Homemade Garden Ideas Bunting For The Outdoors

Homemade Garden Ideas Bunting For The Outdoors. Hello friends. So how are you today? Beautiful Homemade Bunting anyone?

I love to see bright colourful bunting. It looks beautiful blowing in the wind on hot summer days.

As well as looking great outside in your garden, it looks adorable in the kitchen. Don’t you think so to?

Draped all over a Welsh dresser!? Perfect.

Not that I have a Welsh dresser yet but I’m working on the idea of getting an old one and painting it white with chalk paint and giving it shabby chic look.

Homemade Garden Ideas Bunting For The Outdoors

Homemade Garden Ideas Bunting For The Outdoors:

Homemade Garden Ideas Bunting For The Outdoors.

Bunting is a fun and festive decoration that can be used for a variety of occasions, from birthday parties to weddings.

The good thing about bunting is that you can create your own style, shapes and pick of fabrics to make your own unique style.

An added bonus is they are not to difficult to make.

Red, White And Blue. Such a lovely idea for when you are having guest around. Summer party’s, weddings and BBQ’s. Even pick a fabric to suit your theme.

Gingham Print. How pretty is this gingham print? You can make temporary ones from card or ones that last longer from material or even cut up old clothes. 

Using up old pieces of scrap material from sewing projects is just perfect. Experiment with different shapes or even scraps of material looks nice. 

Sewing them to garden twin, tying them to it or even just making holes to thread some string through.

How To Make Bunting:

Firstly, Choose Your Fabric. Choose your fabric carefully because cotton or cotton blends work best for bunting. Bunting can be fashioned from a number of fabrics.

Depending on your preference, you can pick a cloth with a plain colour or one with patterns.

Secondly, Triangles Should Be Cut. Cut triangles out of your fabric. A typical dimension is 7 inches broad by 9 inches long, but you can construct them in any size you choose.

Pinking shears should be used to keep the fabric from fraying.

Thirdly, Create A Template. Make a template out of strong paper or cardboard to guarantee that all of your triangles are the same size.

Cut out the triangles by tracing the template onto the fabric.

Fourthly, Create A Pocket Or Flap Of Material. For the string or other material by folding the top of each triangle over and sewing along the edge.

Fifth, Time To Hang The Bunting. Once all of the triangles have been strung onto the string, hang the bunting with hooks or sellotape. It can be hung between trees, along a wall, or even from the ceiling.

Homemade Garden Ideas: Bunting For The Outdoors:

More ideas? Decorate the triangles as desired. You can embellish the triangles with paint, markers, or iron-on writing to give your bunting more flair.

Just be certain to finish it before stitching the triangles together.

Elephants. Of course, my favourite idea is to find something worn, old or ripped and… Recycle them. Especially if they are going in the garden but you can use new material and bring them back in at night-time or when raining.

Denim!? Recycle, Recycle Recycled!! I am in the middle of making some recycled bunting for the garden.  Love using old jeans.

I also made this dress a few years ago but it is the wrong kind of material for summer. It is far too heavy to wear in the heat. So I think I can make perfect bunting out of this. 

Homemade Garden Ideas: Bunting For The Outdoors. What do you think of these bunting ideas? Fancy trying any? For more ideas follow my board: Bunting Ideas On Pinterest.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Dee | Grammy's Grid
    1 May 2020 / 12:31

    Cute ideas! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 16 for Gardening, open April 30 to May 10. All entries shared if social media buttons are installed.

  2. 1 May 2020 / 02:47

    What a wonderful idea! I am going to search my fabric/scrap stash for just the right colors (bold and beautiful!)
    I’m so glad you shared with us this week at our Encouraging Hearts & Home blog hop.

  3. Morgan Prince
    2 June 2016 / 15:42

    I've never tried to make bunting before, I'm a bit rubbish when it comes to crafts like that! Love the dress! You're an upcycling star!Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo

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