Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run. Also, I First Started Running In 2004. Also, How I Got Into Running. 

The Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run Post. Hi, guys. So welcome to my first-ever blog post! So scary, eh? Well, I did write one post before this but did not like it and deleted it.

Because who wants to read about the dentist and a tooth abscess!? Ha!!

Anyway, I was never one for exercise, but after having 3 children I decided to start running and try to get fit.

I chose running because I need to keep up with them when they are on the go all day. (Fitness and I never worked together nicely before!!).

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run. When I First Started Running In 2004. Also, How I Got Into Running.

From being a self-proclaimed couch potato to conquering the Great Manchester Run’s 10K course, my journey has been a tough one.

It all began as a personal challenge to break free from my lifestyle, keep up with my kids, and improve my overall fitness.

I decided after have a few children, I want to get fit.

My first mile was hard going; I must have stopped 10 times to catch my breath! The second mile home was tough, well, in fact, I walked it back.

Setting A Goal:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

Setting A Goal.

So I needed a goal.

I booked my first race. I trained hard.

Well as hard as I could for an overweight mum who did not like running!

The Great Manchester 10k run, that can not be too hard? Just over 6 miles? Can it be hard? Yes!! it can!!

The race was booked for the 23rd of May 2004. Eek. Also, time to start training.

The idea of participating in one of the UK’s most renowned running events initially seemed like a distant dream.

However, with determination and consistent training, I gradually progressed from struggling to run a mere few minutes to confidently conquering the 10 kilometers of the Great Manchester Run.

The experience was both physically demanding and mentally empowering, pushing me beyond my limits.

Crossing that finish line, amidst the cheering crowds and the city’s iconic landmarks, was a testament to the incredible changes I had made on my path from a couch potato to a 10K.

It’s proof that with dedication and perseverance, anyone can turn their life around and achieve remarkable fitness goals.

Raising Money For Charity:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

Raising Money For Charity.

I decided to do the race to raise money for charity.

Something to work hard for and the thoughts of doing good would help me run around the course and raise money for a good cause at the same time.

All charities are great so it was hard deciding which one to go for.

I picked Cancer Research UK to run for as my grandma was recovering from Cancer. So, my mum made me a beautiful Pink Tu Tu.

My Supporters.

My husband drove me to Manchester and my dad came along.

Below with my dad who filmed some of the race and a few famous runners:

I also got to have my photo took with Sonia O’Sullivan and Craig Mottram. How cool and inspiring!

A smile before the race started. Not knowing what I was letting myself in for!

Pink Ballerina Skirt:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

Pink Ballerina Skirt.

Dressed in a Pink Ballerina Skirt my mum had made me, too run in and my Cancer Research UK vest. A good pair of Running Trainers, is a must too.

A photo before the start with my dad who had come with us to cheer me on. Did somebody mention Craig Mottram!?

How cool is this tutu skirt? I loved running in it too as it was so lightweight.


Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run. I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.

Once The Race Was Done.

After the race!! I looked and felt like a beetroot!! A bit tired eh Claire!?

I raised a total of £210-00 which I was very pleased with.

The race itself was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I said to my husband as I finished:

Never again!! Never again!! Soon after this race, I stopped running. Not that I was ever any good!! Or that the race itself put me off running. Or running all those miles too soon after starting to run.

Taking A Break.

So I took another year out to have my 4th child. Then I started training again in September 2005 for my 2nd 10k race on the 6th of May 2006 Rother-Vally a 2 lap course, this one I finished in 1hour, 41 sec. I was so tired out after this race I said to my husband “I never want to run again”!! AGAIN!!

My First Half Marathon.

For some strange reason I carried on running as I caught the ‘running bug’ and on the 29th of October 2006 I did my first 13.1 miles race:

The Worksop Half Marathon.

Even though my legs went wobbly at the end, I was very pleased with my time of 2 hours 18 minutes, and 02 seconds.

Never Giving Up:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

Never Giving Up.

A lot has changed since my first run and races. I always surprise myself. I carried on running and do not give up when the going got tough.

(And there are always tough days).

Nothing has changed in my training I still work as hard as I did then just a bit faster now.

First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.

What will be my next goals!? When did you start running or a fitness routine? Keep an eye on my training and keep up to date with any running posts here: Running.

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

How Should A Beginner Start Jogging?

How Should A Beginner Start Jogging. I would say start steady and build it up slowly.

Over the years I have been injured a lot through trying to add my miles up quickly.

Start off with a few stretches, walk then run a bit and keep this going through your first jog. Finish off with stretches and try to run a little long on your next run before you walk again.

You might also like to check out my health posts and healthy recipes: Health And Wellness.

Paul Tergat Quote

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run. I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.So what do you think of today’s post?

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Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run

Run Streak: Week One, Day Seven:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

Run Streak: Week One, Day Seven.

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Just Did It! Wordless Wednesday Link-Up.

Sixth, as I have a few weeks off work I made a deal with myself to run every day a few miles with Mollie. I had forgotten how hard running is.

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25 Minutes Parkrun Goal: Part 1 Run Mum Run.

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Parkrun Summer Travels Clumber Park:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run.

Parkrun Summer Travels Clumber Park.

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You would think after having 4 children I would be more organised!! Parkrun Summer Travels Clumber Park. So much fun.

6 Top Fitness Tips For The Winter: Keep On Running.

Last but not least, I was searching through my blog for some fitness tips to help me get back into running. I stumbled upon this tips post from 2017 and thought I would re-share it to help out my new reader too. Top Fitness Tips For The Winter: Keep On Running. So good.

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run:

Couch Potato To 10K Great Manchester Run. So I First Started Running In 2004. And How I Got Into Running.

You Might Also Like My Other Blogs Polka Dot Lady For All Thing’s Polka Dot | Claire’s World For Travel And Style.

Also, follow Along On Facebook And Instagram for more fashion posts.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog

Also, follow along on Facebook for regular updates. So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.

Running. Couch Potato. Great Manchester Run. Running Mum. Run Mum Run. Some Running Quotes. Running Style. Running Fancy Dress Cancer Research. Sonia O Sullivan. So Much Fun.

You Might Also Like My Pinterest Running Board. Dive into the exhilarating world of running with our Running Pinterest board.

Discover a treasure trove of tips, gear recommendations, and scenic routes to fuel your passion for pounding the pavement.

Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner or a beginner lacing up, find inspiration to hit your stride and conquer your goals.

Follow us for a journey through the runner’s high! Pin me for a spark of inspiration that ignites your imagination and fuels your creativity. Pinterest Running Board.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

25 Running Inspired Motivational Quotes I Love:

25 Running Inspired Motivational Quotes I Love:

  1. “Running teaches us that we are capable of more than we ever imagined.”
  2. “When your legs can’t run anymore, run with your heart.”
  3. “Someday you won’t be able to do this. Today is not that day.” -Unknown.
  4. “Embrace the challenge, endure the pain, and emerge stronger with every mile.”
  5. “Run like the wind, chase your dreams one kilometer at a time.”
  6. “Don’t dream of winning, train for it!” -Mo Farah.
  7. “In the rhythm of your breath and the beat of your heart lies the strength to conquer any distance.”
  8. “Ask yourself: ‘Can I give more?’. The answer is usually: ‘Yes’.”-Paul Tergat.
  9. “Every step forward is a victory against doubt and a stride towards greatness.”
  10. “The road to success is paved with determination, sweat, and the sound of your feet hitting the pavement.”
  11. “The only race that matters is the one against yourself. Push beyond your limits.”
  12. “One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it’s worth watching”- Gerard Way.
  13. “Run with purpose, passion, and perseverance, for the finish line awaits the fearless.”
  14. “No hill is too steep, no distance too far, for the one who believes in the power of their own stride.”
  15. “Let your determination be the fuel that propels you forward, even when your body wants to quit.”
  16. “When you feel like stopping, remember why you started. Let your passion outpace your fatigue.”
  17. “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle-when the sun comes up, you’d better be running.”
  18. “Running is not just a sport; it’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.”
  19. “Find your pace, find your peace, find your strength in the solitude of the run.”
  20. “The finish line is not the end; it’s the beginning of a new challenge, a new adventure.”
  21. “Running is not about being the best; it’s about being better than you were yesterday.”
  22. “When your legs burn and your lungs scream, that’s when the real run begins.”
  23. “Life is like a long-distance race. Embrace the journey, cherish the moments, and celebrate every step forward.”
  24. “Run with gratitude for the ability to move, the freedom to explore, and the opportunity to discover your true potential.”
  25. “The road ahead may be long and uncertain, but with each stride, you’re closer to the person you’re meant to become.”
“Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve.
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Jessie
    29 November 2020 / 19:49

    Its always interesting to hear how other runners get the “bug”- thanks for sharing your story!

  2. Mother Badger
    20 September 2011 / 21:48

    Good for you for sticking with it. I don't enjoy running particularly but I do like the sense of achievement/relief (delete as appropriate) afterwards!

  3. seasiderinthecity
    17 September 2011 / 21:40

    Well done! I am in awe of people that can run – I try my best but never stick to it long enough to really see results

  4. 1978rebecca
    17 September 2011 / 20:20

    Oh dear feeling bad now. Was going to run tonight but didn't. Got a bit of headache but no excuse really. Must do better tomorrow.

    • 21 September 2011 / 06:58

      Aww, no worries. There is always tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Mummy Mishaps aka Jenny Paulin
    17 September 2011 / 21:03

    You have dine so muxh! Well done you.

  6. Erica Price
    17 September 2011 / 16:12

    Well done you. I've started running recently as an easy way for me to keep fit. I've no plan to run any races though.

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