My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project. Hello friends, so how are you today? Happy Sunday.

Today I am re-sharing some Old Post Love. A post I found from 13th February 2016.

I love this post and not sure why Google never indexed it so I thought I would re-share it.

If your new around here, I lost Mollie The Border Collie just over a month ago.

You can read all about that here: The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie. Also I miss her every day.

My daughter is all grown up now too. So you can see why I love this photo so much.

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project

My Two Girls: The Original Post:

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project. Yesterday it was a lovely and crisp evening. Perfect for the weekend when it is time to let our hair down and the children do not have to go to school for a few days.

The sun was shining brightly, just a little chilly. Just what you want at this time of year. So lovely to get out walking or run in.

Me, my Son, Daughter and Mollie the Collie did a little run around a park where we use to live.

Brings back fond memories running around here. Thinking of growing up and how things used to look.

The park was completely different when I was a child. They had a really high climbing frame and outdoor swimming pool. I can imagine they were both removed for safety reasons nowadays.

So, I use to run a few laps around this park, years ago and thought I had run for miles. I bet twice round it is not even a miles either.

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project:

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project. So my son needed to do a little further running than us and carried on for a while. We sat down and I told my Daughter stories of growing up here.

She and Mollie just sat quietly, listing to what I was saying and watching the sun starting to go down.

After our run, it was a trip to see Grandma and Grandad who still live around here. Always lots of fun to go visiting family. Mollie the Collie goes wild when she sees someone she knows too.

I snapped a few pictures of my Daughter and Mollie.

I thought this one would be perfect in black and white to set the mood. What do you think of my photo?

So what photos have you been taking lately?

Linking up our park photo with Black And White Weekend.

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Mollie In Her Toy Box:

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Secondly, Steps To Nowhere.

Well Somewhere But Where!? Hello friends, so how are you today? Happy Sunday. Are you having a nice weekend? Steps To Nowhere: Well Somewhere But Where!?

Thirdly, Black And White Project.

Walk Around London. I took this photo outside Buckingham Palace on our 15 miles walk around London. It was a lovely walk day and the kids loved having a 5 minutes sit down. Black And White Project: Walk Around London. I am so tired thinking about this day!

Last But Not Least, Another On In London.

Black And White Project. Show us your cheekiest smiles kids!?! Black And White Project,

Updated post. First published here A post I found from 13th February 2016. Do you also follow along on Instagram?

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project:

My Two Girls: Black And White Photo Project.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Polka Dot Lady. Thank you so much for stopping by.

Also, follow along on Instagram for regular updates. So let me know your thoughts.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. image-in-ing weeklly photo linky
    12 October 2021 / 00:00

    What a sweet shot! Thanks for sharing it

  2. image-in-ing weeklly photo linky
    7 September 2021 / 13:03

    Nice images here. I need to practice more with B&W.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Patrick Weseman
    6 September 2021 / 01:45

    Such a cool photo.

  4. Birgitta
    13 February 2016 / 15:01

    What a lovely photo.

  5. Rajesh
    13 February 2016 / 13:52

    Terrific composition.

  6. Gerald (SK14)
    13 February 2016 / 13:10

    The dog looks raring to go

    • 17 February 2016 / 08:15

      Ha, she was ok, until she got her sights on a dog in the distance.

  7. Follygirl
    13 February 2016 / 11:08

    very nice, I love it!

  8. Molly
    13 February 2016 / 11:02

    Lovely shot and yay for some sunshineMollyxxx

  9. Robert Nicolaescu
    13 February 2016 / 06:51

    Beautiful photo.

  10. Photo Cache
    12 February 2016 / 22:39


  11. Dragonstar
    12 February 2016 / 21:03

    Lovely photo. A great angle and viewpoint.

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