Juneathon Late Starter Day 1. Also, I Hate Treadmills!! Bold statement! Hello friends, so how are you today? All good I hope.
So I have just discovered this running group, Juneathon which encourages you to run every day in June for motivation. Whoo I love anything to help me with my running so I am joining in now until the end of the month. Maybe next time I can complete the month from the start.
Many people shy away from hills. They make it easy on themselves, but that limits their improvement. The more you repeat something the stronger you get. Joe Catalano
Best get some hill work in too!!
Juneathon Late Starter Day 1. Also, I Hate Treadmills!!
I so hate to do and admire anyone who can stay on a treadmill!! But I can’t I get so bored. I hate treadmills!!
Today’s exercise was 1 hour Pilate’s Class then hoped onto the treadmill hoping to do a hours run and this do so not happen.
In the past I have only manage a few runs over 5 minutes but today I tried to do a 10k.
After 5 Min’s I knew this wasn’t going to happen…
In the end I reach a mile and hopped of filling up with almost madness at myself and stormed off home.
Cannot beat the feeling of running outside in the fresh air! I love running outside and hate treadmills. Did I tell you I hate treadmills? Haha!!
Juneathon Late Starter Day #1 I Hate Treadmills:
Although I have loads of challenges going on in June I am now thinking to make another challenge stay on a treadmill for half hour and learn to love like it!
I wonder if it is possible…..Later went for a run in the lovely fresh air..
Only I hurt my hip last week doing club reps on the grass and on my long run Sunday.
I felt it hurting so that’s why I left Monday, Tuesday and didn’t run.
Tonight when I ran my hip was in pain and I could only do a mile my right leg has gone and I could not pick it up…
Great and on day one of #Juneathon, Oh well I have run and tomorrows another day off now to go on the foam roll and lots of stretching..
Anyway my question to you Love or Hate the treadmill?
I think you know my answer to this!!
You can not get that feeling of running up an hill on a treadmill either. I always feel like I am going to fall off.
So are you taking part in Juneathon? Are you a fan of running on the treadmill? Do you shy away from hill reps?
Some More Running Posts:
Firstly, I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running .My Supporters. My husband drove me to Manchester and my dad came along. Below with my dad who filmed some of the race and a few famous runners: I also got to have my photo took with Sonia O’Sullivan and Craig Mottram. How cool and inspiring! A smile before the race started. Not knowing what I was letting myself in for! I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.
Secondly, Tomorrows Athletes? Getting Kids Into Running. The children love to have a bit of friendly competition against each other. My youngest son will even give his younger sister a lead if he wins her too. How nice of him!! Tomorrows Athletes? Getting Kids Into Running.
Thirdly, New Training: Week 1: Fit To Fitter. So I think Motivation Monday, as I could do with some of that!! New Training: Week 1: Fit To Fitter.
I Want To Be On The Cover Of A Magazine: But Which 1?
Fourthly, I Want To Be On The Cover Of A Magazine: But Which 1? I have a fun post to share with you today: I Want To Be On The Cover Of A Magazine. Do you too? I Want To Be On The Cover Of A Magazine: But Which 1?
Fifth, I Hate Racing: First Race Of The Year. This year thing’s have got to change if I want to improve on my running. A lot of improvements to make and not just hoping I will just get better without trying. I Hate Racing: First Race Of The Year.
Sixth, Diet & Fitness Mondays: Fit To Fitter: Motivation Monday. After that I spent the next month feeling sorry for myself not doing much exercise and eating lots of cake leading to putting that half a stone back. Diet & Fitness Mondays: Fit To Fitter: Motivation Monday.
Every Morning You Have Two Choices:
Seventh, Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun. Every morning you have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them. – Arnold Schwarzenegger Diet & Fitness Mondays: Lots Of Running Fun.
Eighth, Diet And Fitness Monday: Run, Run, Run. Run, run, run!! That is all I seam to be doing at the minute! So how about you? Diet And Fitness Monday: Run, Run, Run.
Ninth, 5 Tips To Growing Old Gorgeously: Tips From Tristan Lee. It is inevitable that we all have to grow old, but some people don’t realise they are ageing until one day they look in the mirror and realise that they should have taken better care of themselves.
All is not lost though – Tristan Lee, The Gorgeousness Coach, who at 48 often gets mistaken for a 25-year-old, has prepared his top tips to help people work on the common complaints, today! 5 Tips To Growing Old Gorgeously.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
i run outside and find the thought of a tread mill a little weird. I had to go on one for a few mins in the trainer shop and it felt really odd. the open road is much betterBow Dream Nation xx
yeah I know how you feel about treadmills! I am dreading it when I have to start back up after this baby! I found you at the blog hop and am your newest follower. I would love it if you would follow me too! thanks!-Nikki
Thanks for all the comments,you made me lol Bad Wabbit :)Thanks for the followings off now to follow you back 🙂
Ugh… treadmills are no fun! You go girl! We found your blog through the hop. We are your newest followers and would LOVE to have you follow our blog!
Hope your hip feels better (my husband has had to explain what a foam roller is). I quite liked the tread mill but I can not get away with the cross trainer!
Just read Kassia's comment. That makes me look crap. I thought I'd invented that rhyming slang! Hmph
Welcome to Juneathon – better late than never! Treadmills? Dreadmills more-like. At our gym they look out over the swimming pool so if there are some good swimmers it can be quite hypnotic! But nothing quite beats being out on the open road! Don't be too hard on yourself with that foam roller – it is the torture tools of the devil!
I know exactly how you feel about the treadmill / dreadmill. I have a tolerance of about 5 minutes generally but I can stretch it out to 20-25 minutes if I do intervals on it. It seems the constant pushing of buttons keeps me interested for a bit longer. You have my sympathies for the injury, I hope it gets better soon.