Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend

Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend Link Up!!

Hello and happy Friday, friends 🙂 How has your week been? All good, I hope?

My week has been mad here. You know when you start one job, then another then your day to day jobs start mounting up?

Well, that!! and more. I am exhausted today. I need a nice easy day and lots of cake.

Yesterday I help set up my husband set up our Daughter’s new loft bed.

Then when he went to work, I put up a floor to ceiling wall length kitchen shelve set up. All by myself. Totally wore myself out.

Hopefully, it will all be worth it in the end!??

Here is a sneak peek at what I got up to in the kitchen:

Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend Link Up!!

Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend:

Helping out eh Mollie? Or getting in the way? No worries, you look too sweet here.

Hehe, Mollie loves to help out.

Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend Link Up!!

Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend:

So much still to do as I am staining it all black. I do set on some jobs for myself!! Now I wonder how many coats of black stain this will need to look good?

Have you stained any shelves like this before?

If so, what colour varnish did you use?

Kitchen Makeover And A Welcome To The Weekend:

Want to join in the weekend blog hop?

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop Rules:

Please follow your host, Claire Justine.

Link up your favourite posts from this week, link straight to a blog page. You can link up to 5 posts on this weekend linky.

Please be kind enough to add a link back to this page somewhere in your post or you can add the weekend blog hop button if you prefer.

Have fun visiting others and hopping around the party .

Remember you can Tweet me your links:#Weekendbloghop I will share you links.

This blog hop has now expired. Pop back Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for a brand new link up.

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My husbands reflection in my sunglasses. You might just be able to see Mollie The collie too in the left of the sunglasses?

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It just so happen that today’s Instagram husband was my actual husband!! Meet The Instagram Husband In My Sunglasses.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. Anonymous
    19 October 2016 / 17:10

    Good luck with this project. It is going to look great.

  2. Trina M
    17 October 2016 / 08:13

    Love it! can't wait to start some projects on my

  3. Maria Parenti-Baldey
    15 October 2016 / 08:10

    Good luck with renovating. Look forward to seeing it when it's finished.

  4. Sheela Goh
    15 October 2016 / 01:24

    OMG you're so brave!! I try to do all the work before moving in, and once I'm in, there's to be as minimal extra work as possible. I just can't deal with the noise and the dust and the hassle and the stress GRINAnd if you haven't yet, do come over and join my weekly Friday Link-Up? I'd love to see you there.

  5. Mixed Reviews
    14 October 2016 / 20:58

    Kitchen makeovers are nice especially when it's all done and looks great! Thanks for the link up!

  6. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    14 October 2016 / 19:56

    Just stopping by to thank you for your visits!! I really appreciate you taking the time to do so!!Hugs,Deb

  7. Paula Rockwell
    14 October 2016 / 19:14

    What a nice entry to your blog! Looks fancy schmancy!!And that shelf is nice :)) You're hard work paid off!

  8. Cascia Talbert
    14 October 2016 / 18:13

    You built that yourself? Great job! Have a fantastic weekend.

  9. 14 October 2016 / 17:56

    Look forward to seeing the result Claire. x

  10. J. Elle
    14 October 2016 / 15:21

    Looks great so far! Good for you for tackling this project on your own. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. 14 October 2016 / 15:19

    Ooooh I love the revamp on the blog. Looks like a busy weekend so far. Mine will be very busy.Welcome by and join your latest outfits with my linkup too, Claire. Thanks. =)

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:35

      Thanks Ada, I've not posted an outfit post in ages due to decoration, but I will be back again soon 🙂 Thanks Ada..

  12. Summer
    14 October 2016 / 12:40

    Such an adorable doggie! Nice party ♥

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 20:35

      Thank you 🙂

  13. Doused In Pink
    14 October 2016 / 11:52

    Can't wait to see how they turn out! Have a wonderful weekend!JillDoused In Pink

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 15:40

      Aww, thank you Jill 🙂

  14. RedTagChicLosAngeles
    14 October 2016 / 12:22

    More power to the makeover!!!Check out how I merged a bit of Fall and Summer in a single look at the blog this week and let me know what you think!Happy Friday!Rebecca

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 15:41

      Thanks for stopping by Rebecca :):)

  15. Chanda T
    14 October 2016 / 10:24

    Oh wow! Can't wait to see the end result! Try to rest this weekend! :)xx, Chanda |

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 15:34

      Thanks lovely, it is taking forever!!

  16. Tamar SB
    14 October 2016 / 09:05

    Busy you!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 15:28

      Thanks for stopping by Tamar 🙂

  17. Carol Clarke
    14 October 2016 / 08:14

    Love the shelving would love something like this in my kitchen

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 October 2016 / 15:25

      Thanks Carol, it is taking forever to get up and stain black, I can not wait until it is finished 🙂

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