Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas

Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas. We love Granola here for breakfast but trouble is when we open a box it never lasts long as we all enjoy eating it!

Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas

Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas:

I thought I would try and make my own so we can have it whenever we like. 

I need to make a bigger batch next time as this was gone in a flash too!

Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas
maple syrup


225g Rolled oats

1 tbsp Cinnamon

125g toasted seed mix

80g Raisins

80g Dried Cranberry’s

1tsp Vanilla Extracts

100g Butter

50g Maple syrup

50g Runny honey

Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas
Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas
Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas

Home-made Granola For Some Tasty Breakfast Ideas Method:

Pre-heat oven to fan 160c.

Place the rolled oats and cinnamon  in a bowl.

In a pan gently melt the butter over a low heat. When the butter is melted, add the maple syrup, honey and vanilla extract and stir well. Remove straight from the heat.

Stir the buttery mix into the bowl of oats and mixed well.

Grease and line 2 baking sheets.

Spoon the mixture onto the trays evenly and flatten down.

Bake for around 25 minutes, until golden.

In a bowl mix the seeds, cranberries and raisins.

After 10 minutes of cooking the granola give it a little stir around to cook evenly as it can burn easily. 

10 minutes before granola is cooked sprinkle the mixed seeds, raisins and dried cranberries on the granola mix around and put back into oven for the last 10 minutes. 

Eat on its own warm or serve cold with milk or yogurt and fruit..


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The freshly roasted nuts add flavour to a higher level, too! How To Make Lisa Roukin’s Moroccan Granola.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. PinkOddy
    13 January 2016 / 21:48

    We are trying to improve our diets and I am very much taking a look at breakfasts at the moment. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Tracey Abrahams
    13 January 2016 / 20:21

    I have to admit I have never eaten granola, but it looks nice and I can imagine eating it with a big dollop of natural yoghurt. Thanks for linking up, Tracey xx #happydiaries

  3. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    12 January 2016 / 13:31

    Yummy! I make our own granola now too, it was getting too expensive! I need to make some soon!

  4. Tamar SB
    11 January 2016 / 23:21

    MM!! If I made my own I'd eat it all in one sitting!!

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