Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London.

Hello friends, so how are you today?

So have you ever visited the M & M World Store, London? Because we love it here.

M & M World Store, London

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London:

Don’t you just love the smell of chocolate in the M & M store? Hmm, the smell of warm chocolate.

We always love to visit their amazing shop when in London.

We had a lovely day out in London yesterday.

The weather was amazing too.

M & M World Store, London

Smile for the camera, poppet!

Today I am sharing photos from a visit last year!!

My Children are still on holiday here still and 100’s of photos to go through. Then I remembered I still have a few posts in draft.

I had forgotten to post!! Doh!!

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Funny thing is my son wore the same t-shirt yesterday he wore in these pictures too.

Must be his favourite London look!!

What an Awesome leather jacket!?

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London:

Football anyone?

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Long time waiting for a bus!

Watch two come at the same time 😉 Ha!!

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Why so serious?


Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London
M & M World Store, London
M & M World Store, London
M & M World Store, London
M & M World Store, London
Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London

Oh Yummy Chocolate: M & M World Store, London.

What I Wore~

Dress: Primark

Bag: Cath Kidston

Now to plan something fun with the children today. All go here!!

Not so warm today though 🙁

Some More Post In London:

Bike Ride Around London: Firstly, some fun photos from a day out in London.

my Husband and youngest Son and I went on our own for the day a few weeks ago to London.

My Son wanted to go and visit his favourite football stadium to buy a new football t-shirt and I wanted to visit Hampstead Heath. So we took a bike ride. Here is how we got on!! Bike Ride Around London: Welcome To The Weekend.

What I Wore: Day Out In London: Meeting Lisa Faulkner: Secondly, my Daughter and I had a great day baking with Cooking With Belvoir An Lisa Faulkner when we went to London.

Whoo so look, me and Lisa have the same outfit style!! A dress with comfy shoes. Great minds think alike!! What I Wore: Day Out In London: Meeting Lisa Faulkner.

M & M World Store, London

Thanks so much for stopping by. If you see the bus, give me a shout!!

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Porcelina
    22 April 2015 / 07:24

    Gorgeous dress – I love the cutout detail! x

  2. Jas
    19 April 2015 / 01:06

    Looks fun! How many did you eat, lol. So happy you linked up with us at Thursday Favorite Things.

    • 19 April 2015 / 06:26

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂 I resisted the sweets, though it is hard with the amazing chocolate-y smell ..

  3. Annie
    18 April 2015 / 06:52

    How fun! I love that Red in London style 🙂 Now I am craving for some M&Ms!!

  4. Alice Warren
    18 April 2015 / 05:57

    Your dress is so pretty,I love the colors. Whenever we are in Las Vegas, we love visiting the M&M store there – so much fun!Thank you for joining TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you next week. Have a great weekend!Alice

  5. Jenn
    17 April 2015 / 15:35

    What a fun store! If I ever get to London, I'm definitely making time for a stop there!

  6. pixiedusk
    17 April 2015 / 12:32

    I love M&Ms!!! I cant get enough of them. I want to go here but its in London which is far from where I am *sniff* #pocolo

  7. Morgan Prince
    17 April 2015 / 09:48

    Love your dress! Great summery look. My eldest has that same t-shirt (the Bart one), it's his favourite too. 🙂

  8. Elegance and Mommyhood
    17 April 2015 / 08:32

    You and your daughter both look so pretty in your beautiful dresses. And I love M&Ms. I would definitely enjoy this gorgeous store!

  9. Patrick weseman
    17 April 2015 / 01:35

    Very cool.

  10. Lisa from @intotheglade
    16 April 2015 / 23:39

    His London look ha! We love M & M shops, so I'm a bit shocked we have not been to the London one when we always end up in them on holiday! Yes I love the smell too. Love yours and your daughter's dresses – fab! X

  11. Kezzie
    16 April 2015 / 20:53

    It looks very bright and fun- where is it exactly? What is the pattern on your dress? Is it orange and carrots!? I like it- fun!x

    • 17 April 2015 / 21:41

      Thanks Kezzie 🙂 The M & M shop is in Leicester Square… Pattern on my dress is different coloured chilli's ..

  12. Margarett Murphy
    16 April 2015 / 17:13

    Lovely pictures

  13. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    16 April 2015 / 11:23

    That looks like so much fun! Sorry we missed when we were in London. I love your dress!

  14. Leovi - La Fotografía Efectista Abstracta
    16 April 2015 / 11:16

    Wonderful pictures, I really like the overture delta dress!

  15. Joy Ejaria
    16 April 2015 / 10:45

    How is it that I am a mother who lives in London but haven't been to the M&M store yet?

  16. Tamar SB
    16 April 2015 / 09:11

    What a fun M&M store – it may be larger than the big on in NYC!

    • 17 April 2015 / 20:16

      Thanks Tamar, whoo I would love to visit the one in NYC!!

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