Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-shirt!!

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!! Are You? Hello friends, so how are you today? I love a good Micky Mouse T-shirt, do you too? So much fun.

I never want to get to old for them!! What I Wore: Micky Mouse T-Shirt: Primark Disney Collection.

‘All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them’ Walt Disney.

‘It’s kind of fun to do the impossible’. Walt Disney.

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!!

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!! Are You?

 Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!! Are You? Mickey Mouse T-shirt is a statement of limitless energy and ageless fun.

Wearing that classic t-shirt, regardless of age, gives you feelings of nostalgia and happier, more carefree days.

It serves as a constant reminder that we are never too old to enjoy the beauty of whimsy and laughter.

You take a little bit of Walt Disney’s history, an encouragement sign, and an invitation to hold on to the wonder every time you put on that shirt.

Wear your Mickey Mouse T-shirt with pride, as time does not affect the happiness Mickey offers, even as you age.

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-shirt 1

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!!

Mickey Mouse We Are Never Too Old For Disney T-Shirt. So what do you think about my t-shirt?

Do you love it as much as me?

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What I Wore: Minnie Mouse T-shirt

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Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-shirt!!

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!!

Never To Old For A Mickey Mouse T-Shirt!! Thanks so much for stopping by. So what do you think about this outfit?

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Polka Dot Lady. Thank you so much for stopping by.

Also, follow along on Instagram for regular updates. So let me know your thoughts.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. caseperlatesta
    25 November 2014 / 15:49

    You're right!! I prefer Donald Duck!! Kisses!

  2. pixiedusk
    25 November 2014 / 14:25

    No one is too old for Mickey. Dropping by from

  3. Teresa Kindred
    25 November 2014 / 13:44

    I agree! Teresa from NanaHood

  4. stevebethere
    25 November 2014 / 12:27

    Nope never so I'm gonna get one LOL

  5. Rhonda Albom
    25 November 2014 / 11:36

    I'm in my 50's and I have one.

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