IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

Since shows like The Great British Sewing Bee have been on TV, Ikea has seen sales of fabric and sewing accessories soar.

Sewing and crafts are making a comeback, I am very happy to hear this.

My mum has a sewing shop, so it has always been a big part of my family life.

I have dabbled in sewing over the years, normally asking mum for help when it goes wrong or I get stuck.

Lately, I have been doing a little sewing for myself by up-cycling old clothes to make something unique.

My sewing machine was over 20 years old though with lots of things broken, so it did not make sewing much fun.

It has all changed now since I took on a IKEA challenge. See how easy it is to make a tablecloth from one of their patterns. How exciting….

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

I had never undertaken anything big before just fixing or finishing, at first then this seemed a daunting challenge.

I need not have worried, though, sewing machines have improved a lot in 20 years.

It was instantly a pleasure using the Ikea machine, the tide had turned, watch out mum!!

I got to try out the patterns that Ikea stock, which anyone can pick up for free in store.

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

The patterns that they have included the following:

  • Curtains
  • Tablecloth
  • Table runner
  • Napkins

Along with one of their sewing machines, some accessories and a choice of fabric to start me off.

I chose EVALENA material, I was excited to try out the table cloth pattern out.

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

First up I set up the sewing machine. It was so straight forward to set up and only took me a few minutes to figure out how to sew, most things were similar to my old machine, just in slightly different positions.

5 minutes later I had a shuttle full of cotton and a sewing machine ready to use to try out the table cloth pattern.

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern: Tried And Tested!!

You Will Also Need:

  • A tape measure
  •  Iron
  • Thread
  • Sewing machine

How Much Fabric Will I Need?

  • To make a cloth to fit a table for 4–6 people you will need 225 cm of fabric.
  •  Most metre fabrics are now sold in 150 cm widths.
IKEA Table Cloth Pattern : Tried And Tested!!
  1. Fold over 1 cm of fabric on each long side. 
  2. Then fold again so that you have a double hem of 1 cm. 
  3. Press with an iron so that the hem stays in place.
  1. Set the sewing machine to a simple straight stitch with a stitch length of 3 mm. 
  2. Sew the double hem in place.
  3. Now do exactly the same on the short sides of the tablecloth.
IKEA Table Cloth Pattern : Tried And Tested!!
IKEA Table Cloth Pattern : Tried And Tested!!

IKEA Table Cloth Pattern : Tried And Tested!!

I am very pleased with my table cloth. From setting my sewing machine up to making the table cloth it took under an hour.

I really liked the material I picked, loving how professional the table cloth turned out! Thanks again to the easily follow pattern.

When my youngest son can home from school, I asked him “do you like my new table cloth?” He said, “yes, where did you buy this from?”

“I made it”

“No way” he replied, “it looks great”!!

Aww “thanks, son”!!

I think the material is fabulous and I still have some left over.

Now, what shall I make next?

I cannot wait to visit IKEA this week with my birthday money, I have so many things planned to make with the great choice of material they stock.

About this post-

I got sent a sewing machine, accessories and some material to take part in this challenge. I was not paid for this post and all thoughts are my own honest opinion.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Julia Nyanyo
    21 October 2014 / 20:04

    Great tablecloth, I've literally just watched the first celebrity sewing bee for Children in need? great stuff and very encouraging for beginners!

  2. Ana Lopes
    21 October 2014 / 14:24

    Hi Claire! I love your cute towel and the fabric you choosed! Ikea fabrics are fun!Hope you have a wonderful day!Hugs from Portugal,Ana Love Craftwww.lovecraft2012.blogspot.com

  3. Etcetorize
    20 October 2014 / 15:00

    I love that show! I can only see it on YouTube but that means I get to binge watch. So glad to hear that it's igniting interest in sewing. Your table cloth turned out lovely. Keep at it and you'll be sewing your own wardrobe in no time. Thanks so much for linking up at the Make it Monday Party! Hope to see you again next week.

  4. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    5 May 2014 / 01:00

    That turned out great! My daughter has the same sewing machine. It's so cute! I've never noticed the patterns at Ikea but I haven't looked. I will next time I'm there!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 May 2014 / 06:25

      Thanks Heather, I am going to have a look for the patterns this week 🙂 I want to make some curtain next to go in my kitchen. Love the sewing machine, such a bargain at £45.00 🙂

  5. Claire Cooper
    4 May 2014 / 21:43

    Fab table cloth. I love making stuff from IKEA fabric, which reminds me I have some that a friend bought for me. Must sew soon! Where does your mum have a sewing shop. I used to love going into Sally Twinkles in Mansfield when I was a kid, as it was just around the corner from my mums flower shop and all the fabric for dance show costumes used to come from there.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 May 2014 / 06:23

      Thank you Claire, aww yes I know Sally Twinkles well. I remember my mum always buying bits from there when I was little 🙂 My mums shop is about 10 miles away from Mansfield, she has had it years and years 🙂

  6. amy mayen
    4 May 2014 / 19:06

    Look at you go! Your tablecloth is lovely- and you know how happy I am to see you sewing!!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      6 May 2014 / 06:21

      Aww Amy thank you 🙂 I knew you would be happy me sewing, you are so talented it makes me want to sew !

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