My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea. Happy Monday everyone. Creative Mondays is my favourite blog hop of the week as I get to see all your amazing creative ideas.

Link up, have fun blog hopping and please be kind enough to link back to the hop in your post.

So hope you have had a lovely weekend? Also a wonderful Valentines Day?

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Table Of Contents:

  • Firstly, My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea.
  • Secondly, About My Johnson Brothers Eternal Beau Dinner Set.
  • Thirdly, Some Valentine’s Day Posts.
My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea.

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea:

My husband was at work so when he came home we had a nice spaghetti bolognese, bottle of red wine and some yummy gluten free brownies for our dinner, it was so lovely. He would eat pasta everyday if I made it him!!  The first meal he ever made me was pasta šŸ™‚  

Today I am sharing my Valentines table. I love it. Eternal Beau is vintage now, isn’t it? Perfect for afternoon tea with lots of friends or family.

Johnson BrothersĀ Eternal Beau

My tables are so big and serves 8 people. Now my oldest 2 are both at UNI it is quite big for 4 of us! I have another idea of how to style the kitchen to make it no look so big but this would cost my husband a bit of money. Watch this space, haha!! 

ohnson BrothersĀ Eternal Beau Dinner Set

Johnson Brothers Eternal Beau Dinner Set:

I adore my Johnson Brothers Eternal Beau Dinner Set. When I first got an house I used to love looking through the Argos book, dreaming of buying everything in the collection. It would have been so expensive to buy everything so all it was, was dreams. Years later I started to find bits and bobs on the car boot sale. So now I have a beautiful set.

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea.

Who Made Eternal Bow? The Johnson Brothers.

About My Johnson Brothers Eternal Beau Dinner Set: Johnson Brothers Eternal Beau was a very popular stoneware pattern when I was growing up and it was introduced in 1981.

Johnson BrothersĀ Eternal Beau Dinner Set:

Can You Still Buy Eternal Beau Dinner Sets In The Shops? You can still find new bits on new websites. Production of the Eternal beau collection was discontinued in 2013 and all Johnson Brothers was discontinued in 2015 so it will be hard to find in the shops.

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea.

Where To Buy Johnson Brothers Eternal Beau Dinner Set? Try second had websites like eBay, local charity shops and anywhere and everywhere that sell second had stuff. Like car boots sales. Chances are they have not been used much and saved for best, like mine!!

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea.

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea:

So I hope you like my table? 

I am also on Facebook Clairejustineoxox if you want to keep up to date with my blog hops? If you stop by anytime, leave me the link  to your page so I can give you a like!! :):)

Now on to the party: To join in the fun~

  • Link up your creative, recipe, crafty, outfit or anything creative posts on the blog hop below.
    Visit a few blogs on the list to make the hop fun for everyone.
  • Please try to include the Creative Monday button or a text link back to my blog in the post you are linking up.
  • It would be great if you would like to follow? let me know if you do, so I can stop by and follow back. Don’t forget to tweet me your links so I can re-tweet them. This Linky Has now ended.

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Firstly, 4 Heart Shaped Recipes To Try Out On Valentines Day. Valentines day is just over a month away and do you have anything fun planned to celebrate it? If so, today I am sharing 4 Heart Shaped Recipes To Try Out On Valentines Day if one of you plans is to bake something yummy this year. 4 Heart Shaped Recipes To Try Out On Valentines Day.

Secondly, Queen Of Hearts Jam Tarts. Firstly, are you looking for some love inspired baking ideas for Valentines Day? Classic Queen Of Hearts Jam Tarts anyone? How about some classic jam tarts for the special person in your life? These are easy peasy to make and look adorable! So yummy!

Just one question, what flavoured jam fill would you put into them? So what do you think about these classic Queen Of Hearts Jam Tarts? Do you fancy making some? Queen Of Hearts Jam Tarts.

Thirdly, 9 Tips For A Perfect Valentines Day Meal At Home.

  1. Firstly, Plan Your Meal And Menu Ahead.
  2. Secondly, Have A Back-Up Plan.
  3. Thirdly, Shop In Advance.
  4. Fourthly, Bake The Night Before.
  5. Fifth, Plain And Simple.
  6. Sixth, Plain And Simple.
  7. Seventh, Turn Off The Lights.
  8. Eighth, Get Creative Or Crafty.
  9. Ninth, Pop Some Romantic Music On.

9 Tips For A Perfect Valentines Day Meal At Home. 

My Valentines Tablescape For Afternoon Tea.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Find me on: Web | Twitter | Facebook.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 3 Princesses and 1 Dude
    16 February 2016 / 20:57

    Beautiful! My nan has this set and I love it! šŸ™‚ #CreativeMondays

  2. Leelo R
    16 February 2016 / 13:03

    This table setting looks so romantic and beautiful! Love it!Beauty by Miss L Weekly Fashion Link Up!Ā 

  3. Cherie James
    16 February 2016 / 01:07

    Such a beautiful table! Thank you for sharing and for hosting. Cherie

  4. Jill Shepherd
    15 February 2016 / 22:53

    Such a sweet table setting Claire – pretty flowers! Thanks so much for hosting. Hope you have a fabulous week!

  5. Imogen
    15 February 2016 / 22:05

    This is absolutely perfect, very impressed

  6. Elegance and Mommyhood
    15 February 2016 / 16:04

    WOW your tablescape is beautiful and festive. Those Valentine roses are gorgeous my friend. I think you will like the Valentine-inspired post I linked today.

  7. Joanna Brittain
    15 February 2016 / 14:33

    Thanks so much for hosting Claire!

  8. Rebecca
    15 February 2016 / 13:49

    Wow how lovely – Have a lovely week ahead! Rebecca

  9. ElleSpann
    15 February 2016 / 12:21

    love a good tablescape! have a good week:)elle Southern Elle Style

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 February 2016 / 09:05

      Aww, thank you lovely šŸ™‚

  10. Petite Silver Vixen
    15 February 2016 / 11:01

    Isn't it nice to every once in a while to dress a table and get out the best crockery! Looks lovely, especially with the roses.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 February 2016 / 09:05

      Thank you, I love this set. Had it years but it is still my favourite šŸ™‚

  11. April J Harris
    15 February 2016 / 09:30

    Thank you for the Twitter follow! It's lovely to discover your blog – and the Creative Mondays blog hop. I've shared some tasty Raspberry Bakewell Tart Squares, a really popular recipe from my blog. Have a lovely week!

    • 16 February 2016 / 09:02

      Thanks for stopping by April, your Bakewell tarts look amazingly yummy!!

  12. Mary
    15 February 2016 / 06:39

    What a beautiful table! We ate in this year for Valentine's day. Hubby cooked steaks….YUM!Have a great week Claire!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 February 2016 / 09:01

      Thanks Mary, whoo steak sounds yummy šŸ™‚

  13. Annie
    15 February 2016 / 05:19

    Your Valentine table is lovely, and sounds like a very sweet Valentine dinner. I manged to put a dinner together with my daughter, but could not setup a nice table like that!Thank you for the party, and have a wonderful week!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 February 2016 / 09:01

      Aww thank you for the lovely comment Annie, hope your having a lovely week šŸ™‚

  14. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    15 February 2016 / 02:57

    What a beautiful table! Looks like a perfect Valentine's Day!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 February 2016 / 08:45

      Thank you Heather šŸ™‚

  15. Nora
    15 February 2016 / 01:55

    beautiful china and flowers, wonderful photos.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      16 February 2016 / 08:45

      Aww, thank you Nora šŸ™‚

    15 February 2016 / 00:24

    Hope you enjoyed your Valentine's Day with that beautiful table setting, lovely rosed and pretty china.Thanks for hosting.Have a great week Clairejustine.FABBY

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 February 2016 / 20:46

      Thank you Fabby, I had a beautiful day šŸ™‚ Hope you did too ..

  17. Tamar SB
    15 February 2016 / 00:14

    What a sweet Valentine's Day you had!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 February 2016 / 20:45

      Thanks Tamar šŸ™‚

  18. Winnie
    14 February 2016 / 21:28

    You Valentine's table is beautiful! Romantic colors šŸ™‚ Enjoy this day and thanks for hosting the party

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 February 2016 / 20:44

      Aww, thank you Winnie šŸ™‚

  19. Debbie@Debbie-Dabble and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    14 February 2016 / 21:19

    Thanks so much for hosting!! Happy Valentine's Day!!Hugs,Deb

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 February 2016 / 20:42

      Thanks for stopping by Debbie šŸ™‚

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