Mollie The Border Collie : The Wednesday Blog Hop..


Welcome back to our Wordless Wednesday blog hop again this week, here at Claire Justine. 


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Today I am sharing a few photos of my fur baby girl Mollie. 


Mollie has been poorly over the last few days. I think she mush have eaten something nasty off the garden. I caught her chewing something the other night. Think it was a slug! After getting me up 5 times in the night a few days ago, thankful she slept all way through again last night!


Look at her eyes bless here. She is feeling sorry for herself and I am too. She still wants to go walkies though, so not that ill.



Today she was sulking as she got stung on the nose by a bee! Will she ever learn? Hopefully!!

Aww, my sweet little girl!! Love her to bits but do not tell her.

Do you have any dogs? Any cats or any other kind of animals?

Do you feel sorry for them too when they get poorly?

I think it is hard not too, even though Mollie caused it herself.

Mollie The Border Collie: The Wednesday Blog Hop 30/03/2016:

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This linky list has now expired. See you at a new blog hop soon, just hit the home page.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Paps
    25 May 2016 / 08:45

    Beautiful short-haired Border Collie. I doubt that she will ever stop learning and exploring the world. BC's are awesome dogs that are highly intelligent and capable of learning hundreds of command words.Want to learn more about BC's visit us CLICK Border Collie Dog Training

  2. Border Collie Fan Club
    15 April 2016 / 19:04

    Look at her adorable eyes in that first photo! Hope she gets better soon!

  3. Margarett Murphy
    30 March 2016 / 18:22

    Arr poor Mollie..hope she feels better soon !!!

  4. Molly
    30 March 2016 / 17:17

    Awww poor stung noseMollyxxx

  5. pixiedusk
    30 March 2016 / 16:52

    Bag slugs! They made me potted plants die. All of them did when the slugs start attacking so I dont like them right now. Hope she will feel better soon!

  6. Rosa Silva
    30 March 2016 / 11:18

    I hope Mollie is feeling better! Maybe she'll learn from her mistakes :)Rosa @ Cat Lady Confidential

  7. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz
    30 March 2016 / 11:54

    No, dogs never learn. But it's okay. We still love them.

  8. Fashion Fairy Dust
    30 March 2016 / 09:36

    I hope your sweet fur baby is feeling better!Debbie

  9. Klara
    30 March 2016 / 06:55

    awww, poor Mollie. one learns on one's mistakes ;-). I love the first image both image and edit.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 18:04

      Thank you Klara 🙂

  10. Debbie@Debbie-Dabble and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    30 March 2016 / 03:54

    Molly is such a beauty and I hope she starts to feel better soon..Thanks so much for visiting!!Hugs,Deb

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 18:03

      Thanks so much Debbie :):)

  11. alissa apel
    30 March 2016 / 03:02

    Poor Mollie. I hope she stays out of trouble. Getting stung in the nose has got to hurt. My youngest got stung in the nose once, and could not stop crying.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 18:01

      Thanks Alissa, aww I've been stung and it is horrid 🙁

  12. Deborah Coombs
    30 March 2016 / 01:41

    Aw, poor Mollie. What a rough week. She's still awfully cute though!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 18:00

      Thanks Deborah, she is good again now, hopefully she will stay away from trouble for a while now 🙂

  13. Tamar SB
    29 March 2016 / 22:39

    Poor thing! Hope she's on the mend.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:59

      Thanks Tamar, she is all better now 🙂

  14. Kezzie
    29 March 2016 / 22:34

    Oh look at her! How can you resist?!?!?!x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:57

      Aww, thanks Kezzie, I do think she is adorable 🙂

  15. Ai Sakura
    29 March 2016 / 22:18

    Aww glad she's feeling better now!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:51

      Thank you lovely 🙂

    29 March 2016 / 22:01

    Your furry friend is a sure beauty!Thanks for the party Clairejustine.Have a great week.FABBY

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:48

      Aww, thank you Fabby 🙂

  17. Epic
    29 March 2016 / 21:27

    Awww, poor thing! Hope she feels better soon!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:48

      Thanks, she is good again now 🙂

  18. Teresa Kindred
    29 March 2016 / 20:22

    Awww! I love dogs so much!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:47

      Thanks Teresa 🙂

  19. mrs hall
    29 March 2016 / 20:21

    I would have been have been poorly if I had eaten a slug too. ;(

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:46

      I know, it is horrible isn't it 🙁

  20. stevebethere
    29 March 2016 / 19:50

    Aww! she is so cute and a lovely dog glad she slept after the other night heheh!Have a wooftastic week Claire 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:45

      Thanks Steve 🙂 I like my sleep, ha..

  21. Karren Haller
    29 March 2016 / 19:35

    Well Molly has surely grownup nicely, she is a healthy looking fur friend and I bet a great companion!Happy Tuesday!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      30 March 2016 / 17:42

      Thanks Karren, she is lovely 🙂

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