How Does Your Garden Grow?

Over the last few weeks we have been on lots of cool adventures. Sometimes the simple things in life can be great fun too. 

Once a week we have been visiting my Mum and Dad. It is always a fun day for the children visiting Grandma and Grandad. 

A typical day out would start with walking over a mile to the train station. A 10 minute train ride. Then a 2 mile walk/run to Gran’s house. 

We always take Mollie the puppy along with us too, she doesn’t like missing out!

It ends up being about a 6-7 mile round trip, running and walking. It get my exercise in for the day, that’s for sure!

 The children love to play games with Grandad. Mollie sleeps and I love to take lots of pictures in their garden.

They have lots of flowers, fruit and vegetables growing. With two big apple trees in the middle of the lawn. One tree with eating apples and one with cooking apples. Yummy..

Every year there are enough to go round the whole family. It will soon be apple pie time again!

There are plenty of Bees around spreading their pollen. They never seem to have a Bee shortage on their garden. Every year one of us jumps out of our skin, when a Bee lands on us!! We never harm them though!

Green Beans anyone?

Another favourite are the Butterfly’s. Tough to get a photo of, that’s for sure.

Rhubarb looks nearly ready.

A lovely pink rose.

Plums looking a bit green yet.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Nick V.
    20 August 2015 / 01:22

    Beautiful shots, Claire. At the end of Winter, we are looking forward to some fine weather now, Downunder.Many thanks for taking part in the in the Friday Greens meme.

  2. Eco Gites of Lénault
    18 August 2015 / 12:30

    What lovely late summer pictures – I am jealous you have plums – we have none for the second year in a row but I have found a few damsons. #HDYGG

  3. thechickendoesjoburg
    16 August 2015 / 06:53

    love that you can take the dog on the train and with you all to your parents, their garden is lovely, nice picture of the butterfly

  4. Kim Cunningham
    15 August 2015 / 20:22

    Getting out and about for an adventure is such a balm to the soul!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 21:31

      Thanks Kim 🙂

  5. Amanda Masters
    14 August 2015 / 23:19

    Such a lovely garden. Love the butterfly shot, you captured it perfectly

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 21:31

      Aww, thank you for the lovely comment Amanda 🙂

  6. Tom
    14 August 2015 / 20:28

    Thanks for the lovely tour of your garden. Tom The Backroads Traveller

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 21:31

      Thanks Tom 🙂

  7. Mammasaurus
    14 August 2015 / 18:49

    Ah so nice to be out enjoying the summer like that! How is the puppy getting on? Ozzy is desperate for a dog, there's talk of him asking Father Christmas for one – but daddy says no.Such a toughie as I'd love dog come on walks with me!Loving the butterfly photo especially – carry on enjoying the hols!Thanks for joining in again x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 21:30

      Aww thank you Annie 🙂 Mollie is doing great. She does take up so much of my time though. My ironing pile is up to the ceiling now, lol. Thanks for hosting x

  8. Cheryl
    14 August 2015 / 18:04

    How lovely to be able to visit. Sounds a productive garden. I'm looking forward to apple pies too. #hdygg

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 August 2015 / 21:12

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  9. Kriss MacDonald
    14 August 2015 / 16:59

    The bees and butterflies are clearly delighted with the buddlejas! looks like you'll be feasting on apples and plums soon.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 August 2015 / 21:26

      Thanks Kriss, I am looking for some recipes 🙂

  10. Happy Homebird
    14 August 2015 / 16:23

    I'm waiting for my plums to turn purple. I have that many that the branches have broke!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 August 2015 / 21:25

      Thanks, whoo I know what you mean, my mums did that last year ..

  11. Stephanie Robinson
    14 August 2015 / 15:38

    Love those butterflies, and wowsers lots of plums! #hdygg

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 August 2015 / 21:21

      Thank you Stephanie 🙂

  12. ria cabral
    14 August 2015 / 02:20

    Linking up for little things thursday. I am a sucker for butterflies. What an incredibly beautiful picture. I wish I had lots of flowers and veg in my garden– soon I hope in the next few months we are buying a house.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 August 2015 / 21:19

      Thanks for stopping by Ria 🙂

  13. Cathy Keller
    13 August 2015 / 22:40

    Such a handsome bee and beautiful butterfly! Lovely photos! Have a grand weekend!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      14 August 2015 / 21:18

      Aww thank you Cathy 🙂

  14. Annie
    13 August 2015 / 16:04

    Your parents have a beautiful garden! Wish our yard was like that 🙂 We have less flowers and less butterflies this year, but we do not have a shortage of bees either ;o

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 August 2015 / 21:38

      Thank you Annie, I wish I had lots of veg and flowers in my garden ..

  15. Tamar SB
    13 August 2015 / 12:06

    So gorgeous.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 August 2015 / 21:37

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  16. Molly
    13 August 2015 / 12:02

    Your garden looks like it is full of yummy thingsMollyxxx

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 August 2015 / 21:34

      Thank you Molly 🙂

  17. Dina Lettre
    13 August 2015 / 10:38

    Wow…so, so lovely!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      13 August 2015 / 21:34

      Aww thank you Dina 🙂

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