Professional Onion Tips

Professional Onion Tips.

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Hello friends, Happy Friday. Welcome to this weeks, The Weekend Blog Hop. How has your week been so far? Hopefully a good one?

I have been stuck indoors hiding away from the cold and hailstones. 5 days of snowstorms over the last few days!

Brr.. Really it is nearly May too! Surely it should be nice and warm by now as it is my birthday in a week and it is always nice then.

Professional Onion Tips. Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. How cool another long weekend with the Bank Holiday!!

My children are looking forward to breaking up from school later! 3 day weekend! Whoop whoo.

Professional Onion Tips

Professional Onion Tips:

So today I have a guest post from Island Grill Head Chef Adam Woolven, Who Shares Some Professional Onion Tips.

Over to Adam- The Great British weather has begun to brighten and spring is truly on its way.

Along with the warmer climate and longer days, spring brings with it (unsurprisingly) Spring Onions, which come into season in April in the UK.

Adam Woolven, Head Chef at the award-winning sustainable restaurant Island Grill, shares his professional advice on how to make the most of your onions.

Professional Onion Tips:

Welcome to the captivating world of Professional Onion Tips, where onions take center stage in the culinary spotlight!

Table Of Contents:

  • Firstly, Spanish Onions.
  • Secondly, Spring Onions.
  • Thirdly, Silverskins.
  • Fourthly, Shallots.
  • Fifthly, Red Onions.

Spanish Onions:

Firstly, Spanish Onions.

The strongest in flavour and the least sweet of the bunch, Spanish Onions are a kitchen staple. Best used as a base flavour in any stew, sauce or soup, Spanish Onions should be diced or chopped roughly in order to get the most juice out of them.

Chef Adam says it’s no coincidence we feel better after a healthy dose of hearty chicken soup when ill – Spanish Onions (which are often the base stock of a chicken soup) have innumerable health benefits for the immune system and allow us to recover from colds faster, due to the heated element of the flavour.

Spring Onions:

Secondly, Spring Onions.

Though Spring Onions are quite mild in strength, they make up for it with the fresh, zingy flavour that is associated with spring.

Always best when eaten raw, Spring Onions should simply be washed, chopped and thrown into a salad.


Thirdly, Silverskins.

Of medium strength but incredibly sweet, Silverskins are not your average onions. Found raw in any good greengrocers, Silverskins are quite robust so have lots of uses.

Being so naturally sweet, they are ideal for making chutney and jam, however, when chargrilled they have a completely different flavour as soon as they caramelise.

Chargrilled Silverskins can be left to cool, then enjoyed as part of a salad with the mixture of sweet and bitter tastes. Smaller Silverskins are perfect to pop in the hole of a pie.


Fourthly, Shallots.

Shallots make for the perfect garnish or special addition to improve any standard dish. As they are almost as sweet as the Silverskin Onion, the best flavour of a shallot comes from roasting.

Adam recommends pan-frying the shallots first then roasting them in unsalted butter for 15 minutes at 160°.

The understated sharpness makes roasted shallots a great accompaniment for smoked salmon, or on the side of a Sunday Roast dinner.

Red Onions:

Fifthly, Red Onions.

Red Onions are one of the most versatile varieties of onion. Despite being very similar to the Spanish Onion in both strength and sweetness, Adam recommends eating Red Onions raw in a salad as an alternative to Spring Onions as they have a more heated tang.

Professional Onion Tips:

Tips and image credits c/o Island Grill. Island Grill Head Chef Adam Woolven Shares Professional Onion Tips.

Onto this week’s Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop Party 27/04/2017:

  • To join us at this all week long fun blog hop simply-
  • Link up as many of your favourite posts from the last few weeks as you would like too.
  • Please kindly follow me here if you would like to? but not essential. Let me know if you are new followers so I can hop over and follow you back.
  • Please add the welcome to the weekend blog widget to your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts or on your blog hop page or sidebar. This way other can find the hop and join in the fun too.
  • Have fun blog hopping around all new blogs that have linked up today and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.
  • Try to stop by a few blogs and leave a comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, it makes the blog hop much more fun.
  • Tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on twitter and I will share your posts.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays blog hop.

This Link Up Has Now Closed.

Professional Onion Tips

Did you see these posts:

What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style:

Firstly, What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style.

Today I am sharing some pictures from a day out at the park over the school holidays. It was much cheerful then, rather than the dark and cloudy colds days like what we have been having lately!!

What I Wore: Spring Look: Over 40 Style

Secondly, Griddled Chopped Chicken Salad By Anjum Anand.

“Chaat” is a term used for a whole genre of street food which is hard to describe in one sentence, but one part of it encompasses a lot of simple vegetables and fruits tossed in some tangy and spiced lemon based dressings with a blend of spices that are known as chaat masala.

“Chaat” literally means to lick, as in finger-licking good… and they generally are. Griddled Chopped Chicken Salad.

Thirdly, How To Make Kimberly Wyatt Chipotle Tacos with Quorn Mince.

A few days ago I posted about how Quorn recently collaborated with Kimberly Wyatt, former Pussycat Doll and winner of Celebrity Masterchef. Chipotle Tacos with Quorn Mince.

Professional Onion Tips

Professional Onion Tips:

Professional Onion Tips. Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. Also follow along on Facebook for regular updates.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. mummabstylish
    2 May 2017 / 22:01

    Thanks for the link up. Jacqui

  2. Harmony Skillman
    30 April 2017 / 19:49

    Im sorry I linked up so late this week. Its sunday afternoon here in NY and May is tomorrow, I cant even! have a great week!

    • 2 May 2017 / 12:03

      No worries, great to have you here.

  3. Mother of 3
    29 April 2017 / 21:46

    We've had a pretty wet, rainy and cool spring too so we haven't gotten outside nearly as much as we'd like.

    • 30 April 2017 / 06:58

      Thanks, it was nice yesterday so fingers crossed it will start to improve

  4. Paula Rockwell
    29 April 2017 / 19:15

    I hope the weather improves by your birthday! You just never know what Mother Nature is going to do.Thanks for hosting..happy weekend.

    • 30 April 2017 / 06:57

      Thanks Paula. Have a lovely Sunday..

  5. Marilyn Lesniak
    28 April 2017 / 15:38

    Thank you for hosting. Have a great weekend!!

    • 29 April 2017 / 06:04

      Thanks for linking up Marilyn.

  6. csuhpat1
    28 April 2017 / 15:09

    Have a fun bank holiday.

  7. vanity andme
    28 April 2017 / 08:30

    Have a great bank holiday Claire xx

    • 29 April 2017 / 06:01

      Thanks Laurie, you too lovely.