Lets Go Shopping….

Scarf ~ c/o School Gate Style
Shirt ~ Primark
Cardigan ~ Primark
Jean ~ Matalan
Shoes ~ c/o Keds

With my husband having a Saturday off work today we went Shopping….Yeah…

A Quick visit to my mother-in -laws house, and a trip into Chesterfield for breakfast,  and me to buy some crafting things first.

Then off to shopping to ….Meadowhall.

Can’t believe we went today, if you watched Ant and Dec’s Take away show  tonight? you will have seen the super computer is going to be there on Monday giving some holiday tickets away,,,Grrr can’t get Monday!!

A mad few hours around the shops, wow it is packed on Saturdays, them home for some yummy Pizza.

This time I had a plan, when it is busy, shopping with the children too and I have no plan, I end up buying nothing. So this time I had a plan, new shoes for walking miles when we go to London. Something bright, comfy and fabulous.

Converse! …I had these in mind! After changing my mind in every shop, blue ,red, pink, light blue I ended up with these.

With 5 coloured tongues that could go with most things I own, what not to love!?!

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. 21 March 2014 / 10:58

    Your photographs – as ever, are amazing! I love the cardigan teamed with the bright shirt, and the Converse are super cool too.

  2. Nicole Feliciano
    19 March 2014 / 18:12

    Such a fun look!

  3. Rachel
    18 March 2014 / 23:18

    Umm, those rainbow converse are truly amazing. I love them!

  4. mother.wife.me
    18 March 2014 / 14:39

    I thought I knew everything there is to know about Converse variants. Turns out I didn't… until now 😉 thanks for linking up to #AllAboutYou x

  5. mrsmsmeanderings
    18 March 2014 / 13:50

    Looks like you had a fun weekend. And I love those Converse!

  6. Zarouhi Zaz
    18 March 2014 / 13:09

    Love that twisted spire, how cool is that? And Converse are my fave transitional shoe! #AllAboutYouMama-andmore.com

  7. Please may I?
    18 March 2014 / 08:23

    Those converse are amazing… fab colours.X x

  8. cardigancladculinary
    17 March 2014 / 21:17

    Visiting from the linkup — love all of the updates! I wish I could get my man to go shopping.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 March 2014 / 07:06

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  9. Debbie Stinedurf
    16 March 2014 / 13:11

    Those are such cool Converses!!! Glad you had a great day with the family.Debbie

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 March 2014 / 07:05

      Thanks Debbie 🙂

  10. Kezzie
    15 March 2014 / 22:10

    Aren't they tight with all the tongues??? How does that work????? They look cool!! Mmm fried breakfast!!! Oooh, you've just reminded me, of I get up early I can go to church for fried breakfast before the service!! X

    • Clairejustine oxox
      18 March 2014 / 07:05

      I know, only 5!! haha a different tongue to match my moods 🙂

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