How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! So Sick!!

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! So Sick!! Hello friends. Happy Halloween. Hope your having a fun and spooky day so far!?! Discover our mind-blowing pumpkin carving skills that will leave you in awe! Our creative genius shines through in ‘How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!!’

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! 

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! So Sick!!

I am just about to go out ‘Trick or Treating’ with the little two. So I thought I would share how we carved our Pumpkins with you :). Just in case you are looking for any last minute ideas.

How We Carved Our Pumpkins:

Get ready to be amazed by our innovative and unique pumpkin designs that redefine the art of carving.

Dive into a world of extraordinary sickmanship!! This Halloween inspiration is sure to impress. Prepare to be utterly captivated by our sick pumpkin carving techniques! Hahahaha!!!!

What You Need:

  • A Pumpkin or 2
  • A knife, (I knew my Pumpkin knife I’ve had years would eventually come in handy).
  • Some kind of face designs ~eyes, nose and mouth… either shop brought or some you have drawn or printed off the internet!!
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Tea lights
How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!!

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! So Sick!!

What We Did:

  1. First we picked out who wanted which face designs and cut them out.
  2. We then lightly stuck them in place onto the Pumpkins.
  3. After they had dried we set onto cutting the tops off the Pumpkins, or should I say I did!! the kids then disappeared and left mum to it!!
  4. Then I scooped all the Pumpkin seeds out.
  5. Onto cutting around the eyes, nose and mouth. I think my son picked the hardest shape on purpose, haha.
  6. All ready to light up when its dark.
How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!!

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! So Sick!!

About this post~ We kindly got sent a Flora Halloween fun pack and we used some of the products in this post. All thoughts are my own.


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Sick Pumpkin

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! 

How We Carved Our Pumpkins Is Sick!! Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.  Also, follow Along On Facebook And Instagram for more Halloween posts.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Coombe Mill
    3 November 2014 / 09:01

    I love the setup with the pumpkins throwing up, it's ingenious, looks like some great designs were made there. Dropping by from Creative Mondays.

  2. mum in meltdown
    2 November 2014 / 19:25

    This was definitely original, pumpkins throwing up- Fab!! Too much wine perhaps 🙂

    • 3 November 2014 / 20:09

      Thanks, wish i could carve them better, we seem some amazing ones 🙂

  3. Kezzie
    1 November 2014 / 10:33

    Aaaaaaa, your pumpkins are throwing up, that's hilarious!!!!

  4. Tamar SB
    31 October 2014 / 23:36

    I love when people do this one!

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