Having A Bad Hair Day!?

Having A Bad Hair Day!? Creative Mondays Blog Hop. Happy Monday. September already!? The months are just flying by. So how are you? Good, I hope.

Any fun plans for this week? Back to school on Wednesday here so it is a spot of last minute back to school buying here today.

Welcome back to this week’s 03/09/2017 Creative Mondays blog hop. I appreciate you being here with us all today and sharing your creative, arty, stylish, craft and yummy blog posts with us.

Having A Bad Hair Day

Having A Bad Hair Day!?

Having A Bad Hair Day!? Don’t let a bad hair day get you down!

Take a deep breath, smiles and take that selfie. Always a photo to embarrass the kids with!! ‘Mum you’re not going to post that photo are you!?’ Hehe!! Holidays are so much fun.

Having A Bad Hair Day!? We all have them, right!? Some days can be better than others. Sometimes you have to just laugh at yourself and admit it. You are just not having a good hair day today.

Thanks so much for linking up last week when I was away and here are a few of my favourite blog posts:


Firstly, Enjoyable Cooking. I love to cook and Carol shares some Essential Tools For Enjoyable Cooking.

Secondly, Red Jacket. Love Laurie’s Red Frayed Hem Jacket that she picked up in the Zara sale. Love piece for Autumn too. Red Jacket. So pretty.

Thirdly, A Beautiful Table Settings. How lovely is Catherine from Smashing Tablescapes Colonial Tradewinds Inspired table!? Table Settings. So good.

Fourthly, Corn On The Cob. Fancy some corn on the cob, made in minutes? Pop over to Julie’s blog to find out more! Corn On Cob Made In Minutes. So tasty.

Having A Bad Hair Day!? Creative Mondays Blog Hop:

Having A Bad Hair Day!? Creative Mondays Link Up Requests:

Please also link up all you’re blog posts that you would like to share with us today, straight to a post and not just your main blog. Add any of your creative, recipes, crafty, DIY and stylish posts with us today. You can share tutorials. Anything creative. Up-cycled post projects. Stylish and fashion posts. Home makeovers, house restyle and home tours. Or anything else that has got you creative over the last few weeks.

Add your blog posts to the linky below and share your blog posts with us at Creative Mondays.

Creative Mondays:

Please try to visit some of the other blogs on this list and share the linky love. Have fun hopping around the blog hop.

It would be great if you could add a Creative Mondays blog hop button somewhere on your blog post or sidebar. or a link back to this blog hop to help others find it and join in the fun too.

Please spread the #CreativeMondays word around your social media channels and on Twitter so your blogging friends can join in with us. Do not forget to tweet me your links that you have added today and I will re-tweet them. @clairejustineo

It would be great if you would like to follow me somewhere on any of my social media channels? let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can stop by and follow back.

Having A Bad Hair Day!? Do not forget to stop by our other blog hops too. On Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday you can share your photo’s at our photo blog hop. Every Friday you can link up any family friendly post that you would like to share. By linking up you are giving me permission to maybe feature your blog next week.

This blog hop has now finished. All links have been deleted due to old or broken links.

Some Posts You Might Have Missed:

Firstly, Parkrun Summer Travels: Clumber Park. Over the Summer we have been out and about and finding new Parkuns to try. A few weeks ago we tried Parkrun at Margate and a few times we have run the Clumber Park one, south of Worksop, Nottinghamshire. Clumber Park. So good.

Secondly, Go-with-the-grain Feta And Sweet Potato Supper. How about trying this tasty Go-with-the-grain Feta And Sweet Potato Supper Recipe? Feta And Sweet Potato Supper. So tasty.

Thirdly, Bike Ride Around London. We have been away for the week and I am looking forward to getting the 200 miles to drive home done today and soon getting back into a proper routine again. Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Bike Ride Around London. So much fun.

Fourthly, 21st Wedding Anniversary! Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop. “I remember every little thing, As it happened only yesterday!!” Paradise by the dash headlights. Meatloaf. 21st Wedding Anniversary!

Having A Bad Hair Day!?

Having A Bad Hair Day!? Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

Having A Bad Hair Day
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. csuhpat1
    5 September 2017 / 14:36

    Thanks for hosting and have a good week. Your hair is fine, just a windy day.

  2. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    5 September 2017 / 14:23

    What a fun photo! Julie's corn on the cob looks so good!

  3. Marilyn Lesniak
    5 September 2017 / 01:16

    Thank you for hosting. Have a great week!

  4. Julie's Creative Lifestyle
    4 September 2017 / 22:13

    I do have some bad hair days and your hair day does not looks so bad!! Thanks Claire for featuring my corn on the cob at your fun party. Hope you have a nice week.Julie

  5. April J Harris
    4 September 2017 / 17:59

    It's lovely to see photos of real life and real days on social media. I'm glad you share them! You look great, Claire. Thank you so much for hosting. I've shared some delicious back to school recipe ideas today.

    4 September 2017 / 15:25

    Rep, we all have bad days and very bad hair days, lol..Thank you for hosting.Fabby

  7. Jessica Jannenga
    4 September 2017 / 15:03

    Well, you put a smile on my face! Yes, bad hair days are when I let my hair dry naturally..Love Laurie's jacket too!Have a great week!jess xx

  8. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    4 September 2017 / 12:31

    Thanks so much for the party each week and thanks for stopping by!!Hugs,Debbie

  9. Carrie
    4 September 2017 / 12:02

    Truthfully, the older I get the more bad hair days I have…so sad! Have a great week, Claire!

  10. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    4 September 2017 / 11:02

    Thanks for featuring my post on cooking tools. Have a fabulous day!

  11. Tamar SB
    4 September 2017 / 10:18

    Enjoy the end of summer! We go back then too!

  12. Shelbee On The Edge
    4 September 2017 / 11:12

    I never thought of capturing a bad hair day on camera with a sense of humor! Thanks for the new perspective. That adds a whole different spin (a really great spin) on things! Shelbee

  13. Gail Hanlon
    4 September 2017 / 09:55

    It's slightly harder to have a bad hair day with short hair because there's less of it to blow around. But not so versatile of course. Thanks for the link up!

    • 7 September 2017 / 20:19

      I keep thinking if I should have it cut really short again Gail 🙂

  14. Coombe Mill
    4 September 2017 / 08:29

    Too many bad hair days for me. One advantage of having it long is the ability to just tie it up! Thanks for hosting #CreativeMondays

  15. Tara
    4 September 2017 / 07:05

    Thanks so much, have added a link and followed. Looking forward to hopping round a few other blogs, too! Tara x

  16. mummabstylish
    4 September 2017 / 07:53

    We all have those hair days!!! I scrape mine into a pong tail when I do! Thanks for the link up Claire. x Jacqui

    • 7 September 2017 / 20:14

      Hehe, sound like me most days lately Jacqui. I really need to go to the hairdressers 🙂

  17. Catherine
    4 September 2017 / 06:28

    Thank you so much for the feature Claire! I really enjoy reading your blog post! CatherineSmashing Plates

  18. vanity andme
    4 September 2017 / 06:54

    Thank you for featuring Claire. A lovely start to brighten up my rainy Monday! Have a great week xx

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