Merry Christmas: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Merry Christmas: Creative Mondays Blog Hop.

Hello friends!!

And welcome to Creative Mondays linky party!!

Hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy-H-JS Thought where you can link up all your creative post each week.

This week as promised I would feature my favourite Christmas post from last weeks hop.

Here they all are-

Neighbor or Teacher Gift
The Crafty Blog Stalker
Life As We Know It By Paula
The Moody Fashionista
Vintage Page Designs
chocolate and peppermint cookies Katherines Corner
Katherines Corner
Merry Christmas: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Wish you all a Merry Christmas thanks for linking up with us here at Creative Mondays :):):)

Merry Christmas: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

Thanks for stopping by this week’s Creative Mondays blog hop.

This linky has now ended.

Merry Christmas: Creative Mondays Blog Hop

I First Started Running In 2004:

How I Got Into Running.  Hi, guy’s and welcome to my first ever blog post! Scary, eh? Well I did write one before this but deleted it. Who wants to read about the dentist and a tooth abscess!? I was never one for exercise, but after having 3 children I decided…

I First Started Running In 2004: How I Got Into Running.

Six Items Or Less: Month Long Clothing Challenge:

Have you heard of this Challenge before? I have just registered for the 3rd cycle. I love it. I missed the 1st one and joined in the 2nd one. Could you only wear 6 items of clothing for 30 days? Without wearing anything else? Wash and wear? Here … 

Six Items Or Less: Month Long Clothing Challenge.

The Gallery: Trees This Weeks Photo Challenge:

Hello. I am finding my way around the world wide web and all things blog related. How lovely is it to find all these blogs in blog land!? I love discovering new blogs and reading blogs from all around the world. It is my first ever week of joining in … 

The Gallery: Trees This Weeks Photo Challenge:

My Family: Getting To Know Us Out And About In London. Hello and welcome to an introduction to my rather big family and happy family. There is a few of us. With 4 children 6 of us in total, there is never a dull moment! What better place to take pictures than on a family day out!? We love family fun days …

My Family: Getting To Know Us Out And About In London:

London Taxi’s: How Cool Are These Taxi’s?

“Taxi” How cool are these London taxi’s? I had never seen any taxi’s like this before we went to visit Lonon.  In London, they are all over.  We got to visit London for the first time in ages so we were spotting things we never see near us, starting with the cool cabs. All the … 

London Taxi’s: How Cool Are These Taxi’s?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. Katherines Corner
    1 January 2013 / 04:47

    Thank you so very much for your bloggy friendship. You are such a sweetie to share my cookies with your readers. xoxoxo

  2. Melissa Campeau
    28 December 2012 / 23:53

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the feature of my snow globes! I am over the moon! πŸ™‚ Love linking up with you guys! Was wondering is you have a feature button I can add to the post? Thanks!

    • 1 January 2013 / 08:41

      Hi Melissa, thanks for your lovely comment. I was thinking of making one and featuring posts more ofter,will let you know when I've made one πŸ™‚

  3. schoolgatestyle
    24 December 2012 / 18:02

    Merry Christmas! Thanks for all your lovely comments during 2012. Here's to a blog-tastic 2013! Have a lovely break with the family, Avril xx

  4. Jill
    24 December 2012 / 16:43

    Those yarn wrapped bottles look nice, very Christmasie.

    • 24 December 2012 / 21:57

      Thanks for the comment,they are so sweet I need to make one πŸ™‚

  5. The Lovely Mrs. P
    24 December 2012 / 13:50

    Yay! Thanks so much for featuring my Jolly Letters! Happy Holidays! Kim

  6. Alderberry Hill
    24 December 2012 / 11:04

    Thanks so much for the feature, I'm thrilled! Merry Christmas!

  7. Annie
    24 December 2012 / 08:46

    Thank you for the party, and Merry Christmas!

    • 24 December 2012 / 21:55

      Merry Christmas Annie,thanks for linking up πŸ™‚

  8. Michelle G
    24 December 2012 / 01:41

    Those are all very cute!! Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas!

  9. Winnie
    23 December 2012 / 23:21

    Thanks for the party Claire and have a wonderful Christmas πŸ™‚

    • 24 December 2012 / 21:48

      Thanks for linking up Winnie, have a wonderful Christmas πŸ™‚

  10. Jessica White
    23 December 2012 / 23:05

    Thanks for hosting! You had some fun features! I'm following you now on GFC.Jessica @ A Humble Creation

    • 24 December 2012 / 21:44

      Thanks for linking up πŸ™‚ hoping over to follow you back ….

  11. Judy Haughton-James
    23 December 2012 / 21:57

    Wonderful features Clairejustine! Christmas is so near now. It is good to be co-hosting again. Have a great Monday.

    • 24 December 2012 / 21:42

      Thanks Judy, Just getting my kids ready for Santa to pay a visit πŸ™‚

  12. Ashley
    23 December 2012 / 21:47

    Thanks fro featuring my Yarn Wrapped Bottles. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

    • 24 December 2012 / 21:42

      Its oh so great… thanks for linking up last week πŸ™‚

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