My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann

This is a commissioned post.

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review. Happy Wednesday. Hurray… Spring has sprung!

This is a commissioned post.

The Sun has been shining brightly this week and I am on a mission to get the house clean and tidy for Easter. Hopefully, I will be having a visit from one or both of my eldest Sons.

Today I have teamed up with Dr Beckmann to share my Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips.

After a long and cold Winter, I am so ready for Spring. Warmer days and lighter nights are almost here and I cannot wait to declutter the house. Fresh and ready for some Sunshine.

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review:

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips:

Firstly, Clean Windows. The sun is shining and the sky is blue, that means one thing. You can see any marks on the windows. Time to clean the windows inside and out. Sparkles and a nice shine would be perfect. Also, it is that time of year when you can actually have the windows open. Nice fresh air flowing through the house. A lot better for you than a plug-in air freshener. Nature. As long as no big bees fly in!! Maybe wash the curtains or give the blinds a good dusting. Clear away the cobwebs.

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann

Secondly, Clean Oven. My oven always seems to get dirty whenever I use it. Even when I am careful. If I cook anything on the hob, it always boils over, spilling everywhere. Then when I get the roasting tin out of the oven it always seems to lean to one side and leaves a trail fat behind. Time to give the oven a full clean getting all the marks from the oven you can easily miss when you give it a wipe over. Clean all the oven racks and give the oven trays a fresh clean. Maybe even treat yourself to some new oven tray?

Thirdly, Clear Out Unwanted Clothing & Freshen Up Summer Clothes. Spring is always the time for a wardrobe freshen up. Clear out old clothes that are still wearable for the charity bag. Ripped clothes can make good dusters or for the dog to chew sleep on. Find out you’ve stored away Summer clothes. Pull them to the front of your wardrobe to wear anytime soon around the house then give them a nice wash to freshen up for when you want to go out. Maybe if nothing fits a Spring shopping trip.

Fourthly, Food Cupboards:

Every Spring I like to go through the food cupboards and throw out anything that is out of date. Clear out the cupboards so you can give them a wash then check best before dates on everything. It is amazing how you can buy something to bake with pop it in the cupboard to use in a few days and then find it in the cupboard months later when it is out of date. Time really does fly by.

Fifth, Clear Out Children Toys. Give the children’s bedrooms a spring clean. I find it easier to take everything out and give their rooms a big clean them bring everything back in. It is amazing how many bags of unwanted pictures, stories, sweet papers from school bags, broken or grown out of toys and rubbish can be cleared out of the children’s room. I sometimes think they must have every meal in their room(they don’t) with all the rubbish. Or maybe they sublet their room to a messy lodger?! Make sure you have plenty of room in the bin ready! Any toys that are not broken or have just outgrown them send to your local charity shop or playgroup. Or maybe save to sell on the car boot sale in the Summer to make some spare holiday money.

Sixth, Clean Out Fridge:

Clear out everything from the fridge and freezer. Give it a proper clean and then wipe down everything that goes back in. Again check best before dates on things. Do not keep out of date food your stomach will thank you for it. Try to think if you opened that jam, or sauce or condiments months ago rather than days. If so throw them away and write a shopping list of things you need to replace.

Seventh, Clear Out Old Make Up. Refreshing your make up bag can make life a lot easier when you are rushing to put your make up on. Clear out old lipsticks, broken up blushes and dried up nail polishes. Throw out old moisturisers. Buy new toothbrushes, sponges and face flannels. Clean makeup brushes.

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review:

Eighth, Clean Carpets And Tiled Floors. Give the carpet a good vacuum and clean any stains that may be lying around. Same goes for any tiled floors or vinyl or laminates. Spring is a great time to clean carpits and open up the windows to help dry them quicker.

Ninth, Recycle Old Batteries. Go around the house finding and bagging up old batteries. Take them to be recycled. There are plenty of supermarkets and pound shops where you can take your batteries. A lot better for the environment than going in your household bin.

Last But Not Least, Bed & Mattress Freshen Up. Vaccum the mattresses to remove any dust mites. Turn over so they feel a little comfier. New fresh Spring quilt covers can be a nice addition to the bedroom too.

Dr Beckmann kindly sent me some of their cleaning products to help me on my way with my Spring cleaning plans. I have already started using them.

Dr Beckmann Product Review
Dr Beckmann Product Review

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review:

Eek, a few spills and stains on the hob. ( I saved cleaning it for a few days so it would be well dried out and stuck to the hob. So I could test the Dr Beckmann active gel oven cleaner). A few sprays and a wipe down and it was all gone. I didn’t even have to use any elbow grease!

Gone in minutes! What a difference a clean makes.

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review

Last weekend when we were rushing out, I dropped my make up foundation on my bedroom floor.

When I tried to clean it up it just stained and would not come out. I tried some of my Dr Beckmann Carpit Stain Remover and you could see it working straight away.

The makeup came out the carpet in seconds but it does recommend leaving it around 3 minutes. Then I wiped it with a cloth, result!

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review

My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann Product Review:

After I removed the makeup. Still wet but the stain was gone. So what do you think of my Spring cleaning tips? Have you ever tried any of the Dr Beckmann cleaning products range? Join the conversation and share your thoughts below.

About this post: This is a commissioned post. As always, all thoughts are my own.

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My Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tips And Dr Beckmann
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Sophie Gillum-Webb
    11 April 2018 / 16:29

    The carpet stain remover is literally life for me with kids and dogs!!

  2. Coombe Mill
    3 April 2018 / 18:45

    This post is like a guilt trip to me, I keep our properties spotless and loose the will to live on my own house! #triedtested

    • 26 April 2018 / 10:44

      Oh my, I can not even imagine how much work you have to do Fiona.

  3. Stephanie Moore
    2 April 2018 / 20:08

    I'm spreading it out over the next couple of weeks as I hate cleaning! I feel so much better once it's done and smells nice too

    • 26 April 2018 / 10:44

      Thanks Stephanie. Aww me too, but as you say, it does feel better once it is done 🙂

  4. Life Unexpected
    2 April 2018 / 09:54

    I love, love, love these tips. We are going to be Spring cleaning this week. I love decluttering and going through everything so we can get ready for the season. x

    • 26 April 2018 / 10:43

      Thanks for the comment. It makes you feel better when you have had a good clean up, doesn't it 🙂

  5. Deborah Nicholas
    31 March 2018 / 14:25

    I need to find a window cleaner and cant wait for the warmer weather so i can throw the windows open!

    • 26 April 2018 / 10:42

      We enjoyed the winders open last week ( until 2 hornets flew in!!) Eek.

  6. Our Fairytale Adventure
    31 March 2018 / 11:16

    I love a good spring clean, where we empty out the fridge and cupboards to give them a good scrub! I like make up clear outs this time of year, no point housing things I will never use again.

  7. Zena’s Suitcase
    30 March 2018 / 19:45

    These are great tips. Going through the cupboards is a really good one as there is always something due to be thrown away

  8. Kara Guppy
    30 March 2018 / 18:44

    I have started by defrosting the chest freezer – its the fridge's turn next

  9. Have Diapers, Will Travel: A Family Travel Blog
    30 March 2018 / 15:01

    I so need to get a good spring clean going – it's a bit difficult with a toddler on the loose, but I always feel much better once it's done! I did just clean out my make up drawer, and found out I had a whole bunch of expired products!

  10. Anosa Malanga
    30 March 2018 / 04:37

    I am glad spring is finally here, and for the first time in forever I used my carpet cleaner and its this very brand which I love with the brush.

  11. Stella Olojola
    29 March 2018 / 21:36

    I love these spring cleaning tips. Need to get my windows cleaned.

  12. Kira
    29 March 2018 / 14:48

    Some great tips ! I think everyone has had a bit of a spring clean on now the sun has been shining 🙂

  13. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    29 March 2018 / 13:41

    I can't wait to open the windows!

  14. Dear Mummy Blog
    28 March 2018 / 19:32

    We've had a good declutter and feel so much better for it. My mummy isn't looking forward to cleaning the oven, however loves cleaning windows as she notices the difference straight away!

    • 29 March 2018 / 09:00

      I think inside the oven is my least favourite job too. I keep putting that job on hold 🙁

  15. Sonia Cave
    28 March 2018 / 17:22

    I am dreading cleaning our windows!! I do it twice a year and we have tons of them that are all triple glazed and open up so each window has 4 sides to clean!!!

  16. Five Little Doves
    28 March 2018 / 17:08

    Great tips! I'm set to do a huge spring clean so I will definitely be needing to try this!

  17. Talya
    28 March 2018 / 13:20

    Some fab tips here I have been cleaning and clearing out cupboards and the next thing to do on my list is to thoroughly clean the carpets which desperately need a jolly good clean!

    • 29 March 2018 / 08:57

      Thanks Talya. I have so much to do over the next few days before my eldest two boys come home 🙂

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