name reflects nature. #CountryKids

  6. Melanie
    2 April 2016 / 17:19

    Omg! To go geocaching in the London must be so awesome!! I love geocaching and my husband was obsessed with it for a while back! I just love when you never know what your going to find!! What a fun activity to do on a mini break!! =)I hope you have a great rest of the break! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  7. mum of three boys
    2 April 2016 / 13:12

    We was geocaching in london during the week, I love that you find caches every where, it's a great way to explore new areas

  8. mum of three boys
    2 April 2016 / 13:12

    We was geocaching in london during the week, I love that you find caches every where, it's a great way to explore new areas

    • 3 April 2016 / 21:45

      Whoo we want to try it out in London, hope we get chance to visit this holiday :)Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  9. Coombe Mill
    2 April 2016 / 12:22

    Geocaching is something we've not got into but I understand it is really quite addictive and a great way to get our and make a walk more interesting. Some of them seam like a real challenge to find but are often in interesting places that you might not otherwise have explored. Looks like a fun time had by all, I hope Molly had her Frisbee thrown a few times too. thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

    • 3 April 2016 / 21:43

      Thanks Fiona, it is very addictive and we all fight (in a fun way) to find it when we are close, to be the first to find it! so it is lots of fun 🙂 Thanks for hosting,,

  10. Island Living 365
    2 April 2016 / 08:30

    We have done this. It is such a great way of getting out and about and exploring new areas, isn't it! #countrykids

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