Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart

Recipe and image courtesy of British Organic Carrots.

Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart. Hello friends.

Fancy making a Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart anyone?

It’s amazing how much flavour there is in the not-so-humble organic carrot!

Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart
How To Make A Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart:

Serves 6

Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes


  • 300g British organic carrots, peeled and cut into batons
  • 2 red onions, sliced
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 500g pack puff pastry
  • A little flour, for dusting
  • 1 small egg, beaten with 1tbsp water
  • 1tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4tbsp pesto sauce
  • 100g feta cheese
  • Rosemary or thyme sprigs, to garnish

Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart

Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart Method:

1. Preheat the oven to 220°C, fan oven 200°C, Gas Mark 7.

2. Put the organic carrots and onions into a roasting tin and add the olive oil, tossing to coat. Add the herb sprigs and roast for 20 minutes, or until the carrots are tender.

3. Meanwhile, roll out the pastry into a rectangle measuring approximately 35x25cm. Transfer to a lightly greased baking sheet. Using a sharp knife, score a border about 3cm from the edges of the pastry, without cutting right through. Brush this border with the beaten egg mixture.

4. Allow the organic carrots and onions to cool, removing the herb sprigs. Stir in the balsamic vinegar with a little salt and pepper and toss together. While the carrots are cooling, bake the pastry for 20-25 minutes until risen and golden.

5. Gently press down the pastry within the border. Spread the pesto sauce over this area, then arrange the roasted organic carrots and onion on top. Crumble over the feta cheese and bake for a further 5 minutes.

Serve, garnished with rosemary or thyme sprigs.

Cook’s tip: Use regular onions if you don’t have red ones.

Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart

What do you think of this Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart recipe?

Do you fancy trying it?

Recipe and image courtesy of British Organic Carrots

The British Organic Carrot season runs from October to May.

Why not join us for this week’s Creative Mondays and share your recipes with us?Glazed Carrot, Feta And Red Onion Tart

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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Recipe and image courtesy of British Organic Carrots.


  1. Dee | Grammy's Grid
    2 October 2019 / 04:36

    Interesting combination of ingredients!! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 5. Shared.

    • 3 October 2019 / 19:57

      Thanks so much for the comment and hosting 🙂

  2. 15 February 2019 / 17:00

    Yum, this recipe is delicious I just pinned it. I think I will try it on a cauliflower crust for me. I will let you know if that works. Happy Weekend, Kippi #kippiathome

    • 17 February 2019 / 17:34

      Thanks Kippi. Cauliflower crust sounds great 🙂

  3. Ruth
    10 October 2018 / 17:57

    Looks different and I bet it is so tasty.

  4. Debbie-Dabble
    5 October 2018 / 02:31

    Looks good!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

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