One Woman And Her Dog!

One Woman And Her Dog! Happy Monday friends . Hello friends, so how are you today? I hope your all well? After a few rough weeks things are starting to pick up around here.

Life lately has got in the way and I last mentioned in previous posts, life was throwing me a few lemons. Well since then life had also thrown me a few crap apples too!! (is this even a thing!!).

One Woman And Her Dog

One Woman And Her Dog!

Well anyway I’m on a mission now to do more things I love and try not to stress about things that have happened things that are going to happen.

This week I am trying to force myself into doing more things I love as I can easily lock myself away from the world at times.

One Woman And Her Dog

Autumn Walkies:

One thing I love is Autumn walkies with Mollie. Wrapping up warm and going on a nice long walk. Popping on my nice and warm walking boots and getting out in the fresh air.

I am loving these walking boots I found in the garage at the minute too as they keep my feet lovely and dry.

One Woman And Her Dog

Photo Plans:

I really need to start getting into taking more photos again. I have been really busy lately catching up on housework as I am trying to clear out my shed and garage.

Hopefully in a few weeks we are having our garage made into a dinning room and I can not wait to get started.

I am also thinking of making it into a chill out room with a dinning table and thinking it would be great as a Friends style cafe!!

So how cool a Central Perk style room? I just need to design it now!

One Woman And Her Dog! The Weekly Link Up

Are you enjoying Autumn?


One Woman And Her Dog!

Mollie Enjoying Frisbee Time.

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Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. 24 October 2019 / 03:55

    Hope that things get better and sending you positive thoughts.

  2. 22 October 2019 / 07:37

    I really hope that life is going the good way again for you! Thanks for hosting.

  3. Cheryl Shops
    22 October 2019 / 04:45

    Mollie is such a sweet-looking dog—I’m glad she’s such a good companion to you!
    Cheryl Shops

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:36

      Thanks Cheryl, we love our doggies, don’t we 🙂

  4. 22 October 2019 / 01:50

    Those are great boots! I’m glad you’re doing more things you like. I like the sound of your new dining room!

  5. Mother of 3
    21 October 2019 / 21:29

    Sorry to hear life is throwing you lemons lately; I can’t say it’s all sunshine and roses over here either but like you I am trying my best to push that which I can’t control out of my head and focus on those things that I enjoy doing.

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:35

      Thanks lovely. I am trying to stay positive, not always easy though 🙂

  6. 21 October 2019 / 18:17

    When we visit up in Georgia and Tennessee in the Fall, I fall in love all over again with the beautiful season, and being out in the crisp, cool air. I can relate to you enjoying Fall walks, and even better when you have good company like Mollie. Looking forward to seeing Claire’s Central Perk when it’s ready 😉

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:35

      That sounds lovely Alexandra, I would love to get away for a week or 2 🙂

  7. 21 October 2019 / 17:52

    Take time out when you need it Claire, we all get in the same mood sometimes. Thanks for hosting and love the photos. Jacqui

    • 28 October 2019 / 09:19

      Thanks Jacqui. One thing after another at the minute 🙁

  8. Kimberly Malkiewicz
    21 October 2019 / 15:06

    I’m glad you’re remembering to do things you enjoy. I’m so surprised how attached I am to our little dog (it’s our 1st and we’ve had her about 8 yrs). Sometimes she’s such a nuisance, but I’m sure glad she’s around. 🙂

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:34

      Thanks lovely. Ha, the same with Mollie 🙂

  9. 21 October 2019 / 14:49

    So much going for me on this week but it is really all positive things! My youngest is turning 2 and we have lots of appointments and things to do! Hope things start to look up for you!

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:34

      Aww, happy birthday to your youngest. Happy days 🙂

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:33

      Thanks Lisa, hopefully things are picking up soon. Still lots of negatives but I can feel some big positives are around the corner 🙂

  10. 21 October 2019 / 14:21

    Love the pics – life is always better with a dog or 2. Hope your days get better and no more lemons your way. Wishing you a wonderful week and thanks so much for hosting your link up too.

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:32

      Aww, don’t say this. We are so thinking about getting another dog, ha!! Just when I think no, I think yes again.

  11. 21 October 2019 / 14:14

    Fall is such a great time for wonderful nature walks! Great pictures! Thank you for hosting the Monday linkup!
    Ellibelle’s Corner

  12. Debbie-Dabble
    21 October 2019 / 13:06

    I understand completely about reducing the amount of parties you host but I am glad that you are continuing with hosting a least one party! Thanks so much for doing that…

    • 27 October 2019 / 17:31

      I love hosting the parties Debbie but it was making me stressed with everything else that was going on. So glad I can still host this one and I will be back on it very soon. Catching up right now 🙂

  13. 21 October 2019 / 11:01

    Claire, I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling right now. I am, too. I can’t seem to stay focused and motivated and life just keeps getting in the way. I am glad that you are finding relaxation and peace in your walks with Mollie though. And a Central Perk style sitting room in your garage sounds magnificent! I hope it turns out exactly as you want it.


    • 27 October 2019 / 17:30

      Sorry to hear you are struggling too Shelbee. I am hoping things will start picking up now x

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