IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled.

I love to read IKEA hack posts. They are always so inspiring. How people can make something look so different from their creative ideas.

Today I am sharing my IKEA upcycled project that I did on this old kitchen trolly that I bought years ago. It was not doing anything at the minute, just stored in the garage until I could think of something to do with it.

Now it will be perfect for BBQ’s and Summer entertaining. I am going to make a fun bug patterned tablecloth for it now, methinks. Maybe add a few plant posts on to?

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled:

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

I picked up this solid wood trolly years ago but never really done much with it.

I varnished it slightly but as I ran out of varnish, it never got finished.

A good job I never got to finish it now or it would have taken even longer to sand down!!

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

I had a collection of sandpaper, paint brushes and green gloss in the shed so it actually cost me nothing to upcycle.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

First come the hard bit, rubbing all the varnish off it.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

Then a good dust down.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

A bit more sanding then it was time to paint.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

Upside down to start with and a few coats.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

It took quite a while getting all 4 sides of each piece of wood coated.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

Getting there.

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

Then I turned it over and painted the top a few times.

Not sure it would stand the rain as I did not have any undercoat but hopefully we will remember to pop it into the shed if it does rain!

IKEA Kitchen Trolley Up-cycled

All finished!!

This green is quite bright though, it might be having another makeover soon.

All I need now is some wine and some friends around.

What do you think of this garden trolly makeover?

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Anonymous
    9 January 2018 / 19:20

    Perfect way to up-cycle

  2. Margarett Murphy
    29 June 2017 / 17:54

    What a great idea. Now you will use it more.

    • 26 April 2018 / 10:51

      Thank you. It got a lot more use last Summer than ever before 🙂

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