Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade

Recipe and images courtesy of Sparkling Ice.
Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade

Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade. Hello friends. Happy Wednesday, so not long for the weekend now. The sun has got its hat on!! Oh, yes it has 😳

Also, how lovely has the weather been this week? It has been gorgeous.

I am looking forward to the weekend as the husband is going to be off work for a change. BBQ’s galore!? Hopefully, if the weather stays like this!? Hopefully lots of running to be done too, if it is not too hot first thing.

With BBQ Week 29th May – 4th June 2017 just around the corner and the sun finally making an appearance, I thought I would share a tasty Marinade recipe with you from Sparkling Ice.

A Sparkling Orange and Mango Mojo Marinade to smother onto chicken wings and ribs before cooking.

Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade

Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade:

Yield: 500ml marinade

Prep time: 10 minutes

Marinate time: At least 10 hours or overnight

How To Make Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade:

Ingredients for Marinade:

350ml Sparkling Ice Orange Mango flavoured water

6 cloves of peeled garlic

1 fresh jalapeño halved and seeded

120ml cup of olive oil

2 teaspoons of dried oregano

3 tablespoons of fresh cilantro

2 tablespoons of kosher salt

1 teaspoon of ground black pepper

Juice of 1 lime


1. Firstly, place all ingredients in a blender and pulse until mixture is smooth (approximately 30 seconds).

2. For best results: marinade your desired meat at least 10 hours or overnight.

Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade

Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade. Recipe and images courtesy of Sparkling Ice. So what do you think about this recipe? Do you also fancy trying some?

Taking of BBQ’S, I am now off to get mine out of the shed and give it a freshen up. Also, I can not wait to start cooking on it again.

Do you have your BBQ out and ready to use yet?

You may also like:

Firstly, this salad to serve up at your BBQ’S too: How To Make A Kale, Orange And Pomegranate Salad. So tasty.

Secondly, so are you looking for some BBQ tips? Michelin Star BBQ Cleaning Tips.

Thirdly, so are you looking for some healthy advice? BBQ Cheat Sheet From, Michelin Star Chef.

And last but not least, how about 3 yummy and fruity Summer Afternoon Treats? So yummy.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Orange And Mango Mojo Marinade
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Jann Olson
    29 May 2017 / 04:47

    Sounds like a delicious marinade. Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing with SYC.Hugs,Jann

  2. Anonymous
    24 May 2017 / 16:56

    This sounds tasty

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