Parkrun PB Challenge

Parkrun PB Challenge.

Whilst eating my way through my yummy chocolate Birthday cake for breakfast, last Saturday morning!!

(Obviously, after Parkrun😉) it occurred to me, not only am I over 4 years older than when I set my Parkrun personal best time, but I am also a stone and a half heavier.

Eek where did the time go and why did I let the weight jump onto my hips!?

For about a year now my long-term goal is to get my 24.34 minutes PB back but what have I done about it!?


I keep saying I want it back, but do I really!? If I did I would have got it by now!? Or nearly have it back!?

Even my short-term goal is to get under 30 minutes. I am still is 29 seconds away from that!!

Parkrun PB Challenge:

Parkrun PB Challenge

All smiles before Parkrun last week.

Hoping to get under 30 minutes.

No such look.

Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! I even thought I had the tiger in me!! 🐯

30.29 I mean come on, 29 seconds..

Parkrun PB Challenge

The reality is I’m not that fit!

Not as fit as I think I am or wish to be.

Lap two and I was struggling.

Some people make running look easy.

I make running look hard work. Why do I make running look like hard work? because I find it hard work!!

I do lots of exercise throughout the week including 2 hour walks a day with Mollie, running a few miles every day with my daughter, running club twice a week, and a few spinning classes at the gym, so I can not be that unfit!

It is just I love food, maybe a little too much. Especially sweet things. Cakes, biscuits, crisp, pop. I am not too greedy but a few treats and the calories go sky high.

After a weekend full of birthday treats including a sharing platter of Nachos to myself, chocolate birthday cake between 4 of us, a Chinese on Saturday night and an all you can eat breakfast on Sunday morning I decided enough was enough.

Parkrun PB Challenge

Have a look at what I had on my birthday weekend:

Parkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB Challenge

Parkrun PB Challenge:

Now I am getting older, how can I reach my goals if I do not try!?

Dreams will only be dreams if you do not chase them and make them into reality yourself?

Nobody else can do it for you.

So on Monday, I started a goal. No need to exercise more at the minute as I do a lot but to cut down on food, especially bad foods.

Start dare I say it, a diet. I hate the word diet. I feel like I can not eat anything that I like and have to stick to lettuce leaves.

Anyway diet, something I have never stuck for long in my life!! A diet of cutting out sweet things and eating more healthy also including lots more vegetables, fruit and protein into my meals.

Monday and Tuesdays were the most miserable days ever!! Ha!! I can not believe I stuck to it. Go Me!!!

I love chocolate, biscuits, jam on toast and I thought, I can’t cut them out of my day. Or could I!! Yes, I can #Thisgirlcan.

Some of the foods I have been eating this week:

Parkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB ChallengeParkrun PB Challenge

Parkrun PB Challenge:

No pictures of my salads as I forgot when I was really hungry but lots of salads, fruit, veg, and protein smoothies.

I don’t want to stop all treats though. So I set myself a little chocolate biscuit bar rule, if I have have been good all day I can have a treat at night.

How amazing did that biscuit bar taste at 7 pm after dinner!?


In fact, how amazing does all food taste when you cut down and limit yourself?

Wednesday it started to feel easier.

Thursday I hated the thought of more salads and roasted peppers, lol.

I even resisted eating half a pack of my favourite crunchy biscuits at my mum’s house on Thursday, while I watched the kids tuck into them.

So far so good and on day 6 I am still sticking to my new diet healthy eating habits.

Soon I will be flying at Parkrun!?

My challenge started Monday 8th May to see how long it takes me to bet my 24.34 minutes 5km Parkrun time. Not sure how many years, month, hours, minutes or seconds it will take but I want to reach it now. More than ever before and I am prepared to work for it.

Watch this space 😁

Check out all my fitness posts here: All Things Fitness.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Tamar SB
    13 May 2017 / 13:58

    Good for you on the goals! You look AMAZING! I get in my head with my running times, I so get you (:

  2. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    13 May 2017 / 13:01

    Good for you! Your running is so inspiring. The food part can be hard but it sounds like you're doing it the healthy way and you definitely should treat yourself now and then!

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