Middle Name Pride Day: Welcome To The Weekend

Middle Name Pride Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop.

Happy Friday and welcome to this weeks Weekend blog hop. Friday already!? The weeks are just flying by.

It was so lovely yesterday the sun was shining brightly and it was a pleasure to walk Mollie and go running in. Even with a fever and every bone in my body hurting!!

Middle Name Pride Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop

Today is Middle Name Pride Day. Do you have a middle name? Want to share your middle name with us? Or it’s meaning? No prizes for guessing mine!!


The name Justine is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Justine is: Just; upright. Feminine of Justin.

According to the Urban Dictionary the word Justine means; Individual and artistic, a Justine usually doesn’t give a crap about what anybody thinks of her. Nice!? Think this is why it is my middle names as I’m not that hard faced.

Time to grab a nice drink and a slice of cake and see what everyone has been up to this week:

Did you see my Mother’s Day Gift Ideas post?

Or What I Wore In February?

 Middle Name Pride Day: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop ( Friday 10th March) guidelines:

  1. Link up any family friendly posts. Have fun and enjoy the blog hop. Yeah, it is Friday!? Grab your favourite drink; a slice of cake!? Or a nice red apple and join in the fun. Links can be on any topic as you would like to share. They can including recipes, crafts, decor, style, household tips, anything that you have been writing about lately. Old posts or new it is up to you on what you would like to share. You can also add as many links as you want!
  2. Please follow me your host of this weekend blog hop on at least one social media channel of your choice. Always to follow can be found on the sidebar to the right and above.
  3. Please try and support your fellow blog hopper by visiting some of the other posts that have linked up to the blog hop too. Makes the blog hop more fun for everyone.
  4. Feel free to tweet me at @clairejustineo your posts links using the #weekendbloghop hashtag in your social media posts. Happy Weekend!!

This list is no longer available due to old or broken links.

See you on-

Creative Mondays – on a Monday. The Wednesday Blog Hop – on a Wednesday. Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop – on a Friday.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. chickenruby
    12 March 2017 / 05:03

    My middle name is Jane, no particular reason other than my parents wanted to use my Mums middle name for me, which was Ann, but Suzanne Ann was a bit of a mouthful so they picked Jane instead.

    • 12 March 2017 / 08:04

      Aww, that is lovely. Thanks for sharing with us :):)

  2. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    12 March 2017 / 03:10

    Claire, Thanks so much for taking the time to visit!!Hugs,Debbie

  3. Paula Clarke
    11 March 2017 / 22:59

    Hi Claire Justine,I love this post and thanks for sharing your middle name. My middle name is Lesley, after my granny, so my full first names are Paula Lesley. Some friends at work have been trying to find out my middle name – oops!!!

    • 12 March 2017 / 08:03

      Lovely middle name Paula 🙂 Hehe, I bet it is fun them trying to guess your middle name 🙂

  4. Stella Olojola
    11 March 2017 / 07:52

    *like to be able

  5. Stella Olojola
    11 March 2017 / 07:51

    I enjoy posts like this. I like tonne able to read amazing blog posts from one blog.

  6. csuhpat1
    11 March 2017 / 00:10

    Mine is John. Nothing big. Don't know whyThanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

    • 11 March 2017 / 21:13

      Thanks for joining in and sharing Patrick 🙂

  7. Maria Parenti-Baldey
    10 March 2017 / 19:28

    My is Teresa. One meaning says: You can keep secrets and are a good diplomat. The other says: In Italian, the meaning ofTeresa is: Harvester. I was named after my two Italian Grandmothers — Maria-Teresa.

    • 11 March 2017 / 21:13

      Aww, lovely Maria 🙂 thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Paula Rockwell
    10 March 2017 / 19:01

    Hello! Mine is Jean..a gift from God. I only ever looked up the meaning for my first name which means "small" which I am. I'm glad I know what my middle name means now.Thanks for hosting and for sharing with my party also!!

    • 11 March 2017 / 21:09

      Aww this is lovely Paula 🙂 Thanks for taking part and sharing.

  9. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    10 March 2017 / 16:02

    This is fun! Mine is Maria! Have a great weekend!

    • 11 March 2017 / 21:07

      Such a lovely name Heather 🙂 Thanks for linking up.

  10. J. Elle
    10 March 2017 / 14:52

    I really enjoyed reading about your middle name, especially the Urban Dictionary definition. My middle name is Ann, which means grace. Have a wonderful weekend!

    • 11 March 2017 / 21:02

      Aww, Ann is a lovely name and meaning Jennie 🙂

  11. Shelbee On The Edge
    10 March 2017 / 11:19

    Such a fun post! My middle name is Lynn which is of English, Irish and Gaelic origin meaning "ruddy-complected" which I most definitely am not! With my Welsh and Swedish heritage very much trumping my Italian background, I am super fair skinned! Shelbee

    • 11 March 2017 / 20:55

      Thanks for taking part Shelbee 🙂 Lovely middle name.

  12. Tamar SB
    10 March 2017 / 09:48

    That cake looks so good!My middle name is Alexandra.

    • 11 March 2017 / 17:07

      Thanks Tamar, aww that's a nice middle name 🙂

  13. Christina Morley
    10 March 2017 / 08:37

    I enjoyed reading about your middle name. Mine is Allison: truthful warrior maid. Enjoy that decadent looking cake! Yummy!

    • 11 March 2017 / 17:05

      Thanks Christina, lovely middle name and meaning 🙂

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